evanw / glfx.js

An image effects library for JavaScript using WebGL
MIT License
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Contrast Issue #18

Open zopanix opened 11 years ago

zopanix commented 11 years ago


First of all, I love the library! it's great bud I got a small question. I know a issue like this was already posted before, bud I got the same issue. Basically, I change the contrast of an image, then I save the image as a file. It displays great bud when i open the saved file, it's psychedelic, and it isn't applied everywhere. You said on the other issue that it was something about inverting RGB vs BRG or something like that. I'm not a specialist in the field ^^'. I have the problem with contrast only. When I apply contrast on the image, and i save it, it's not the expected result.

I'm attaching an example with original, printscreen of canvas, and saved file so you can see the differences.


Here's the code that get the data :

var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var base64 = dataURL.replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpg);base64,/, "");

FYI : OS: Win 7 SP1 Browser: Chrome 27 Graphic Card: ATI 5650M (not sure it's usefull) photo 6 canvas_preview savedfile

Thanks for your response