evanmak / savior-source

source code for savior fuzzer
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Update klee_conc_explorer.py #2

Closed DanielGuoVT closed 4 years ago

DanielGuoVT commented 4 years ago

Indent the code block into the scope of the "for" loop (start from line 148).

cponcelets commented 4 years ago

Hello Daniel,

I expected this code to be out of the loop, why should it be in? Here is how I understood the code:

  1. convert AFL files into Klee format keeping track of the biggest file size:

       for input_id_map in input_id_map_list:
            #--generate klee seed ktest
            # print input_id_map
            afl_input = input_id_map['input']
            if max_input_size < os.path.getsize(afl_input):
                max_input_size = os.path.getsize(afl_input)
            klee_seed = klee_seed_dir+"/"+str(input_counter).zfill(6)+".ktest"
            # print "before calling converter"
            self.call_converter("a2k", afl_input, klee_seed, self.bitmodel, self.input_type)
            input_counter += 1
            if not os.path.exists(klee_seed):
                print "no seed" + klee_seed

    After this step "klee_seed_dir" contains the N seeds for the next klee run.

  2. run klee with klee_seed_dir only once for a set of seeds

        new_sync_dir = self.sync_dir_base+"/klee_instance_conc_"+str(pid).zfill(6)+"/queue"
        #--build klee instance cmd
        edge_ids = [x for x in input_id_map['interesting_edges']]
        klee_cmd = self.build_cmd(klee_seed_dir, edge_ids, new_sync_dir, max_input_size, afl_input, cov_file)
        print ' '.join(klee_cmd)
        #--construct process meta data, add to jobs list
        kw = {'mock_eof':True, 'mem_cap': self.max_mem, 'use_shell':True}
        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=utils.exec_async, args=[klee_cmd], kwargs=kw)
        p.daemon = True

    if it is correct, the code should not be inside the first loop.