evanberkowitz / supervillain

MCMC for modified Villain constructions
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Action_Action correlations #41

Closed evanberkowitz closed 12 months ago

evanberkowitz commented 1 year ago

In the Villain formulation, we can write the action as $S = \frac{\kappa}{2} \sum_\ell (d\phi - 2\pi n)_\ell^2$ which we can write as $S = \frac{\kappa}{2} \sum_x \sum_{\mu \in \{\hat{t},\hat{x}\}} (d\phi - 2\pi n)_{x,\mu}^2$. This makes it really look like $(\partial \phi)^2$ summed over spacetime.

Now we can move κ inside the spatial sum and promote it to a local variable $S = \frac{1}{2} \sum_x \kappa_x \sum_{\mu \in \{\hat{t},\hat{x}\}} (d\phi - 2\pi n)_{x,\mu}^2$. We will functionally differentiate with respect to κ at two (potentially) different sites to compute action-density correlations, and then plug $\kappa_x = \kappa$ so that we can sample according to the usual distribution.

The same functional differentiation may be carried out on the Worldline side.

We should implement this observable!

evanberkowitz commented 12 months ago

This was closed by #53.

However, the implementation is a bit weird in the sense that the correlator isn't in the A1 representation in expectation.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 21 15 17

The reason, I think, is that I implemented the action density as suggested above: assign to each site just the action from the links 'coming out of' the site and ignoring the links 'landing on' the site.

A more symmetric thing to do would be for a site to claim half of every link touching it. That can be left for the future, if ever.