evanw / esbuild

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How to fix "Dynamic require of "os" is not supported" #1921

Open enricoschaaf opened 2 years ago

enricoschaaf commented 2 years ago

How can we use dependencies that still use require while shipping esm? Is that possible?

Minimal reproduction: https://github.com/enricoschaaf/esbuild-issue Just run node index.mjs. This was generated from running build which executes esbuild to bundle this file.

Problem: The problem is that node internal modules can of course not bet bundled so I expected the require syntax would get written to import syntax if the target is esm but they are still require.

Error message: Error: Dynamic require of "os" is not supported at file:///home/enrico/work/esbuild-issue/index.mjs:1:450 at file:///home/enrico/work/esbuild-issue/index.mjs:1:906 at file:///home/enrico/work/esbuild-issue/index.mjs:1:530 at file:///home/enrico/work/esbuild-issue/index.mjs:1:950 at ModuleJob.run (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:195:25) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async ESMLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:337:24) at async loadESM (node:internal/process/esm_loader:88:5) at async handleMainPromise (node:internal/modules/run_main:65:12)

kzc commented 2 years ago

As far as I know, esbuild cannot convert external "static" commonjs require statements to static esm imports - not even for the side effect free node platform built in modules. This would be a useful feature for esbuild to have, as it's a fairly common use case for NodeJS applications and libraries. One could write an esbuild plugin for that, but a comprehensive solution would require reparsing each JS source file and the build would be considerably slower.

enricoschaaf commented 2 years ago

Ok, I thought about writing one but I had the same reservations you had. But indeed that would be a super nice feature for node apps.

hronro commented 2 years ago

I create a new issue #1927 and I think it may be related.

kzc commented 2 years ago

Although this functionality would be better in esbuild itself, here's a super hacky script to transform node built-in __require()s in esbuild esm output to import statements. It only works with non-minified esbuild output.

$ cat importify-esbuild-output.js 
var fs = require("fs");
var arg = process.argv[2];
var data = !arg || arg == "-" ? fs.readFileSync(0, "utf-8") : fs.readFileSync(arg, "utf-8");;
var rx = /\b__require\("(_http_agent|_http_client|_http_common|_http_incoming|_http_outgoing|_http_server|_stream_duplex|_stream_passthrough|_stream_readable|_stream_transform|_stream_wrap|_stream_writable|_tls_common|_tls_wrap|assert|async_hooks|buffer|child_process|cluster|console|constants|crypto|dgram|diagnostics_channel|dns|domain|events|fs|http|http2|https|inspector|module|net|os|path|perf_hooks|process|punycode|querystring|readline|repl|stream|string_decoder|sys|timers|tls|trace_events|tty|url|util|v8|vm|wasi|worker_threads|zlib)"\)/gm;
var modules = new Map;
var out = data.replace(rx, function(req, mod) {
    var id = "__import_" + mod.toUpperCase();
    modules.set(mod, id);
    return id;
modules.forEach(function(val, key) {
    console.log("import %s from %s;", val, JSON.stringify(key));
console.log("\n%s", out);

Example input:

$ cat 0.js
var os = require("os");

Expected output:

$ cat 0.js | node

Unmodified esbuild esm bundle output:

$ cat 0.js | esbuild --bundle --platform=node --format=esm
var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, {
  get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b]
}) : x)(function(x) {
  if (typeof require !== "undefined")
    return require.apply(this, arguments);
  throw new Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported');

// <stdin>
var os = __require("os");

...piped through importify-esbuild-output.js:

$ cat 0.js | esbuild --bundle --platform=node --format=esm | node importify-esbuild-output.js 
import __import_PATH from "path";
import __import_OS from "os";

var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, {
  get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b]
}) : x)(function(x) {
  if (typeof require !== "undefined")
    return require.apply(this, arguments);
  throw new Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported');

// <stdin>
var os = __import_OS;

... and then piped through esbuild again to perform some DCE:

$ cat 0.js | esbuild --bundle --platform=node --format=esm | node importify-esbuild-output.js | esbuild --bundle --platform=node --format=esm
// <stdin>
import __import_PATH from "path";

to produce:

$ cat 0.js | esbuild --bundle --platform=node --format=esm | node importify-esbuild-output.js | esbuild --bundle --platform=node --format=esm | node --input-type=module
hyrious commented 2 years ago

In addition to the workaround above:

esbuild actually will print a warning when converting require to esm format (see it live) like:

β–² [WARNING] Converting "require" to "esm" is currently not supported

      1 β”‚ require('a')
        β•΅ ~~~~~~~

Maybe we can use that info to write a plugin: https://gist.github.com/hyrious/7120a56c593937457c0811443563e017

One note: the modification actually turns a commonjs module into mixed module, however it seems esbuild can handle this case correctly:

import xxx from 'xxx'
module.exports = xxx
jjenzz commented 2 years ago

I'm getting this with require("buffer/") and from what I can gather, libs use the trailing slash to bypass core module and lookup in node_modules folder. I believe this is because they provide the polyfill for the browser as part of the package.

For now, I've added @esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill and @esbuild-plugins/node-modules-polyfill, and then patched the packages to use require("buffer") so that they reference the esbuild polyfill instead but wondering if esbuild should be able to handle trailing slashes here?

This is all a bit over my head tbh, so apologies in advance if I'm not being clear πŸ˜…

kzc commented 2 years ago

require("buffer/") is a different issue and appears to be working as intended - see https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/commit/b2d7329774fd9c42cb5922a9b5825498b26a28f3.

jjenzz commented 2 years ago

@kzc in my case, it seems the trailing slash is being used to lookup a buffer polyfill for the browser so i am getting this error client-side when --platform=browser.

kzc commented 2 years ago

@jjenzz If you're seeing a bug you should probably open a separate issue for that with a reproducible test case, as it doesn't appear to be related to this issue. This issue is concerned with --format=esm --platform=node bundles producing require() instead of import for NodeJS built-in modules. Your issue appears to be related to a NodeJS module polyfill not being inlined into your bundle for --format=esm --platform=browser.

$ rm -rf node_modules/buffer
$ echo 'console.log(require("buffer/"));' | esbuild --bundle --format=esm | node --input-type=module
✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "buffer/"

      1 β”‚ console.log(require("buffer/"));
        β•΅                     ~~~~~~~~~

  You can mark the path "buffer/" as external to exclude it from the bundle, which will remove this
  error. You can also surround this "require" call with a try/catch block to handle this failure at
  run-time instead of bundle-time.

1 error
$ mkdir -p node_modules/buffer
$ echo "module.exports = {abc: 42};" > node_modules/buffer/index.js
$ echo 'console.log(require("buffer/"));' | esbuild --bundle --format=esm | node --input-type=module
{ abc: 42 }
$ echo 'console.log(require("buffer/"));' | esbuild --bundle --format=esm
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
  return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;

// node_modules/buffer/index.js
var require_buffer = __commonJS({
  "node_modules/buffer/index.js"(exports, module) {
    module.exports = { abc: 42 };

// <stdin>

Notice that require("buffer/") was inlined as expected once node_modules/buffer/ was in place. node --input-type=module would have errored out had it encountered a require().

The trailing backslash did not appear to matter for the browser platform if node_modules/buffer existed - identical esbuild output was produced:

$ cat node_modules/buffer/index.js 
module.exports = {abc: 42};
$ echo 'console.log(require("buffer/"));' | esbuild --bundle --format=esm --platform=browser | shasum
a4d2d5027a1ab792dcf6bfb6f0ddc63e273a2b11  -
$ echo 'console.log(require("buffer"));' | esbuild --bundle --format=esm --platform=browser | shasum
a4d2d5027a1ab792dcf6bfb6f0ddc63e273a2b11  -
$ echo 'console.log(require("buffer"));' | esbuild --bundle --format=esm --platform=browser | node --input-type=module
{ abc: 42 }
$ echo 'console.log(require("buffer/"));' | esbuild --bundle --format=esm --platform=browser | node --input-type=module
{ abc: 42 }
jjenzz commented 2 years ago

@kzc thanks for all of that. I'll see if I can create a minimal repro of the issue I am experiencing and create a separate issue if so.

eric-burel commented 2 years ago

Related: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68423950/when-using-esbuild-with-external-react-i-get-dynamic-require-of-react-is-not-s?rq=1 It has no solution either

benmccann commented 2 years ago

To share some details about impact, it looks like this is:

eduardoboucas commented 2 years ago

FYI, I created a PR that addresses this issue for Node built-ins specifically: https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/2067

CodeWithOz commented 2 years ago

@eduardoboucas @jjenzz @kzc @enricoschaaf hey do you have any idea why this same Dynamic require of {module} is not supported error is coming up even when I've specified --format=iife --platform=browser in my esbuild command? My webpage uses a file that has the umd snippet at the beginning, and trying to minify it with esbuild causes this error to come up. I can see that esbuild is inserting a check for require at the start of the file, but I'm not sure why or how to prevent that. My full command is

esbuild test/**/*.js --bundle --minify --tree-shaking=false --format=iife --platform=browser --external:@most --outdir=./build

and the full error is Dynamic require of "@most/prelude" is not supported

Any ideas?

ShivamJoker commented 2 years ago

This is breaking on AWS lambda with crypto module

  "errorType": "Error",
  "errorMessage": "Dynamic require of \"crypto\" is not supported",
  "trace": [
    "Error: Dynamic require of \"crypto\" is not supported",
    "    at file:///var/task/dbStreamHandler.js:29:9",
    "    at ../node_modules/.pnpm/uuid@8.3.2/node_modules/uuid/dist/rng.js (file:///var/task/dbStreamHandler.js:10354:42)",
    "    at __require2 (file:///var/task/dbStreamHandler.js:44:50)",
    "    at ../node_modules/.pnpm/uuid@8.3.2/node_modules/uuid/dist/v1.js (file:///var/task/dbStreamHandler.js:10439:39)",
    "    at __require2 (file:///var/task/dbStreamHandler.js:44:50)",
    "    at ../node_modules/.pnpm/uuid@8.3.2/node_modules/uuid/dist/index.js (file:///var/task/dbStreamHandler.js:10822:37)",
    "    at __require2 (file:///var/task/dbStreamHandler.js:44:50)",
    "    at ../node_modules/.pnpm/@aws-sdk+middleware-retry@3.80.0/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/StandardRetryStrategy.js (file:///var/task/dbStreamHandler.js:10930:18)",
    "    at __require2 (file:///var/task/dbStreamHandler.js:44:50)",
    "    at ../node_modules/.pnpm/@aws-sdk+middleware-retry@3.80.0/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist-cjs/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.js (file:///var/task/dbStreamHandler.js:11023:35)"

any workarounds?

geoffharcourt commented 2 years ago

@ShivamJoker we have a dependency that references os but doesn't get used in our code. We worked around it with this in our package.json:

  "browser": {
    "os": "os-browserify",
florianbepunkt commented 2 years ago

@ShivamJoker Have you found a solution for this? Experiencing the same issue with AWS lambda.

fospitia commented 2 years ago

For AWS Lambda with serverless-esbuild plugin this config work for me

  minify: true
  platform: node
  target: esnext
  sourcemap: true
  sourcesContent: false
  format: esm
    .js: .mjs
    js: import { createRequire } from 'module';const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
ShivamJoker commented 2 years ago

@fospitia can you please share more details about how you are using this config with esbuild?

fospitia commented 2 years ago

@ShivamJoker the cause of the bug is that function 'require' not exists in an ES module of nodejs. The banner option add the 'require' function at the beginning of generated file.

If you use the serverless framework with the serverles-esbuild plugin use below config.

  minify: true
  platform: node
  target: esnext
  sourcemap: true
  sourcesContent: false
  format: esm
    .js: .mjs
    js: import { createRequire } from 'module';const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);

With esbuid API you canuse the BuildOptions below

const buildOptions = {
  bundle: true,
  minify: true,
  format: "esm",
  target: "esnext",
  platform: "node",
  banner: {
    js: 'import { createRequire } from 'module';const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);'
  outExtension: {
    .js: '.mjs'

This configs work with AWS Lambda with node16 runtime.

ShivamJoker commented 2 years ago

Thanks @fospitia I got it to work. Here is my full script file which I am importing in CDK

const { build } = require("esbuild");
const { sync } = require("fast-glob");
const { join } = require("path");

const paths = sync("**/*.ts", {
  cwd: join(process.cwd(), "./lambda"),
  absolute: true,

// console.log(paths);

console.log("Bundling lambdas to ESM modules");

  absWorkingDir: process.cwd(),
  bundle: true,
  logLevel: "info",
  entryPoints: paths,
  outdir: join(process.cwd(), "./lambda/dist"),
  minify: true,
  format: "esm",
  target: "esnext",
  platform: "node",
  banner: {
    js: "import { createRequire } from 'module';const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);",
  outExtension: {
    ".js": ".mjs",
  .catch(() => process.exit(1));
ionscorobogaci commented 2 years ago

@ShivamJoker the cause of the bug is that function 'require' not exists in an ES module of nodejs. The banner option add the 'require' function at the beginning of generated file.

If you use the serverless framework with the serverles-esbuild plugin use below config.

  minify: true
  platform: node
  target: esnext
  sourcemap: true
  sourcesContent: false
  format: esm
    .js: .mjs
    js: import { createRequire } from 'module';const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);

With esbuid API you canuse the BuildOptions below

const buildOptions = {
  bundle: true,
  minify: true,
  format: "esm",
  target: "esnext",
  platform: "node",
  banner: {
    js: 'import { createRequire } from 'module';const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);'
  outExtension: {
    .js: '.mjs'

This configs work with AWS Lambda with node16 runtime.

thanks man, saved us !!!

arukiidou commented 2 years ago

it worked without addtional import

import { build } from "esbuild";

/** @type {import('esbuild').BuildOptions} */
const options = {
    minify: true,
    bundle: true,
    target: "node16",
    banner: {
        js: `
import { createRequire } from 'module';
import path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
    platform: "node",
    format: "esm",

const funcDir = ["HttpTrigger1"]

for (const dir of funcDir) {
    /** @type {import('esbuild').BuildOptions} */
    const opts = {
        entryPoints: [`./${dir}/index.ts`],
        outfile: `./dist/${dir}/index.mjs`,

    build(opts).catch((err) => {
silverwind commented 2 years ago

I think esbuild could automatically add --banner:js="import {createRequire} from 'module';const require=createRequire(import.meta.url);" when --platform is node. It's needed for pretty much all dependencies that require node core modules.

milovangudelj commented 2 years ago

I don't know where else to put this same but I'm getting this error with react while attempting to build a component library. I'm using tsup and this is my config file

import { defineConfig } from "tsup";

export default defineConfig((options) => {
   return {
      entry: ["src/index.ts"],
      format: ["cjs", "esm"],
      dts: true,
      external: ["react"],
      minify: !options.watch

Removing the external entry fixes the problem but that's not an option.

Adding a banner as someone suggested above did not fix the issue and instead it brought out another error saying

✘ [ERROR] Expected "}" but found "file"

      12 β”‚ ...obal.require = createRequire("file:///home/myusername/apath...
         β”‚                                  ~~~~
         β•΅                                  }

I can't find anything else about these errors so I have no idea how to fix them...

bluebrown commented 2 years ago

I have a local script file that I want to import but I am getting the same error. I am not sure why it must be so difficult to import some external script using the import keyword in the browser. The functionality is already built into the browser.

krymel commented 1 year ago

For ESM, node16, this one should address the problem well, even when combining builds with the "same" banner and including support for handling subsequent import/requires in 3rd party libs of user code and such cases...:

import { BuildOptions } from "esbuild";

/** quasi-random identifier generator, good for less than 10k values in series */
export const getRandomBase32Identifier = (length: number = 9) => 
    `i${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, length)}`

export const getEsmCjsCompatOptions = (): BuildOptions => {
    const dirnameAlias = getRandomBase32Identifier();
    const pathToFileURLAlias = getRandomBase32Identifier();
    const createRequireAlias = getRandomBase32Identifier();
    const esmCjsCompatScript = `
        import { pathToFileURL as ${pathToFileURLAlias} } from 'url'; 
        import { createRequire as ${createRequireAlias} } from 'module';
        import ${dirnameAlias} from 'es-dirname'; 
        import.meta.url = ${pathToFileURLAlias}(${dirnameAlias}());
        const require = ${createRequireAlias}(import.meta.url);

    return {
        target: 'node16',
        platform: "node",
        format: "esm",
        banner: {
            js: esmCjsCompatScript

This implementation makes sure that when userland code imports dirname, etc. top-level, it wouldn't break with "duplicate identifier" error, as all identifiers are randomly generated, which is an issue with the import {createRequire} from 'module';const require=createRequire(import.meta.url); approach. Someone imports "createRequire" in userland code and it breaks. Also: depending on the runtime, import.meta.url won't be defined. That's why the 3rd party module es-dirname is used, which uses a hack to retrieve the dirname by parsing an artificially thrown Node.js stacktrace... (yeah yeah.. I know... what the heck...)

Apply it to your esbuild bundle config as you like:

import { build } from "esbuild"

    ...your other options here...
jason-henriksen commented 1 year ago

This should not be closed. I had to hack it like this:

const sharedConfig =
  entryPoints: ['src/main/cli.ts'],
  bundle: true,
  //minify: true,
  sourcemap: 'linked',
  target: ['esnext'],
  platform: 'node',
  external: Object.keys(dependencies),

console.log('compile start')

// build the code - esm style
  format: 'esm',
  banner: {
    js:`import { createRequire } from 'module';const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);`

I couldn't believe it, but it actually solved the problem.

There should be a parameter that says:


that does this without me having to blindly hack like this. Aside from this, absolutely love the tool!

haikyuu commented 1 year ago

I think a good "fix" for this issue would be to show the offending dependency. Adding that dependency to external is the next step to solve the problem for the user.

ottokruse commented 1 year ago

Folks using AWS JS SDK V2 ("aws-sdk") running into this might consider switching to the V3 JS SDK (e.g. "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb") as a solution

(I realize there is work in that, just wanted to mention it as an option)

btakita commented 1 year ago

I already have libraries which import { createRequire } from 'module', so the error Runtime.UserCodeSyntaxError: SyntaxError: Identifier 'createRequire' has already been declared occurred.

To fix, I had to change the banner to:

const require = await import('module').then($=>$.createRequire(import.meta.url));

LinusU commented 1 year ago

@btakita you could probably also do something like:

import { createRequire as yix6bKft } from 'module';const require = yix6bKft(import.meta.url);
sybereal commented 1 year ago

In my case, to avoid having to manually deal with identifier collision, I went with an async IIFE.

const { require, __filename, __dirname } = await (async () => {
    const { createRequire } = await import("node:module");
    const { fileURLToPath } = await import("node:url");

    return {
        require: createRequire(import.meta.url),
        __filename: fileURLToPath(import.meta.url),
        __dirname: fileURLToPath(new URL(".", import.meta.url)),
jonaskello commented 1 year ago

I just tried to create a bundle with --format=esm --platform=node and hit this issue. Adding the banner creating the require solved it in my bundle. I was just wondering if there is a particular reason this banner is not added by default for --format=esm --platform=node? Does adding it potentially break something?

guushamann commented 1 year ago

for me this little config resolved all my problems with require in packages, and the use of dirname and filename in packages. tested on a middle size project and deployed

import * as esbuild from 'esbuild'

await esbuild.build({
    entryPoints: ['src/main.ts'],
    bundle: true,
    outfile: 'dist/main.js',
    format: "esm",
    target: "esnext",
    platform: "node",
        js: `
        import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
        import { createRequire as topLevelCreateRequire } from 'module';
        const require = topLevelCreateRequire(import.meta.url);
        const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
        const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
soheilous commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much, YOU saved me <3

xzec commented 1 year ago

I used @guushamann's solution and I was getting ReferenceError: path is not defined. After I added import path from 'path'; as the first line of banner, things finally started working.

  /* Other options... */
  banner: {
    js: `
    import path from 'path';
    import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
    import { createRequire as topLevelCreateRequire } from 'module';
    const require = topLevelCreateRequire(import.meta.url);
    const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
    const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
code-by commented 1 year ago

I have same problem with deploy AWS lambda (lambda.mjs) which import npm package. Please explain what and how do I need install, which configs and were to add to solve error Dynamic require of "stream" is not supported

guushamann commented 1 year ago

just use my esbuild script :-)

I have same problem with deploy AWS lambda (lambda.mjs) which import npm package. Please explain what and how do I need install, which configs and were to add to solve error Dynamic require of "stream" is not supported

hanneswidrig commented 1 year ago

This might be the answer for many, especially for those using ESM with AWS SDK v3.


bundling: {
    format: aws_lambda_nodejs.OutputFormat.ESM,
    mainFields: ["module", "main"],
architecture: aws_lambda.Architecture.ARM_64,
redsuperbat commented 1 year ago

Had this issue as well. To avoid naming collisions i used async imports:

  banner: {
    js: `
const require = (await import("node:module")).createRequire(import.meta.url);
const __filename = (await import("node:url")).fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = (await import("node:path")).dirname(__filename);
fchevallieratecna commented 1 year ago

@milovangudelj did you find a way to make it work with react ?

paralin commented 1 year ago

Since it seems createRequire and the module package are not available in browsers, what's the best way to transform require("foo") to import "foo" for the browser with esbuild?

valclarkop commented 1 year ago

Adding this here for anyone using @nx/esbuild I was experiencing this issue with @nx/esbuild; using what @redsuperbat suggested, I was able to get my builds working .


               "js":"const require = (await import('node:module')).createRequire(import.meta.url);const __filename = (await import('node:url')).fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);const __dirname = (await import('node:path')).dirname(__filename);"
ErlendHer commented 1 year ago

I tried adding this banner to my esbuild config:

 banner: {
    js: `
    const require = (await import("node:module")).createRequire(import.meta.url);
    const __filename = (await import("node:url")).fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
    const __dirname = (await import("node:path")).dirname(__filename);

This worked when running my lambda handler function locally, but when publishing to lambda, I got the error SyntaxError: Identifier 'require' has already been declared. Has anybody else ran into the same issue? I considered conditionally assigning require, but it seems like a dirty hack

EDIT(Resolved): This happened because I didn't include a package.json in the deploy with "type:module", so Lambda treated it as CommonJS

awoerp commented 1 year ago

EDIT(Resolved): This happened because I didn't include a package.json in the deploy with "type:module", so Lambda treated it as CommonJS

Not sure whether this is universally applicable I was also able to resolve this (when running my program with nodeJS) by changing the file extension of my file from ".js" to ".mjs".

paralin commented 1 year ago

In many cases such as in mui and when working with esm modules in esbuild, the mui code is calling in-line synchronous require() with a peer dependency path. Esbuild correctly transforms these require calls according to the resolve plugins. However, we need to remap require to import since require is no longer supported, and import returns an async Promise.

Remapping require to import requires either importing the path in advance with an import statement and then returning it within a require shim:

import * as __esbuild_foo_bar from "@foo/bar";
const require = (pkgName) => {
  switch (pkgName) {
  case "@foo/bar":
    return __esbuild_foo_bar;
    throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + pkgName + '" is not supported');

Or esbuild would otherwise have to edit the entire tree of calls above the require statement to make them async and add an await before require which seems intractable.

So to fix this: @evanw I recommend generating a shim for require using our existing knowledge of which imports are consumed by the output file.

segevfiner commented 1 year ago

CJS/ESM is sooooo much fun. So you can't bundle CJS module that use Node.JS builtin into an ESM build, but you also can't keep external ESM only modules in CJS builds.

Seriously... This is maddening...Why can't things just work...

brianjenkins94 commented 1 year ago

I was running into this with code intended to be run in the browser. Adding --platform=browser fixed it.

segevfiner commented 1 year ago

I was running into this with code intended to be run in the browser. Adding --platform=browser fixed it.

Will only work if the affected package has a browser build that obviously doesn't use Node.js builtins, and you don't otherwise want to build for Node js.