evant / kotlin-inject

Dependency injection lib for kotlin
Apache License 2.0
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Providing a function instead of property seems to not always work #321

Closed degill closed 7 months ago

degill commented 7 months ago

Hello there 👋 Thanks for the fantastic library - made it really easy to convert an android app using dagger to a multi-platform app using kotlin-inject. I couldn't wish for anything more.


We need to have our component expose a type Foo that is also used inside the component by another type Bar. This did work when the provisioning was declared as a property on the component, but seems to not work when instead using a function. It looks like the generated code still tries to call the function as a property. At first I thought we are having caching issues here.

Minimal example

I created a minimal example repo here: https://github.com/degill/kotlin-inject-fun-bug-example

But it boils down to these lines:

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val appComponent = AppComponent::class.create()

abstract class AppComponent {
    fun FooImpl.bind(): Foo = this
//    abstract fun provideFoo(): Foo // Will not compile with error "Function invocation 'provideFoo()' expected"
    abstract val provideFoo: Foo // Will compile fine
    abstract fun provideBar(): Bar

interface Foo
class FooImpl : Foo

class Bar(val foo: Foo)

Actual behaviour:

The code that gets generated tries to call provideFoo as a property:

public class InjectAppComponent() : AppComponent() {
  override fun provideFoo(): Foo = FooImpl().bind()

  override fun provideBar(): Bar = Bar(
    foo = provideFoo // With error "Function invocation 'provideFoo()' expected"

Expected behaviour

In the README.md it says using either way should work:

In your component you can declare abstract read-only properties or functions to return an instance of a given type.

But maybe I overlooked something.

evant commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the reproduction! This would've been quite tricky to track down without it.