evandrocoan / MultiModServer

It is a Multi-Mod plugin's configurations for Amx Mod X - https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=273018
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Controls the Next Map: [map name] text which appears in the scoreboard #13

Closed evandrocoan closed 7 years ago

evandrocoan commented 7 years ago

Controls the Next Map: [map name] text which appears in the scoreboard

[QUOTE=Shattered Heart Lynx;2438437] Do you mind expanding Sven Co-op support?

You can use[FONT=Courier New] is_running("svencoop") [/FONT]to add some extra checks and to manipulate some specific cvars.

Examples: [PHP]set_pcvar_string( g_cvar_amx_nextmap, nextMap ); if(is_running("svencoop")) { set_cvar_string( "mp_nextmap_cycle", nextMap ); }[/PHP]This controls the Next Map: [map name] text which appears in the scoreboard, which is tied to the [FONT=Courier New]mp_nextmap_cycle[/FONT] cvar. I know there are more references to amx_nextmap in your code but it was just an example.

Also: [PHP]#include [/PHP][plugin_init()] [PHP]if(is_running("svencoop")) { RegisterHam(Ham_Use, "game_end", "voteNextmap"); }[/PHP][PHP]voteNextmap() { [call the vote next map method, to immediately change] }[/PHP]This allows the players to choose the nextmap everytime they complete the current one. I tested with server_cmd("gal_startvote") and it works (executing the command because it's a different .amxx plugin), and it would be better if you call the function directly.

Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE] https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=2438437#post2438437