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Huawei SUN2000 with SDongle & Power Sensor falsche Werte #12843

Closed kannbert101 closed 6 months ago

kannbert101 commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug

Habe keine ähnlichen Foren Einträge etc gefunden!

Es werden seit einiger Zeit die falschen Werte bei der Batterieladung/entladung ausgelesen, sodass bei der Autoladung parallel die Batterie geladen wird.

Screenshot 2024-03-10 123219 Screenshot 2024-03-10 123320

Steps to reproduce


Configuration details

  schema: http
  host: 49686a9f-evcc #evcc.local
  port: 7070

interval: 30s # control cycle interval

sponsortoken: ###############
plant: ###############

log: error
  site: debug
  lp-1: debug
  lp-2: debug

# meter definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning meters to site and loadpoints
# for documentation see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/devices/meters

  - name: huawei_smartmeter
    type: template
    template: huawei-dongle-powersensor
    usage: grid    
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 1
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port 

  - name: huawei_battery
    type: template
    template: huawei-dongle-powersensor
    usage: battery    
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 1
    host: ############ # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port

  - name: huawei_pv
    type: template
    template: huawei-dongle-powersensor
    usage: pv    
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 1
    host: ############ # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port 

  - name: fronius_pv
    type: template
    template: fronius-solarapi-v1
    usage: pv
    host: ############# # IP-Adresse oder Hostname

  - name: growatt_schuppen
    type: custom
      source: mqtt
      topic: pv/growatt/power

  - name: wallbox
    type: template
    template: go-e-v3
    host: ################### # IP-Adresse oder Hostname 

  - name: ioniq5
    type: template
    template: hyundai
    cache: 30m
    title: IONIQ 5 # Wird in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt # Optional
    user: ##################### 
    password: ################## 
    capacity: 58 # Akku-Kapazität in kWh # Optional
    language: de # 'de' für Deutsch und 'en' für Englisch # Optional

  title: Hoheneck # display name for UI
    grid: huawei_smartmeter
      - huawei_pv
      - fronius_pv
      - growatt_schuppen
      - huawei_battery
  residualPower: 600
  maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging: 150

  - title: Garage
    charger: wallbox 
    #meter: charge 
    mode: pv 
    vehicle: ioniq5


        mode: charging
        interval: 60m
      estimate: true 
    phases: 0
    guardDuration: 5m # switch charger contactor not more often than this (default 5m)

  currency: EUR # three letter ISO-4217 currency code (default EUR)

    type: tibber
    token: "###########################" 

    type: fixed
    price: #######

    type: electricitymaps
    uri: https://app.electricitymaps.com/zone/DE
    token: ########################
    zone: DE

    broker: ############:1883
    topic: evcc 
    user: ###########
    password: ###############

Log details

[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:25:29 pv disable in 2m13s
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:25:29 pv disable timer remaining: 2m13s
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:25:53 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:25:53 charge power: 1217W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:25:55 pv power: 5348W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:25:59 battery soc: 38%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:25:59 battery power: -325W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:00 grid meter: -93W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:01 grid currents: [-4.92 -3.3 7.73]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 site power: 182W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 charge currents: [5.51 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 charge total import: 2682.544kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 charger status: C
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 soc estimated: 81.00% (vehicle: 81.00%)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 vehicle soc: 81%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 vehicle soc limit: 100%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 vehicle range: 277km
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 pv charge current: 5.21A = 6A + -0.791A (182W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 projected site power 182W >= 0W disable threshold
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 pv disable in 1m39s
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:03 pv disable timer remaining: 1m39s
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:23 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:23 charge power: 1215W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:24 pv power: 6778W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:27 battery soc: 38%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:27 battery power: -1080W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:28 grid meter: 90W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:29 grid currents: [-4.52 -3.43 8.16]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 site power: -390W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 charge currents: [5.51 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 charge total import: 2682.553kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 charger status: C
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 soc estimated: 81.00% (vehicle: 81.00%)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 vehicle soc: 81%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 vehicle soc limit: 100%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 vehicle range: 277km
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 pv charge current: 7.7A = 6A + 1.7A (-390W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 pv timer reset
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 pv timer inactive
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:31 max charge current: 7A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:53 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:26:53 charge power: 1417W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:00 pv power: 5675W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:03 battery soc: 38%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:03 battery power: -593W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:04 grid meter: 119W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:06 grid currents: [-5.01 -2.48 7.77]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 site power: 126W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 charge currents: [6.38 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 charge total import: 2682.567kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 charger status: C
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 soc estimated: 81.00% (vehicle: 81.00%)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 vehicle soc: 81%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 vehicle soc limit: 100%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 vehicle range: 277km
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 pv charge current: 6.45A = 7A + -0.548A (126W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:07 max charge current: 6A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:23 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:23 charge power: 1211W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:25 pv power: 4708W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:26 battery soc: 38%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:26 battery power: -154W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:27 grid meter: 30W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 grid currents: [-4.94 -2.92 8.03]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 site power: 476W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 charge currents: [5.51 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 charge total import: 2682.574kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 charger status: C
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 soc estimated: 81.00% (vehicle: 81.00%)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 vehicle soc: 81%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 vehicle soc limit: 100%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 vehicle range: 277km
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 pv charge current: 3.93A = 6A + -2.07A (476W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 projected site power 476W >= 0W disable threshold
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 pv disable timer start: 3m0s
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:29 pv disable in 3m0s
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:53 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:53 charge power: 1211W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:55 pv power: 5112W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:57 battery soc: 38%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:57 battery power: -127W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:57 grid meter: -93W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:27:59 grid currents: [-4.79 -3.46 7.92]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 site power: 380W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 charge currents: [5.51 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 charge total import: 2682.585kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 charger status: C
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 soc estimated: 81.00% (vehicle: 81.00%)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 vehicle soc: 81%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 vehicle soc limit: 100%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 vehicle range: 277km
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 pv charge current: 4.35A = 6A + -1.65A (380W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 projected site power 380W >= 0W disable threshold
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 pv disable in 2m29s
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/03/10 13:28:00 pv disable timer remaining: 2m29s

What type of operating system are you running?

HomeAssistant Add-on



andig commented 6 months ago

Bitte mal Nightly probieren. Da haben wir eine Änderung gerade zurück gedreht.

/cc @cmusik

cmusik commented 6 months ago

Das hier ist aber eine Dongle Konfiguration. Da dürfte die Smartlogger Anpassung keine Änderung bringen.

mucki12 commented 6 months ago

@kannbert101 Ich prüfe das nachher noch einmal, wenn der Speicher wieder etwas zu tun hat. Meine ich konnte das bei meinen Ladevorgängen von gestern/vorgestern nicht beobachten. Jetzt gerade hat der Luna nichts zu tun und da kann ich das beschriebene Verhalten nicht nachvollziehen (zumindest davon ausgehend, dass die evcc Werte grundsätzlich und damit auch bei einer Leistung von 0 falsch wären): image image

kannbert101 commented 6 months ago

Kann es an meiner kaskadierten Batterie liegen? Liest evcc da vielleicht nicht alle Werte aus?

mucki12 commented 6 months ago

Bin da wegen fehlender Kaskade nicht so tief im Thema. Was passiert wenn du die Batterie 2x konfigurierst und bei der ersten "storageunit: 1" und bei der zweiten "storageunit: 2" mit gibst?