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VW (offline). Keine information vom Auto über Ladezustand #11569

Closed f-lehmann-gmx-de closed 9 months ago

f-lehmann-gmx-de commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

Ich benutze EVCC im Docker und hatte die Version latest installiert was zu dem Zeitpunkt die 0.123.1 war. Alles lief soweit ok. Als ich sah das es ein neues latest gibt hatte ich die version aktualisiert. Danach konnte sich EVCC nicht mehr mit dem Auto verbinden um den SOC abzufragen. Ich hatte nichts an der Konfiguration geändert nur die version von evcc erneuert. Was mich wundert. In meiner alten config musste ich für VW einmal template beim vehicle angeben "id" angeben. In der aktuellen doc steht bei VW das dort "vw" stehen soll. Ich habe beides ausprobiert ohne Erfolg.

Steps to reproduce

1. 2. 3. ...

Configuration details

  # schema is the HTTP schema
  # setting to `https` does not enable https, it only changes the way URLs are generated
  schema: http
  # host is the hostname or IP address
  # if the host name contains a `.local` suffix, the name will be announced on MDNS
  # docker: MDNS announcements don't work. host must be set to the docker host's name.
  # port is the listening port for UI and api
  # evcc will listen on all available interfaces
  port: 7070

interval: 30s # control cycle interval. Interval <30s can lead to unexpected behavior, see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/reference/configuration/interval

# database configuration for persisting charge sessions and settings
# database:
#   type: sqlite
#   dsn: <path-to-db-file>

# sponsor token enables optional features (request at https://sponsor.evcc.io)
# sponsortoken:

# telemetry enables aggregated statistics
# Telemetry allows collecting usage data (grid and green energy, charge power).
# Data is aggregated, no individual charging sessions are tracked. The collected,
# anonymous data can be retrieved using https://api.evcc.io.
# See https://github.com/evcc-io/evcc/pull/4343 or details.
# For time being, this is only available to sponsors, hence data is associated with
# the sponsor token's identity.
# telemetry: true

# log settings
log: debug
  site: debug
  lp-1: debug
  lp-2: debug
  cache: error
  db: error

# modbus proxy for allowing external programs to reuse the evcc modbus connection
# each entry will start a proxy instance at the given port speaking Modbus TCP and
# relaying to the given modbus downstream device (either TCP or RTU, RS485 or TCP)
# modbusproxy:
  #  - port: 5200
  #    uri: solar-edge:502
  #    # rtu: true
  #    # readonly: true

# meter definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning meters to site and loadpoints
# for documentation see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/devices/meters
  - name: my_grid
    type: template
    template: tasmota
    usage: grid
    host: # IP-Adresse oder Hostname
    user: # Standard-User ist admin (optional)
    password: # Passwort des Benutzerkontos (bei führenden Nullen bitte in einfache Hochkommata setzen) (optional) 
    channel: 1
  - name: my_pv
    type: template
    template: tasmota
    usage: pv
    user: # Standard-User ist admin (optional)
    password: # Passwort des Benutzerkontos (bei führenden Nullen bitte in einfache Hochkommata setzen) (optional) 
  - name: pvmeter
    type: custom
      source: script
      cmd: /bin/sh -c 'echo 1'
      # source: calc
      # add:
      #DCH 1
#      source: http
#      uri:
#       uri:
#      method: GET # default HTTP method
#      headers:
#      - content-type: application/json
#      - content-type: text/html
#      - X-Forwarded-For:
#      jq: .result[1] # parse response json
#      timeout: 2s
#      cache: 5s
      #Simulator 1
      # - source: script
      #   cmd: /bin/sh -c 'echo 100'

# charger definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning charger to vehicle
# for documentation see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/devices/chargers
  - name: wallbox1
    type: template
    template: tinkerforge-warp
    host: # IP Adresse oder der Hostname des MQTT Brokers
    port: 1883 # MQTT Broker Port (optional)
    topic: warp2-291Z # Topic (ohne / am Anfang) (optional)
    timeout: 30s # Akzeptiere keine Daten die älter sind als dieser Wert (optional)
#    energymanager: # EnergyManager MQTT Topic (falls installiert) (optional) 

# vehicle definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning vehicle to loadpoint
# for documentation see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/devices/vehicles

  - name: id3
    type: template
    template: vw
    title: ID3 Performance # Wird in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt (optional)
    user: xxxxxxxxxx # Benutzerkonto (bspw. E-Mail Adresse, User Id, etc.)
    password: xxxxxxxxx # Passwort des Benutzerkontos (bei führenden Nullen bitte in einfache Hochkommata setzen)
    vin: xxxxxxxxx # Erforderlich, wenn mehrere Fahrzeuge des Herstellers vorhanden sind (optional)
    capacity: 58 # Akkukapazität in kWh (optional)
    timeout: 10s # optional 

# site describes the EVU connection, PV and home battery
  title: Mein Zuhause # display name for UI
    grid: my_grid # grid meter
      - my_pv # list of pv inverters/ meters
    #  - pvmeter
    # battery:
      # - battery # list of battery meters
    # aux:
      # - aux # list of auxiliary meters for adjusting grid operating point
  # residualPower: 0 # additional household usage margin
  # prioritySoc: 0 # give home battery priority up to this soc (empty to disable)
  # bufferSoc: 0 # continue charging on battery above soc (0 to disable)
  # bufferStartSoc: 0 # start charging on battery above soc (0 to disable)
  # maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging: 0 # ignore battery charging if AC consumption is above this value
  # smartCostLimit: 0 # set cost limit for automatic charging in PV mode

# loadpoint describes the charger, charge meter and connected vehicle
  - title: Garage # display name for UI
    charger: wallbox1 # charger
    meter: my_grid # charge meter
    mode: "pv" # set default charge mode, use "off" to disable by default if charger is publicly available
    vehicle: id3    # set default vehicle (disables vehicle detection)
    # resetOnDisconnect: false # set defaults when vehicle disconnects
    phases: 0 # electrical connection (normal charger: default 3 for 3 phase, 1p3p charger: 0 for "auto" or 1/3 for fixed phases)
    minCurrent: 6 # minimum charge current (default 6A)
    maxCurrent: 16 # maximum charge current (default 16A)

    # remaining settings are experts-only and best left at default values
    priority: 0 # relative priority for concurrent charging in PV mode with multiple loadpoints (higher values have higher priority)
      # polling defines usage of the vehicle APIs
      # Modifying the default settings it NOT recommended. It MAY deplete your vehicle's battery
      # or lead to vehicle manufacturer banning you from API use. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
        # poll mode defines under which condition the vehicle API is called:
        #   charging: update vehicle ONLY when charging (this is the recommended default)
        #   connected: update vehicle when connected (not only charging), interval defines how often
        #   always: always update vehicle regardless of connection state, interval defines how often (only supported for single vehicle)
        mode: always
        # poll interval defines how often the vehicle API may be polled if NOT charging
        interval: 60m
      estimate: true # set false to disable interpolating between api updates (not recommended)
    enable: # pv mode enable behavior
      delay: 1m # threshold must be exceeded for this long
      threshold: 0 # grid power threshold (in Watts, negative=export). If zero, export must exceed minimum charge power to enable
    disable: # pv mode disable behavior
      delay: 3m # threshold must be exceeded for this long
      threshold: 0 # maximum import power (W)
    guardDuration: 5m # switch charger contactor not more often than this (default 5m)

    # co2 tariff provides co2 intensity forecast and is for co2-optimized target charging if no variable grid tariff is specified
    type: grünstromindex # GrünStromIndex (Germany only)
    zip: ??????

# mqtt message broker
  topic: evcc # root topic for publishing, set empty to disable
  clientid: evcc

# push messages
    start: # charge start event
      title: Charge started
      msg: Started charging in "${mode}" mode
    stop: # charge stop event
      title: Charge finished
      msg: Finished charging ${chargedEnergy:%.1fk}kWh in ${chargeDuration}.
    connect: # vehicle connect event
      title: Car connected
      msg: "Car connected at ${pvPower:%.1fk}kW PV"
    disconnect: # vehicle connected event
      title: Car disconnected
      msg: Car disconnected after ${connectedDuration}
    soc: # vehicle soc update event
      title: Soc updated
      msg: Battery charged to ${vehicleSoc:%.0f}%

Log details

date    stream  content
2024/01/08 21:07:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:07:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:07:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:07:14 charge total import: 1488.550kWh
2024/01/08 21:07:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:07:14 site power: 572W
2024/01/08 21:07:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:07:14 grid power: 572W
2024/01/08 21:07:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:07:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:07:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:07:14 charge power: 572W
2024/01/08 21:07:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:07:14 ----
2024/01/08 21:06:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:06:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:44 charge total import: 1488.545kWh
2024/01/08 21:06:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:44 site power: 610W
2024/01/08 21:06:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:44 grid power: 610W
2024/01/08 21:06:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:06:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:44 charge power: 610W
2024/01/08 21:06:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:44 ----
2024/01/08 21:06:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:06:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:14 charge total import: 1488.540kWh
2024/01/08 21:06:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:14 site power: 565W
2024/01/08 21:06:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:14 grid power: 565W
2024/01/08 21:06:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:06:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:14 charge power: 565W
2024/01/08 21:06:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:06:14 ----
2024/01/08 21:05:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:05:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:44 charge total import: 1488.535kWh
2024/01/08 21:05:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:44 site power: 566W
2024/01/08 21:05:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:44 grid power: 566W
2024/01/08 21:05:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:05:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:44 charge power: 566W
2024/01/08 21:05:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:44 ----
2024/01/08 21:05:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:05:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:14 charge total import: 1488.530kWh
2024/01/08 21:05:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:14 site power: 576W
2024/01/08 21:05:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:14 grid power: 576W
2024/01/08 21:05:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:05:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:14 charge power: 576W
2024/01/08 21:05:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:05:14 ----
2024/01/08 21:04:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:04:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:44 charge total import: 1488.525kWh
2024/01/08 21:04:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:44 site power: 567W
2024/01/08 21:04:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:44 grid power: 567W
2024/01/08 21:04:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:04:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:44 charge power: 567W
2024/01/08 21:04:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:44 ----
2024/01/08 21:04:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:04:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:14 charge total import: 1488.521kWh
2024/01/08 21:04:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:14 site power: 573W
2024/01/08 21:04:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:14 grid power: 573W
2024/01/08 21:04:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:04:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:14 charge power: 573W
2024/01/08 21:04:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:04:14 ----
2024/01/08 21:03:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:03:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:44 charge total import: 1488.516kWh
2024/01/08 21:03:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:44 site power: 568W
2024/01/08 21:03:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:44 grid power: 568W
2024/01/08 21:03:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:03:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:44 charge power: 568W
2024/01/08 21:03:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:44 ----
2024/01/08 21:03:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:03:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:14 charge total import: 1488.511kWh
2024/01/08 21:03:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:14 site power: 626W
2024/01/08 21:03:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:14 grid power: 626W
2024/01/08 21:03:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:03:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:14 charge power: 626W
2024/01/08 21:03:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:03:14 ----
2024/01/08 21:02:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:02:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:44 charge total import: 1488.506kWh
2024/01/08 21:02:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:44 site power: 556W
2024/01/08 21:02:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:44 grid power: 556W
2024/01/08 21:02:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:02:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:44 charge power: 556W
2024/01/08 21:02:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:44 ----
2024/01/08 21:02:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:02:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:14 charge total import: 1488.501kWh
2024/01/08 21:02:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:14 site power: 604W
2024/01/08 21:02:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:14 grid power: 604W
2024/01/08 21:02:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:02:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:14 charge power: 604W
2024/01/08 21:02:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:02:14 ----
2024/01/08 21:01:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:01:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:44 charge total import: 1488.496kWh
2024/01/08 21:01:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:44 site power: 556W
2024/01/08 21:01:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:44 grid power: 556W
2024/01/08 21:01:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:01:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:44 charge power: 556W
2024/01/08 21:01:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:44 ----
2024/01/08 21:01:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:01:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:14 charge total import: 1488.491kWh
2024/01/08 21:01:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:14 site power: 555W
2024/01/08 21:01:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:14 grid power: 555W
2024/01/08 21:01:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:01:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:14 charge power: 555W
2024/01/08 21:01:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:01:14 ----
2024/01/08 21:00:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:00:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:44 charge total import: 1488.487kWh
2024/01/08 21:00:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:44 site power: 659W
2024/01/08 21:00:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:44 grid power: 659W
2024/01/08 21:00:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:00:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:44 charge power: 659W
2024/01/08 21:00:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:44 ----
2024/01/08 21:00:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 21:00:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:14 charge total import: 1488.481kWh
2024/01/08 21:00:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:14 site power: 658W
2024/01/08 21:00:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:14 grid power: 658W
2024/01/08 21:00:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 21:00:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:14 charge power: 658W
2024/01/08 21:00:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 21:00:14 ----
2024/01/08 20:59:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 20:59:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:44 charge total import: 1488.475kWh
2024/01/08 20:59:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:44 site power: 661W
2024/01/08 20:59:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:44 grid power: 661W
2024/01/08 20:59:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 20:59:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:44 charge power: 661W
2024/01/08 20:59:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:44 ----
2024/01/08 20:59:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 20:59:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:14 charge total import: 1488.470kWh
2024/01/08 20:59:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:14 site power: 675W
2024/01/08 20:59:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:14 grid power: 675W
2024/01/08 20:59:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 20:59:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:14 charge power: 675W
2024/01/08 20:59:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:59:14 ----
2024/01/08 20:58:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 20:58:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:44 charge total import: 1488.464kWh
2024/01/08 20:58:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:44 site power: 726W
2024/01/08 20:58:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:44 grid power: 726W
2024/01/08 20:58:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 20:58:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:44 charge power: 726W
2024/01/08 20:58:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:44 ----
2024/01/08 20:58:17 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:17 charger status: A
2024/01/08 20:58:17 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:17 charge total import: 1488.458kWh
2024/01/08 20:58:17 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:17 site power: 687W
2024/01/08 20:58:17 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:17 grid power: 687W
2024/01/08 20:58:17 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:17 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 20:58:17 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:17 charge power: 687W
2024/01/08 20:58:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:58:14 ----
2024/01/08 20:57:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 20:57:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:44 charge total import: 1488.453kWh
2024/01/08 20:57:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:44 site power: 674W
2024/01/08 20:57:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:44 grid power: 674W
2024/01/08 20:57:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 20:57:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:44 charge power: 674W
2024/01/08 20:57:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:44 ----
2024/01/08 20:57:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 20:57:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:14 charge total import: 1488.447kWh
2024/01/08 20:57:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:14 site power: 635W
2024/01/08 20:57:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:14 grid power: 635W
2024/01/08 20:57:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 20:57:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:14 charge power: 635W
2024/01/08 20:57:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:57:14 ----
2024/01/08 20:56:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 20:56:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:44 charge total import: 1488.442kWh
2024/01/08 20:56:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:44 site power: 629W
2024/01/08 20:56:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:44 grid power: 629W
2024/01/08 20:56:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 20:56:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:44 charge power: 629W
2024/01/08 20:56:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:44 ----
2024/01/08 20:56:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 20:56:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:14 charge total import: 1488.437kWh
2024/01/08 20:56:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:14 site power: 524W
2024/01/08 20:56:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:14 grid power: 524W
2024/01/08 20:56:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 20:56:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:14 charge power: 524W
2024/01/08 20:56:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:56:14 ----
2024/01/08 20:55:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:44 charger status: A
2024/01/08 20:55:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:44 charge total import: 1488.433kWh
2024/01/08 20:55:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:44 site power: 511W
2024/01/08 20:55:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:44 grid power: 511W
2024/01/08 20:55:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:44 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 20:55:44 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:44 charge power: 511W
2024/01/08 20:55:44 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:44 ----
2024/01/08 20:55:19 stdout  [main  ] ERROR 2024/01/08 20:55:19 version check failed: Get "https://api.github.com/repos/evcc-io/evcc/releases/latest": dial tcp: lookup api.github.com: i/o timeout (installed: 0.123.7)
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 set session energy limit: 0
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 set session soc limit: 0
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14 car disconnected
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 charger status: A
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 charge total import: 1488.428kWh
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 site power: 511W
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 grid power: 511W
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 pv power: 0W
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 charge power: 511W
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [site  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 ----
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14 vehicle updated: unknown -> ID3 Performance (offline)
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 guard timer inactive
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 pv timer inactive
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 phase timer inactive
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14     charge:    power ✓ energy ✓ currents ✗
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14   meters:      charge ✓
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14   charger:     power ✗ energy ✗ currents ✗ phases ✗ wakeup ✗
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14   mode:        pv
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14 loadpoint 1:
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [site  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14     vehicle 1: range ✗ finish ✗ status ✗ climate ✗ wakeup ✗
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [site  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14   vehicles:
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [site  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14     pv 1:      power ✓ energy ✓ currents ✗
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [site  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14     grid:      power ✓ energy ✓ currents ✗
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [site  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14   meters:      grid ✓ pv ✓ battery ✗
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [site  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:55:14 site config:
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:55:14 charge total import: 1488.428kWh
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [main  ] ERROR 2024/01/08 20:55:14 failed configuring co2 tariff: cannot create tariff type 'grünstromindex': Get "https://api.corrently.io/v2.0/gsi/prediction?zip=66424": dial tcp: lookup api.corrently.io: i/o timeout
2024/01/08 20:55:14 stdout  [gsi   ] ERROR 2024/01/08 20:55:14 Get "https://api.corrently.io/v2.0/gsi/prediction?zip=***": dial tcp: lookup api.corrently.io: i/o timeout
2024/01/08 20:54:19 stdout  [lp-1  ] WARN 2024/01/08 20:54:19 phases not configured, assuming 3p
2024/01/08 20:54:19 stdout  [lp-1  ] WARN 2024/01/08 20:54:19 poll mode '{always 1h0m0s}' may deplete your battery or lead to API misuse. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
2024/01/08 20:54:19 stdout  [main  ] ERROR 2024/01/08 20:54:19 creating vehicle id3 failed: cannot create vehicle type 'template': cannot create vehicle type 'vw': Get "https://emea.bff.cariad.digital/user-login/v1/authorize?client_id=a24fba63-34b3-4d43-b181-942111e6bda8%40apps_vw-dilab_com&code_challenge=Zw3yI6cakGwiY7j88BaJmgKS7A1c7xYc8d5CTYKBqZ0&code_challenge_method=S256&redirect_uri=weconnect%3A%2F%2Fauthenticated&response_type=code+id_token+token&scope=openid+profile+badge+cars+vin&nonce=poTnEfgAuOZNojyHCtKjFkZzaHSMKeUskCxoBGHADYI&state=c1961b2f-749b-44fe-aa53-34b41eefe44e": dial tcp: lookup emea.bff.cariad.digital: i/o timeout
2024/01/08 20:54:13 stdout  [mqtt  ] DEBUG 2024/01/08 20:54:13 tcp:// connected
2024/01/08 20:54:13 stdout  [mqtt  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:54:13 connecting evcc at tcp://
2024/01/08 20:54:13 stdout  [main  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:54:13 starting ui and api at :7070
2024/01/08 20:54:13 stdout  [main  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:54:13 using config file: /etc/evcc.yaml
2024/01/08 20:54:13 stdout  [main  ] INFO 2024/01/08 20:54:13 evcc 0.123.7

What type of operating system are you running?

Docker container



f-lehmann-gmx-de commented 9 months ago

Ergänzung. Ich hatte auch in myVolkswagen login geguckt ob es neue AGB oder ähnliches gibt und habe mich dort eingeloggt und alle sachen nochmal approved und danach den docker neu gestartet. Halt leider nichts geholfen. Hatte ich probiert, da ich mehrfach in alten threads gelesen habe das diese geholfen hätte. Mich irritiert das im log immer i/o timeout steht. ich hatte auch beim vehicle beim template (id) versucht wie ich es zuvor hatte. die MEldung bleibt die gleiche mit dem I/o timeout

0x3d13f commented 9 months ago

Sowohl für grünstromindex als auch für das Auto klappt die DNS-Auflösung nicht: dial tcp: lookup api.corrently.io: i/o timeout dial tcp: lookup emea.bff.cariad.digital: i/o timeout Da wird wohl eher bei Dir lokal etwas in der Richtung kaputt sein.

0x3d13f commented 9 months ago

Für alles andere hast Du ja direkt IPs in der Config, da schlägt der Fehler nicht zu.

f-lehmann-gmx-de commented 9 months ago

wenn ich mich auf den docker mit der shell verbinde und dort ping emea.bff.cariad.digital bekomme ich die IP adresse. wenn es was mit meinem dns wäre, dann müsste ich dort auch ein timeout bekommen. oder übersehe ich etwas?

f-lehmann-gmx-de commented 9 months ago

welcher Wert beim template beim vehicle ist richtig?

Wie in der docu beschrieben "vw" oder wie es zuvor erfolgreich in meiner yaml datei hatte mit "id"?

0x3d13f commented 9 months ago

Es gibt nur ein Template vw, wenn ich den Code richtig verstehe, kann id als Alias verwendet werden. Ich habe evcc in einer "klassischen" VM laufen, daher kann ich Dir bei dem DNS Problem im Container nicht so gut weiter helfen.

0x3d13f commented 9 months ago

Vielleicht einfach mal den ganzen Container wegwerfen und neu bauen? Die evcc.yaml und die evcc.db sollten ja eh außerhalb liegen und erst beim Start reingemountet werden.

f-lehmann-gmx-de commented 9 months ago

Das habe ich schon probiert. config yaml und .evcc folder für die sqlite db liegen außerhalb und werden reingemouted. habe akutell 5 verschiedne container versucht. Die version die zuvor mal ging, und dann latest, 0.123.7 was gleich ist wie aktuell latest und auch eine 0.123.5. Überall das gleiche. Auch eine ältere version 0.121.1 Die beschwert sich nur über ein setting beim grid den es in der Version noch nicht gab. Aber danke für den Tip. Ein Versuch war es wert. Leider ohne Erfolg

f-lehmann-gmx-de commented 9 months ago

der hint mit der dns werde ich trotzdem mal nachgehen. Eigentlich dürfte dann in der console im container ein ping auch nicht funktionieren. aber es ist in der tat auffällig das im log eigentlich überall wo die ziel-adresse als name drin steht ein timeout steht. werde mir mal die nächsten tage meine firewall von ubiquity ansehen ob da etwas zu sehen ist oder geblockt wird

andig commented 9 months ago

Bitte ohne Docker reproduzieren wie im Issue-Template beschrieben. Danke!

f-lehmann-gmx-de commented 9 months ago

Finales update. Ich bin dem punkt mit dem DNS gefolgt und das scheint wirklich die Ursache gewesen zu sein. Aus irgendeinem Grund musste ich die Konfiguration von meinem Synology NAS nochmal neu setzen. Danach ging es und die ganzen Meldungen mit I/O timeout sind verschwunden und es ging wieder @0x3d13f Vielen Dank für deine Konstruktiven Nachfragen. Dadurch bin ich auf das Problem gestoßen und konnte es lösen.