evan-buss / openbooks

Search and Download eBooks
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Cannot connect using TLS, can connect insecurely #134

Open dflat1 opened 1 year ago

dflat1 commented 1 year ago

I've noticed when connecting with TLS enabled, the connections seem to terminate:

Connecting to irc.irchighway.net:6697.2023/02/27 05:13:15 EOF

However, with "--tls=false", I can connect successfully. Can the TLS connection please be fixed?


alfdav commented 1 year ago

I was able to connect too but I'm unable to search or it just enters in a loop after sending the search command to the IRC

The-Error commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same issue. Anyone has a solution?

diogosilva30 commented 1 year ago

Same issue. Was really excited, seems like a great project. However, is it still being actively maintained?

evan-buss commented 1 year ago

I've been using the latest release with TLS enabled a few times every week without any issues. I think the TLS enabled/disabled debate is unrelated to the actual cause, which is that the IRC server operators actively try to detect and ban users of this application.

My advice is to set the --useragent flag to a real IRC client's user agent so OpenBooks looks like any other standard IRC client.

diogosilva30 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response @evan-buss . Can you give an example of --useragent usage?

The-Error commented 1 year ago

I tried using: --useragent Mozilla and --useragent Chrome without any success.

However, I managed to successfully connect / download books using this: --tls=false -s irc.irchighway.net:6660

ruihaut commented 1 year ago

Same issue for me. I was unable to download or even submit requests for several days and I was wondering why...

Fortunately, I came across this line in the main.go file which told to set the searchbot flag to searchook if ever the default one (search) was not working. I then added the following flag in the command :

--searchbot searchook

With this modification, I was able to get and download books again. In my case, it had nothing to do with the user agent.

99linesofcode commented 5 months ago

Could this be because irc.highway.net changed their ports? From their homepage:

The ports we support are 6660 to 6669 and 7000. For connections through SSL use port 6697 or 9999.