evanharmon / in-mono

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Vercel Deploy #24

Closed evanharmon closed 2 years ago

evanharmon commented 2 years ago

after looking at serverless cdk for nextjs, the lambda cold starts / code size / routing limitations look less than stellar. Deploy on vercel instead

Following the current vercel practice of development only being on localhost. Vercel will only deploy to prod environment




evanharmon commented 2 years ago

Documentation: Vercel Monorepo Setup Vercel Turborepo Setup Ignore build step on file changes outside project Ignore build step script examples

evanharmon commented 2 years ago

vercel app settings:

root directory: apps/music

BUILD COMMAND: cd ../../ && npx turbo run build --filter=music... INSTALL COMMAND: npm install --prefix=../..

ignore build command: git diff --quiet HEAD^ HEAD ./ ../../packages/