evansloan / sports.py

A simple Python package to gather live sports scores
MIT License
60 stars 17 forks source link

Doesn't work in the JVM #5

Closed ianq22 closed 5 years ago

ianq22 commented 5 years ago

Hey there Package Maintainer,

Great library, cool concept. I keep trying to get this to work in Java but for some reason the JVM keeps complaining that it can't compile the library files. I was wondering if you knew of any way around this? I've tried compiling in other JVM languages like Kotlin and Ruby, but no luck. If you know of any ideas that could help I would appreciate it!

evansloan commented 5 years ago

Have you tried turning your JVM on and off?

ianq22 commented 5 years ago

Hello Bevin,

I just tried this right now I deleted my /etc/ and my /boot/ directory and now my computer does not work. I think I'm going to need to speak to your manager because service like this is rude and frankly, unprofessional. I'm not sure what kind of clown show you think you're running here but I've hacked into numerous small restaurant websites in the Davenport, Iowa area and you just became my next target pal.

Don't mess with me I will end you son