evansun922 / nginx-quic

nginx support quic
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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nginx_quic编译问题 #9

Open devckhe opened 3 years ago

devckhe commented 3 years ago

1 nginx编译configure参数是只有--add-module=/path/to/nginx-quic/quic_rtmp/nginx-rtmp-module吗,这样配置的话,编译报错: ngx_http_quic_module.c:255:3: error: use of undeclared identifier 'ngx_http_ssl_srv_conf_t' ngx_http_ssl_srv_conf_t sscf;
^ ngx_http_quic_module.c:255:36: error: use of undeclared identifier 'sscf'; did you mean 'qscf'? ngx_http_ssl_srv_conf_t
^~~~ qscf ngx_http_quic_module.c:250:36: note: 'qscf' declared here ngx_http_quic_srv_conf_t *qscf; 似乎加上 --with-http_ssl_module可以编译通过

2 使用带--with-http_ssl_module编译的nginx,没有看到向client发包的过程,error.log提示进程挂掉,如下: 2020/10/28 21:04:55 [notice] 52964#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received from 52972 2020/10/28 21:04:55 [alert] 52964#0: worker process 52972 exited on signal 11 2020/10/28 21:04:55 [notice] 52964#0: start worker process 52973 定位像是SSL_do_handshake挂掉,请问该如何继续定位呢

3 贴下nginx.conf worker_processes 1;

error_log logs/error.log debug; worker_rlimit_core 10000m; working_directory /usr/local/nginx/logs;

events { worker_connections 1024; }

rtmp { log_format rtmp_log '$remote_addr [$time_local] $command "$app" "$name" "$args" ' '$bytes_received $bytes_sent $session_time ' '"$pageurl" "$tcurl" "$swfurl" "$flashver"'; access_log logs/rtmp.log; server { listen 1935 so_keepalive=on; listen 1935 quic reuseport;

    ssl_certificate     out/leaf_cert.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key out/leaf_cert.key;

    max_message 10M;
    publish_time_fix  on;
    chunk_size     4096;
    out_queue      17;

    application show {
        live on;

        idle_streams        off;
        drop_idle_publisher 1800s;
        sync                1s;
        wait_key            on;
        wait_video          off;
        notify_method       get;

        #record keyframes;
        #record_path /tmp;
        #record_max_size 128K;
        #record_interval 30s;
        #record_suffix .this.is.flv;

        #on_publish http://localhost:8080/publish;
        #on_play http://localhost:8080/play;
        #on_record_done http://localhost:8080/record_done;


http { server { listen 8080;

    location /stat {
        rtmp_stat all;
        rtmp_stat_stylesheet stat.xsl;

    location /stat.xsl {
        root /path/to/nginx-rtmp-module/;

    location /control {
        rtmp_control all;

    #location /publish {
    #    return 201;

    #location /play {
    #    return 202;

    #location /record_done {
    #    return 203;

    location /rtmp-publisher {
        root /home/jack/workspace/quic/server/nginx-rtmp-module/test;

    location / {
        root /home/jack/workspace/quic/server/nginx-rtmp-module/test/www;

} crt和key文件都是chromium里的脚本生成的


devckhe commented 3 years ago

1 需要添加--with-http_ssl_module 2 问题是自签证书没有添加推流域名,崩溃定位用gdb(其实最后是通过日志定位到问题的,感谢波神) 3 自签证书依旧没能认证成功(已加入根信任列表),爬坑中 再次感谢开源