evancohen / sonus

:speech_balloon: /so.nus/ STT (speech to text) for Node with offline hotword detection
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why cloudSpeechRecognizer.listening is always false ? #14

Closed workfel closed 7 years ago

workfel commented 7 years ago

Hi !

I'm trying to use your example, but when i debug it the cloudSpeechRecognizer.listening is always false. So i can't stream my voice to send it too google cloud.

He can hear the hotword , but the command on annyang-example.js can't hear me.

I'm on Mac sierra, i have node 6. I installed sox . I miss something in installation ?


evancohen commented 7 years ago

+@ashishsc The purpose of listening is to keep track of streaming within Sonus (so as not to start multiple recognition streams at once).

There could be a few reasoms that streaming recognition isnt working... Have you: 1) downloaded a keyfile from the Google Cloud console for your project? 2) enabled billing for that project?

workfel commented 7 years ago

Hi !

Yes i have downloaded the json key from from google console and enabled billing. But i use the 30 free days , do you think it's that ?

evancohen commented 7 years ago

You mentioned that the Annyang example doesn't work, does the vanilla example work? What's the output that you get in the console?

evancohen commented 7 years ago

Also, are you sure that the key you created has the appropriate permissions to the API? I have some instructions for this for another project here: https://docs.smart-mirror.io/docs/configuring_voice.html

workfel commented 7 years ago

It's works thank you ! I not well enable the billing.

Sorry . Thx again