Open hardfist opened 2 years ago
To me, what Webpack does is strange. The lib.js
side effect seems desired from the source code.
since no spec about tree shaking, I don't know which is right
// package.json
"sideEffects": [
// index.js
import Drawer from './components/drawer/index.js';
export { Drawer, .... }
// components/drawer/inde.js
import './style.css'; // This file would be shaked wrongly!
export * from './drawer.js';
export { default } from './drawer.js';
I used vite(based on rollup or esbuild) to build my project with the following entry:
// src/main.js
import { Drawer } from 'my-lib'
And I found that tree-shaking eliminated my css files that I had listed in sideEffects
field, which confused me. But when I tried to change the following line
export { default } from './drawer.js';
into the below:
import drawer from './drawer.js';
export default drawer;
Everything works well, I guess that may be a BUG with rollup or esbuild.
@hardfist But when at development with vite, I didn't get this problem, it only occurred at build time, so I preferred to think of this as rollup's BUG not esbuild.
@hardfist But when at development with vite, I didn't get this problem, it only occurred at build time, so I preferred to think of this as rollup's BUG not esbuild.
you need to provide minimal demo using esbuild | rollup directly
Regarding rollup
, there may be some misunderstandings. I think that rollup
itself does not seem to respect the sideEffects
field in package.json
, ref:
If sideEffects need to take effect, there are several solutions:
in the rollup.config.js
. moduleSideEffects
field in the load
and transform
hooks to provide side effects
for specific modules. @rollup/plugin-node-resolve
plugin respects the sideEffects
field in package.json
webpack has a nice feature,when set sideEffects to false, if a import x from b, and x comes from b's reexport from c, then bundler could shake whole side effect in b
different bundler result are shown, and you can see webpack tree shake the lib.js side effect, but esbuild and rollup does not,
This feature is documented here
and vue change sideEffects to true to avoid shaking sideEffects, so I'm wondering whether esbuild could align with webpack or webpack's behavior is not right.