evan-buss / openbooks

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Unable to get working on synology #142

Closed ThinkSalat closed 1 year ago

ThinkSalat commented 1 year ago

When I go to localhost:8005, it says site cannot be reached. The logs say its' working and listening on port 80. Here's my docker compose. I've tried several different combinations of ports and nothing works.

version: "3.3"
    container_name: OpenBooks
    image: evanbuss/openbooks:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8005:80"
      - "/volume1/data/media/books/openbooks:/books"
      - "/volume1/docker/openbooks:/openbooks"
    command: --persist --name thinksalat --searchbot search --server irc.irchighway.net:6697 --tls true --useragent "OpenBooks v4.5.0"
      - BASE_PATH=/openbooks/
evan-buss commented 1 year ago

You have the BASE_PATH environment variable set to /openbooks/ so you'd have to access it on http://localhost:8005/openbooks/. If you remove that from the end of the compose file it should work.

ThinkSalat commented 1 year ago

Thank you, that should be more clear in the documentation! I didn't understand that from the docs.

Also, the logs state to go to localhost:80/openbooks/, regardless of which public port you select! Either it's hard coded value or is not grabbing the public port correctly.

Thanks, I'll mark as closed.