evanw / glfx.js

An image effects library for JavaScript using WebGL
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remove `checkFramebufferStatus` call in `texture.js` `drawTo` #59

Open Axel-Jacobsen opened 2 years ago

Axel-Jacobsen commented 2 years ago


The function call of checkFramebufferStatus in texture.js takes about 37% of drawTo calls on Chrome, by my profiling:


On analysis, when checkFramebufferStatus returns with something other than FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE, an error is thrown.

If an error is not manually thrown, an error would still pop-up no? If the if-statement is removed, the only thing lost is a bit of clarity (occasionally, I haven't ever bumped into this issue) for a 40% gain of efficiency.

Simply removing this if-statement speeds things up:


Perhaps I am missing something that checkFramebufferStatus does, and if this is the case please let me know!

Cheers, I adore glfx.js!