evantianx / Bloooooooog

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ES7 & ES8 & ES9 #86

Open evantianx opened 6 years ago

evantianx commented 6 years ago

ECMAScript 2016


取代旧的查找方法 Array.prototype.indexOf

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, NaN]

// ~x  => -(x + 1)
if (~arr.indexOf(3)) {

if (arr.includes(3)) {

// Attention!
arr.includes(NaN) // true
arr.indexOf(NaN) // -1

Exponentiation infix operator

// equal to: Math.pow(7, 2)
7**2 //49
evantianx commented 6 years ago

ECMAScript 2017


类似于 Object.keys(),只不过返回的是对象自有属性的值组成的数组 :

const cars = { BMW: 3, Tesla: 2, Toyota: 1 }

// ES2015
const vals = Object.keys(cars).map(key => cars[key])  // [3, 2, 1]

// ES2017
const values = Object.values(cars)  // [3, 2, 1]


返回值为带有 key 和 value 的数组格式,如 Object.entries({ a: 1, b: 2 }) 返回值为 [ [ 'a', 1 ], [ 'b', 2 ] ]


const cars =  { BMW: 3, Tesla: 2, Toyota: 1 }

// ES5.1
Object.keys(cars).forEach(function(key) {
  console.log(`key: ${key} value: ${cars[key]}`)

// ES2017
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(cars)) {
  console.log(`key: ${key} value: ${cars[key]}`)

以及 Object => Map :

const cars =  { BMW: 3, Tesla: 2, Toyota: 1 }

// ES2015
const map1 = new Map()
Object.keys(cars).forEach(key => {
  map1.set(key, cars[key])

// ES2017
const map = new Map(Object.entries(cars))

console.log(map)  // Map { 'BMW' => 3, 'Tesla' => 2, 'Toyota' => 1 }

String padding


// 'someString'.padStart(numberOfCharcters [,stringForPadding]); 
'5'.padStart(10) // '          5'
'5'.padStart(10, '=*') //'=*=*=*=*=5'
'5'.padEnd(10) // '5         '
'5'.padEnd(10, '=*') //'5=*=*=*=*='


Object.assign shallow copies all the details except getter and setter functions of the original source object.

var Car = {
 name: 'BMW',
 price: 1000000,
 set discount(x) {
  this.d = x;
 get discount() {
  return this.d;

//Print details of Car object's 'discount' property
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Car, 'discount'));
// { 
//   get: [Function: get],
//   set: [Function: set],
//   enumerable: true,
//   configurable: true
// }

//Copy Car's properties to ElectricCar using Object.assign
const ElectricCar = Object.assign({}, Car);

//Print details of ElectricCar object's 'discount' property
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ElectricCar, 'discount'));
// { 
//   value: undefined,
//   writable: true,
//   enumerable: true,
//   configurable: true 
// }
//⚠️Notice that getters and setters are missing in ElectricCar object 
// for 'discount' property !👎👎

//Copy Car's properties to ElectricCar2 using Object.defineProperties 
//and extract Car's properties using Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
const ElectricCar2 = Object.defineProperties({}, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(Car));
//Print details of ElectricCar2 object's 'discount' property
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ElectricCar2, 'discount'));
// { get: [Function: get],  👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼
//   set: [Function: set],  👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼
//   enumerable: true,
//   configurable: true 
// }
// Notice that getters and setters are present in the ElectricCar2 object 
//for 'discount' property!

Add trailing commas in the function parameters

This is a minor update that allows us to have trailing commas after the last function parameter. Why? To help with tools like git blame to ensure only new developers get blamed.


Async / Await

重点讲下如何处理 Async / Await 的错误

//Option 1 - Use try catch within the function
async function doubleAndAdd(a, b) {
 try {
  a = await doubleAfter1Sec(a);
  b = await doubleAfter1Sec(b);
 } catch (e) {
  return NaN; //return something
return a + b;
doubleAndAdd('one', 2).then(console.log); // NaN
doubleAndAdd(1, 2).then(console.log); // 6
function doubleAfter1Sec(param) {
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(function() {
   let val = param * 2;
   isNaN(val) ? reject(NaN) : resolve(val);
  }, 1000);
//Option 2 - *Catch* errors on  every await line
//as each await expression is a Promise in itself
async function doubleAndAdd(a, b) {
 a = await doubleAfter1Sec(a).catch(e => console.log('"a" is NaN')); // 👈
 b = await doubleAfter1Sec(b).catch(e => console.log('"b" is NaN')); // 👈
 if (!a || !b) {
  return NaN;
 return a + b;
doubleAndAdd('one', 2).then(console.log); // NaN  and logs:  "a" is NaN
doubleAndAdd(1, 2).then(console.log); // 6
function doubleAfter1Sec(param) {
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(function() {
   let val = param * 2;
   isNaN(val) ? reject(NaN) : resolve(val);
  }, 1000);
//Option 3 - Dont do anything but handle outside the function
//since async / await returns a promise, we can catch the whole function's error
async function doubleAndAdd(a, b) {
 a = await doubleAfter1Sec(a);
 b = await doubleAfter1Sec(b);
 return a + b;
doubleAndAdd('one', 2)
.catch(console.log); // 👈👈🏼<------- use "catch"
function doubleAfter1Sec(param) {
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(function() {
   let val = param * 2;
   isNaN(val) ? reject(NaN) : resolve(val);
  }, 1000);
evantianx commented 6 years ago

ECMAScript 2018

Shared memory and atomics

The main idea is to bring some sort of multi-threading feature to JavaScript so that JS developers can write high-performance, concurrent programs in the future by allowing to manage memory by themselves instead of letting JS engine manage memory.

A cartoon intro to SharedArrayBuffers Articles

“dotall” flag for Regular expression

Currently in RegEx, although the dot(“.”) is supposed to match a single character, it doesn’t match new line characters like \n \r \f etc.

/first.second/.test('first\nsecond'); //false
//ECMAScript 2018
/first.second/s.test('first\nsecond'); //true   Notice: /s 👈🏼

RegExp Named Group Captures

1_1orizapmhp_sv5gvovt2wa 1_o6i-gxhbifd27qd73sw7ta 1_webly9caxfnwnwuqcwnmag

对象展开符 ... / 其余参数符 ...

the spread operator is used in the right side of the equals sign. The rest are used in the left-side of the equals sign.

RegExp Lookbehind Assertions(正则中的后顾)

1_1orizapmhp_sv5gvovt2wa 1_e1n-waowbc3yklrfcizxsa


The finally callback is called without any value and is always executed no matter what.

Asynchronous Iteration

const promise = [
  new Promise(resolve => resolve(1)),
  new Promise(resolve => resolve(2)),
  new Promise(resolve => resolve(3))
async function test() {
  for await (const obj of promises) {

test()  // 1, 2, 3