evcc-io / evcc

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Nach Update auf 124.7 evcc nicht mehr erreichbar #12779

Closed iphikles3000 closed 6 months ago

iphikles3000 commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug

Hallo, beim Update auf evcc 124.7 erhalte ich die Fehlermeldung

"your evcc configuration is not compatible with the new version." sowie den Prompt "Do you want to keep your old (working) evcc version?"

Installiere ich das Update dennoch, ist evcc nicht erreichbar. Installiere ich ältere Vorversionen (124.4;5;), funktioniert die Oberfläche wie gehabt.

Allein beim Upgrade auf 124.7 habe ich das Problem.

Besten Dank für eure Tipps und viele Grüße Patrick

Steps to reproduce

1.Update to 124.7

  1. Install anyway
  2. Try to reach the GUI via browser ...

Configuration details

  port: 7070

log: warn

interval: 6s

sponsortoken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCJ
- type: template
  template: solaredge-hybrid
  id: 1
  port: 1502
  usage: grid
  modbus: tcpip
  name: grid1
- type: template
  template: solaredge-hybrid
  id: 1
  port: 1502
  usage: pv
  modbus: tcpip
  name: pv2
- type: template
  template: solaredge-hybrid
  id: 1
  port: 1502
  usage: battery
  modbus: tcpip
  name: battery3


- type: template
  template: elliconnect
  ski: A3D0 58F2 A79F 92FF
  name: wallbox1

- type: template
  template: elliconnect
  ski: D787 FE38 09C9 30F6 0174835C
  name: wallbox2

#- type: template
 # name: ev2
 # template: peugeot
 # title: e-208
 # user: 
 # password: 
 # icon: car
 # phases: 3
 # vin: VR3UHZ3

- type: template
  template: nissan
  title: Leaf
  vin: SJNF
  icon: car
  name: ev1
  cache: 5m
  capacity: 40
  phases: 1

- name: ev3
  title: peugeot Tronity
  icon: car
  type: template
  template: tronity
  clientid: 5117e23c-0f14c7432 # Einrichtung unter https://app.tronity.tech
  clientsecret: 6716bd22 # Einrichtung unter https://app.tronity.tech
  capacity: 45 # Akkukapazität in kWh (optiona)

  title: Jost Erbes-Büdesheim
    grid: grid1
    - pv2
    - battery3
  residualPower: 100

- title: Fenster
  charger: wallbox1
  mode: pv  # charge mode (off, now, minpv, pv)
  vehicle: ev1
  priority: 1
  guardduration: 30s

- title: Ecke
  charger: wallbox2
  mode: pv # charge mode (off, now, minpv, pv)
  vehicle: ev3
  priority: 0
  guardduration: 30s

  currency: EUR # three letter ISO-4217 currency code (default EUR)
    type: fixed
    price: 0.3404 # EUR/kWh
    type: fixed
    price: 0.113711972444653 # EUR/kWh
    type: grünstromindex
    zip: 55234

#  - port: 5021
#    readonly: true
#    uri:

      private: |
          -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----

          -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----
      public: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----

Log details

[main  ] INFO 2024/03/08 18:03:11 evcc 0.124.7
[main  ] INFO 2024/03/08 18:03:11 using config file: /home/jostp/evcc.yaml
[main  ] INFO 2024/03/08 18:03:11 starting ui and api at :7070
[db    ] INFO 2024/03/08 18:03:11 using sqlite database: /home/jostp/.evcc/evcc.db
[eebus ] INFO 2024/03/08 18:03:11 Local SKI:  86ca7e3e8af525fd3641f7e1d6078b06b5743be7
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:11 mdns: announce
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:11 mdns: using avahi
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:11 starting websocket server on :4712
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:13 mdns: start search
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:13 ski: a3d058f2a24c4471eed2728045af3cf2579f92ff name: Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 brand: Elli model: Wallbox typ: Wallbox identifier: Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 register: false host: wallbox-2102A150C4.local port: 4712 addresses: []
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:13 delaying connection to a3d058f2a24c4471eed2728045af3cf2579f92ff by 1.618s to minimize double connection probability
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:13 ski: d787fe3809c930f60174e4cb76757119693b835c name: Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 brand: Elli model: Wallbox typ: Wallbox identifier: Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 register: false host: wallbox-2116A1B554.local port: 4712 addresses: []
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:13 delaying connection to d787fe3809c930f60174e4cb76757119693b835c by 971ms to minimize double connection probability
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 trying to connect to d787fe3809c930f60174e4cb76757119693b835c at
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 initiating connection to d787fe3809c930f60174e4cb76757119693b835c at
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send:  read 1 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554: to NodeManagement read 67553 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 reply 2 67553 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 result 3 67553 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554: to NodeManagement reply 67555 1 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 read 5 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send:  call 4 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 read 6 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 read 7 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554: to NodeManagement call 67557 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 result 8 67557 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554: to DeviceClassification reply 67562 5 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554: to DeviceDiagnosis reply 67565 6 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554: to NodeManagement result 67566 4 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554: to NodeManagement reply 67568 7 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554: to NodeManagement read 67569 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 reply 9 67569 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 result 10 67569 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 trying to connect to a3d058f2a24c4471eed2728045af3cf2579f92ff at
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 initiating connection to a3d058f2a24c4471eed2728045af3cf2579f92ff at
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554: to NodeManagement read 67570 NodeManagementDestinationListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 reply 11 67570 NodeManagementDestinationListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 result 12 67570 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554: to NodeManagement read 67571 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 reply 13 67571 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:14 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2116A1B554 result 14 67571 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send:  read 1 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4: to NodeManagement read 66232 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 reply 2 66232 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 result 3 66232 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4: to NodeManagement reply 66234 1 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send:  call 4 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 read 5 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 read 6 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 read 7 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4: to NodeManagement call 66236 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 result 8 66236 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4: to DeviceClassification reply 66240 5 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4: to NodeManagement result 66243 4 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4: to DeviceDiagnosis reply 66246 6 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4: to NodeManagement reply 66247 7 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4: to NodeManagement read 66248 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 reply 9 66248 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 result 10 66248 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4: to NodeManagement read 66249 NodeManagementDestinationListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 reply 11 66249 NodeManagementDestinationListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 result 12 66249 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4: to NodeManagement read 66251 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 reply 13 66251 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/03/08 18:03:15 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2102A150C4 result 14 66251 ResultData 0

What type of operating system are you running?




andig commented 6 months ago

Tronity fixed in nightly release.

iphikles3000 commented 6 months ago

Sorry, war leider zu doof und habe die offenen Issues dazu übersehen... Tausend dank für die schnelle Reaktion!

Peter1984Git commented 6 months ago

Ich habe das Problem auch noch beim Update-Versuch auf die 0.124.9.

network: schema: http host: evcc.local # .local suffix announces the hostname on MDNS port: 7070

log: warn levels: cache: error

plant: asdf

interval: 30s # control cycle interval

sponsortoken: asdf

telemetry: true




site: title: Zuhause meters: grid: grid1 pv:

mqtt: broker: topic: evcc

andig commented 6 months ago

@Peter1984Git dann bitte neues Issue oder Config korrigieren. Vmtl. Ists bei Dir eine richtiger Hinweis.