evcc-io / evcc

Sonne tanken ☀️🚘
MIT License
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Diverse Probleme seit 0.123.0 #11189

Closed mhibu closed 9 months ago

mhibu commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

Seit 22.12.2023 funktioniert auch schon vor dem Update auf 0.123.0 folgendes nicht mehr:

Fahrzeugabfrage zu Kia Niro EV, Fahrzeugabfrage zu Seat Mii, Preisabfrage von Tibber, Verbindung zu Go-e Charger V3 im lokalen Netz

Die config habe ich bereits um die mir bekannten breaking Changes geändert. Haben andere ähnliche Probleme?

Steps to reproduce

  1. Restart EVCC

Configuration details

# open evcc at http://evcc.local:7070
  schema: http
  host: evcc.local # .local suffix announces the hostname on MDNS
  port: 7070

log: info
  cache: error

interval: 10s # control cycle interval

- type: template
  template: sungrow-hybrid 
  id: 1  
  host: SungrowWR.fritz.box  
  port: 502  
  usage: grid  
  modbus: tcpip  
  name: grid1
- type: template
  template: sungrow-hybrid 
  id: 1  
  host: SungrowWR.fritz.box  
  port: 502  
  usage: pv  
  modbus: tcpip  
  name: pv2
- type: template
  template: sungrow-hybrid 
  id: 1  
  host: SungrowWR.fritz.box  
  port: 502  
  usage: battery  
  modbus: tcpip  
  name: battery3

- type: template
  template: wallbe 
  host: Wallbe.fritz.box  
  port: 502  
  name: wallbox6
- name: wallbox7
  type: template
  template: go-e-v3
  host: go-echarger-059095.fritz.box

- name: ev4
  type: template
  template: seat
  title: Mii # Wird in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt # Optional
  user: user # Benutzerkonto (bspw. E-Mail Adresse, User Id, etc.)
  password: password # Passwort des Benutzerkontos (bei führenden Nullen bitte in einfache Hochkommata setzen)
  vin: VSS... # Erforderlich, wenn mehrere Fahrzeuge des Herstellers vorhanden sind # Optional
  capacity: 32 # Akku-Kapazität in kWh # Optional 
  phases: 2  
  mode: pv  
  minCurrent: 6  
  maxCurrent: 16
  - VSS...
  # priority: 1 
  cloud: false
- name: ev5
  type: template
  template: kia 
  title: Niro  
  user: user  
  password: password  
  vin: KNA...  
  capacity: 64.8  
  phases: 3  
  icon: car  
  cache: 10m  
  language: de  
  mode: pv  
  minCurrent: 6  
  maxCurrent: 16  
  # priority: 2  

- title: Wand
  charger: wallbox6
  vehicle: ev5
  mode: pv
  phases: 3
  mincurrent: 6
  maxcurrent: 16
  # priority: 2
  enable: # pv mode enable behavior
    delay: 60s # threshold must be exceeded for this long
    threshold: -2500 # grid power threshold (in Watts, negative=export). If zero, export must exceed minimum charge power to enable
  disable: # pv mode disable behavior
    delay: 10m # threshold must be exceeded for this long
    threshold: 0 # maximum import power (W)
  guardDuration: 10m # switch charger contactor not more often than this (default 10m)
- title: Tor
  charger: wallbox7
  vehicle: ev4
  mode: pv
  phases: 3
  mincurrent: 6
  maxcurrent: 16
  # priority: 1
  enable: # pv mode enable behavior
    delay: 40s # threshold must be exceeded for this long
    threshold: -1000 # grid power threshold (in Watts, negative=export). If zero, export must exceed minimum charge power to enable
  disable: # pv mode disable behavior
    delay: 10m # threshold must be exceeded for this long
    threshold: 0 # maximum import power (W)
  guardDuration: 10m # switch charger contactor not more often than this (default 10m)

  title: Zuhause
    grid: grid1
    - pv2
    - battery3
  residualPower: 300 # 100W verbleibende Einspeiseleistung bzw. Batterieladung
  maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging: 100 #maximale Netzbezugsleistung in W während der Batterieladung, verursacht durch Wechselrichter Limitierung
  # smartCostLimit: 0.01 # 8 ct

# tariffs are the fixed or variable tariffs
# cheap (tibber/awattar) can be used to define a tariff rate considered cheap enough for charging
  # currency: EUR # three letter ISO-4217 currency code (default EUR)
    # either static grid price
    type: tibber # or type: fixed
    # price: 0.294 # EUR/kWh

    # # or variable via tibber
    # type: tibber
    token: "xxxx" # access token
    # homeid: "xxxx" # optional if multiple homes associated to account

    # # or variable via awattar
    # type: awattar
    # cheap: 0.2 # EUR/kWh
    # region: de # optional, choose at for Austria
    # rate for feeding excess (pv) energy to the grid
    type: fixed
    price: 0.0791 # EUR/kWh
    type: grünstromindex
    zip: 98708

# mqtt message broker
  # broker: localhost:1883
  # topic: evcc # root topic for publishing, set empty to disable
  # user:
  # password:

# influx database
  # url: http://localhost:8086
  # database: evcc
  # user:
  # password:

sponsortoken: xxxxxx

  - port: 5021
    uri: SungrowWR.fritz.box:502
    id: 1
# eebus credentials
  # uri: # :4712
  # interfaces: # limit eebus to specific network interfaces
  # - en0
  # certificate: # local signed certificate, required, can be generated via `evcc eebus-cert`
  #   public: # public key
  #   private: # private key

# push messages
    start: # charge start event
      title: Charge started
      msg: Started charging in "${mode}" mode
    stop: # charge stop event
      title: Charge finished
      msg: Finished charging ${chargedEnergy:%.1fk}kWh in ${chargeDuration}.
    connect: # vehicle connect event
      title: Car connected
      msg: "Car connected at ${pvPower:%.1fk}kW PV"
    disconnect: # vehicle connected event
      title: Car disconnected
      msg: Car disconnected after ${connectedDuration}
  # - type: pushover
  #   app: # app id
  #   recipients:
  #   - # list of recipient ids
  # - type: telegram
  #   token: # bot id
  #   chats:
  #   - # list of chat ids
  # - type: email
  #   uri: smtp://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/?fromAddress=<from>&toAddresses=<to>

Log details

root@pi:/etc# evcc --log debug
[main  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:35:39 evcc 0.123.0
[main  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:35:39 using config file: /etc/evcc.yaml
[main  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:35:39 starting ui and api at :7070
[db    ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:35:45 using sqlite database: /root/.evcc/evcc.db
[proxy-5021] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:35:45 modbus proxy for SungrowWR.fritz.box:502 listening at :5021
[main  ] ERROR 2023/12/22 21:35:55 creating vehicle ev5 failed: cannot create vehicle 'template': cannot create vehicle 'kia': login failed: deviceid not found
[main  ] ERROR 2023/12/22 21:35:55 creating vehicle ev4 failed: cannot create vehicle 'template': cannot create vehicle 'seat': Get "https://identity.vwgroup.io/oidc/v1/authorize?client_id=30e33736-c537-4c72-ab60-74a7b92cfe83%40apps_vw-dilab_com&code_challenge=NHGXfl38jnbjhQI9FMc0khm25Ot8kL_zRPBoR2I5ySo&code_challenge_method=S256&redirect_uri=cupraconnect%3A%2F%2Fidentity-kit%2Flogin&response_type=code+id_token&scope=openid+profile+mbb&nonce=TwGmIBVSizqGYDfZUhfjbnhvRdTWCmtfZLPDuTZnTmC&state=8801f613-9311-4971-93be-0902dc0ee68b": dial tcp: lookup identity.vwgroup.io: i/o timeout
[main  ] ERROR 2023/12/22 21:36:05 failed configuring grid tariff: cannot create tariff 'tibber': Message: Post "https://api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql": dial tcp: lookup api.tibber.com: i/o timeout, Locations: [], Extensions: map[code:request_error]
[gsi   ] ERROR 2023/12/22 21:36:58 Get "https://api.corrently.io/v2.0/gsi/prediction?zip=***": dial tcp: lookup api.corrently.io: i/o timeout
[main  ] ERROR 2023/12/22 21:36:58 failed configuring co2 tariff: cannot create tariff 'grünstromindex': Get "https://api.corrently.io/v2.0/gsi/prediction?zip=98708": dial tcp: lookup api.corrently.io: i/o timeout
[lp-2  ] ERROR 2023/12/22 21:37:03 charge total import: Get "http://go-echarger-059095.fritz.box/status": dial tcp: lookup go-echarger-059095.fritz.box: i/o timeout
[site  ] WARN 2023/12/22 21:37:03 vehicle 'Mii (offline)' does not support automatic detection
[site  ] WARN 2023/12/22 21:37:03 vehicle 'Niro (offline)' does not support automatic detection
[site  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03 site config:
[site  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03   meters:      grid â pv â battery â
[site  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03     grid:      power â energy â currents â
[site  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03     pv 1:      power â energy â currents â
[site  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03     battery 1: power â energy â currents â soc â capacity â
[site  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03   vehicles:
[site  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03     vehicle 1: range â finish â status â climate â wakeup â
[site  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03     vehicle 2: range â finish â status â climate â wakeup â
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03 loadpoint 1:
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03   mode:        pv
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03   charger:     power â energy â currents â phases â wakeup â
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03   meters:      charge â
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03 loadpoint 2:
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03   mode:        pv
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03   charger:     power â energy â currents â phases â wakeup â
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03   meters:      charge â
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03     charge:    power â energy â currents â
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:03 phase timer inactive
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:03 pv timer inactive
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:03 guard timer inactive
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:03 vehicle updated: unknown -> Niro (offline)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:11 phase timer inactive
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:11 pv timer inactive
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:11 guard timer inactive
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:11 vehicle updated: unknown -> Mii (offline)
[lp-2  ] ERROR 2023/12/22 21:37:16 charger: Get "http://go-echarger-059095.fritz.box/status": dial tcp: lookup go-echarger-059095.fritz.box: i/o timeout
[site  ] WARN 2023/12/22 21:37:16 interval <30s can lead to unexpected behavior, see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/reference/configuration/interval
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:16 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:16 charge power: 0W
[main  ] ERROR 2023/12/22 21:37:21 version check failed: Get "https://api.github.com/repos/evcc-io/evcc/releases/latest": dial tcp: lookup api.github.com: i/o timeout (installed: 0.123.0)
[lp-2  ] ERROR 2023/12/22 21:37:31 charge meter: Get "http://go-echarger-059095.fritz.box/status": dial tcp: lookup go-echarger-059095.fritz.box: i/o timeout
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 pv power: 0W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 battery soc: 47%
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 battery power: 0W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 grid power: 466W
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 site power: 766W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 charger status: B
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/12/22 21:37:31 car connected
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 pv timer elapse
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 pv timer inactive
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 charger: guard elapse
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 guard timer inactive
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -1.11A (766W @ 3p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 pv enable timer reset
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/12/22 21:37:31 pv timer inactive

What type of operating system are you running?



evcc version 0.123.0

StefanSchoof commented 9 months ago

Du hast viele Meldungen in der Art dial tcp: lookup api.tibber.com. Wahrscheinlich klappt gerade etwas bei deinem DNS oder Netzwerk nicht.

mhibu commented 9 months ago

Vielen Dank, FritzBox Neustart hat geholfen! :-)