evan-buss / openbooks

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TLS not working #145

Open Unrepentant-Atheist opened 1 year ago

Unrepentant-Atheist commented 1 year ago

I got this docker-compose running:

version: '3.3'
        image: evanbuss/openbooks
        container_name: openbooks
        #command: --name dontwannagive --persist
        command: --name dontwannagive --persist --tls=false -s irc.irchighway.net:6660
            - 8180:80
            - /home/xxx/docker-data/openbooks:/books
            - NODE_ENV=production
            - deunhealth.restart.on.unhealthy=true
        restart: unless-stopped
    name: dockernet
    external: true

Notice command: --name dontwannagive --persist --tls=false -s irc.irchighway.net:6660 --> --tls=false , if I turn it to true, then it can't connect to the IRC. Kinda want to use encryption...

AlexStapleton commented 1 year ago

I tried using this docker compose (obviously changed to my volume and username) but could not get search to work still.

bterps commented 1 year ago

I believe default is true, so don't think you need to specify --tls=true to make it work, maybe thats why? My compose works (but haven't confirmed its actually using TLS)

345     container_name: openbooks
346     image: evanbuss/openbooks:latest
347     restart: always
348     ports:
349       - $OPENBOOKS_PORT:80
350     volumes:
351       - /mnt/mediaLibrary/books:/books
352     command: --name johndoe --persist```
Unrepentant-Atheist commented 1 year ago

Default compose doesn't work for me, that's why I have to run with --tls=false and commented out the default #command: --name dontwannagive --persist. Otherwise it's can't connect.

Kribbage commented 1 year ago

make sure you enable HSTS in your reverse proxy settings if you are using one!

ikidd commented 11 months ago

Thanks, --tls=false fixed my instance.

99linesofcode commented 10 months ago

Could this be cause irc.highway.net changed their ports? From their homepage:

The ports we support are 6660 to 6669 and 7000. For connections through SSL use port 6697 or 9999.

Unrepentant-Atheist commented 6 months ago

Yes, indeed. 6697 or 9999 works!

Unrepentant-Atheist commented 6 months ago

Gotta reopen it again.

The command command: --name FattyMcFattington --persist -s irc.irchighway.net:6697 or command: --name FattyMcFattington --persist -s irc.irchighway.net:9999 worked, now it doesn't anymore.

Correction: It works about 2 out of 15 times only.