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e3dc rscp integration battery capacity wrong (seems like only first pack) #13687

Closed Cheppetto closed 2 months ago

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

Testing the new native Integration for e3dc looks like the integration only reads one stack of batteries not additional groups

Steps to reproduce

  1. setup battery config for native e3dc
  2. unable to set battery capacity manual
  3. battery capacity shows 13.1 instead of 26.2 kWh (brutto) ...

Configuration details

configured via UI, no reports in the log

Log details

Homeassistant installation - I got another integration running which also utilizes RSCP for this one the battery capacity is correct - could provide RSCP logs from that one

What type of operating system are you running?



No response

docolli commented 2 months ago

Yes, currently the implementation reads only one battery stack. If battery is not defined, then the value of batteryID=0 is read. Good to see that somebody is here that has more than 1 battery. Can you run some linux commands to help us further to implement also E3DC Systems with more than 1 battery?

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

I am running evcc as home assistant add-on. (Evcc in docker inside a VM running on a Linux node)

I am familiar with Linux, so we can give it a shot. Could also send you battery output from another rscp integration, if that helps

docolli commented 2 months ago

@andig Es gibt den Tag BAT_REQ_AVAILABLE_BATTERIES, über den könnte man abfragen wieviel Batteriespeicher im System vorhanden sind:

./e3dc '[["BAT_REQ_AVAILABLE_BATTERIES","",""]]' | jq
      "BAT_INDEX": 0,
      "BAT_SERIALNO": 1,

Bei mir kommt nur was für Index 0, spannend wäre zu sehen, was bei @Cheppetto für diese go-rscp Abfrage raus kommt. @Cheppetto Are you able to clone a respository and compile the go-code on your system to get the go-rscp command e3dc, that we would need? Otherwise let me know your system (linux / arm?) and I can compile the command for you.

We would need the output of native RSCP commands/Tags like shown above. What other tool are you using for RSCP?

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

I am using a homeassistant to monitor and control my home and for e3dc i use (based on based on python-e3dc):

"integration_manifest": { "domain": "e3dc_rscp", "name": "E3DC Remote Storage Control Protocol (Git)", "codeowners": [ "@torbennehmer" ], "config_flow": true, "dependencies": [], "documentation": "https://github.com/torbennehmer/hacs-e3dc", "homekit": {}, "integration_type": "device", "iot_class": "cloud_polling", "issue_tracker": "https://github.com/torbennehmer/hacs-e3dc/issues", "requirements": [ "pye3dc==0.9.1" ], "ssdp": [], "version": "v3.7.0", "zeroconf": [], "is_built_in": false

  "system-battery-installed-capacity": 26106,

"get_batteries_data": [
    "asoc": 98.80000305175781,
    "chargeCycles": 147,
    "current": -0.6000000238418579,
    "dcbCount": 2,
    "dcbs": {
      "0": {
        "current": -0.30000001192092896,
        "currentAvg30s": -0.30000001192092896,
        "cycleCount": 147,
        "designCapacity": 126.0,
        "designVoltage": 51.79999923706055,
        "deviceName": "EM048126P3S",
        "endOfDischarge": 44.5,
        "error": 0,
        "fullChargeCapacity": 126.0,
        "fwVersion": 2,
        "manufactureDate": 0,
        "manufactureName": "LG",
        "maxChargeCurrent": 63.0,
        "maxChargeTemperature": 45.0,
        "maxChargeVoltage": 58.79999923706055,
        "maxDischargeCurrent": 63.0,
        "minChargeTemperature": -10.0,
        "parallelCellCount": 0,
        "sensorCount": 2,
        "seriesCellCount": 0,
        "pcbVersion": 8,
        "protocolVersion": 32,
        "remainingCapacity": 116.30000305175781,
        "serialCode": "221<redacted>",
        "serialNo": 2211102382,
        "soc": 92.30000305175781,
        "soh": 98.80000305175781,
        "status": 8288,
        "temperatures": [
        "voltage": 57.0,
        "voltageAvg30s": 57.0,
        "voltages": [],
        "warning": 0
      "1": {
        "current": -0.30000001192092896,
        "currentAvg30s": -0.30000001192092896,
        "cycleCount": 147,
        "designCapacity": 126.0,
        "designVoltage": 51.79999923706055,
        "deviceName": "EM048126P3S",
        "endOfDischarge": 44.5,
        "error": 0,
        "fullChargeCapacity": 126.0,
        "fwVersion": 2,
        "manufactureDate": 0,
        "manufactureName": "LG",
        "maxChargeCurrent": 63.0,
        "maxChargeTemperature": 45.0,
        "maxChargeVoltage": 58.79999923706055,
        "maxDischargeCurrent": 63.0,
        "minChargeTemperature": -10.0,
        "parallelCellCount": 0,
        "sensorCount": 2,
        "seriesCellCount": 0,
        "pcbVersion": 8,
        "protocolVersion": 32,
        "remainingCapacity": 116.0,
        "serialCode": "221<redacted>",
        "serialNo": 2212210725,
        "soc": 92.0999984741211,
        "soh": 98.80000305175781,
        "status": 8288,
        "temperatures": [
        "voltage": 57.0,
        "voltageAvg30s": 57.0,
        "voltages": [],
        "warning": 0
    "designCapacity": 252.0,
    "deviceConnected": true,
    "deviceInService": false,
    "deviceName": "LG_BAT",
    "deviceWorking": true,
    "eodVoltage": 41.0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "fcc": 252.0,
    "index": 0,
    "maxBatVoltage": 57.87600326538086,
    "maxChargeCurrent": 126.0,
    "maxDischargeCurrent": 126.0,
    "maxDcbCellTemp": 23.899999618530273,
    "minDcbCellTemp": 23.100000381469727,
    "moduleVoltage": 57.0,
    "rc": 232.3000030517578,
    "readyForShutdown": true,
    "rsoc": 100.0,
    "rsocReal": 92.19999694824219,
    "statusCode": 0,
    "terminalVoltage": 57.0,
    "totalUseTime": 0,
    "totalDischargeTime": 0,
    "trainingMode": 0,
    "usuableCapacity": 228.05999755859375,
    "usuableRemainingCapacity": 208.36000061035156

I fear I don't have the time to acutaly compile and deploy it anywhere else :( - sorry

docolli commented 2 months ago

I fear I don't have the time to acutaly compile and deploy it anywhere else :( - sorry

No problem. Is it possible for you to make a folder on a windows machine, put the e3dc.exe into it and make a little .config file? 😉 We just need to find a way how I can send you the code. Can you contact me at evcc@docollipics.de?

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

Yeah, guess we can manage that, as I just hopped into the evcc container and tried to enter the command but - haas in the VM in the console in docker has a unknown keyboard layout ... I was not able to test it in there directly

docolli commented 2 months ago

That will not work anyhow, since the e3dc command is not part of evcc. It is part of the go-rscp library that was used to integrate RSCP into evcc. Send me an email, then I send you the e3dc.exe and instructions how to use.

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

Ah that makes total sense in my head it always read as evcc not e3dc, shame on me, you received an email

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

./e3dc '[["BAT_REQ_AVAILABLE_BATTERIES","",""]]' | jq

or as i did it on a Windows host: e3dc.exe --output jsonsimple "[[\"INFO_REQ_UTC_TIME\"]]"


for documentation purposes the output of the command



e3dc.exe --output json "[[\"BAT_REQ_DATA\",[[\"BAT_INDEX\",0],[\"BAT_REQ_INFO\"],[\"BAT_REQ_DCB_COUNT\"]]]]"


e3dc.exe --output json "[[\"BAT_REQ_DATA\",[[\"BAT_INDEX\",0],[\"BAT_REQ_SPECIFICATION\"]]]]"



e3dc.exe --output json "[[\"BAT_REQ_DATA\",[[\"BAT_INDEX\",1],[\"BAT_REQ_INFO\"],[\"BAT_REQ_DCB_COUNT\"]]]]"


e3dc.exe --output json "[[\"BAT_REQ_DATA\",[[\"BAT_INDEX\",1],[\"BAT_REQ_SPECIFICATION\"]]]]"

[{"Tag":"BAT_DATA","DataType":"Container","Value": [{"Tag":"BAT_INDEX","DataType":"UInt16","Value":1},{"Tag":"BAT_SPECIFICATION","DataType":"Container","Value":[{"Tag":"BAT_SPECIFIED_CAPACITY","DataType":"Int32","Value":13053},{"Tag":"BAT_SPECIFIED_DSCHARGE_POWER","DataType":"Int32","Value":6000},{"Tag":"BAT_SPECIFIED_CHARGE_POWER","DataType":"Int32","Value":6000},{"Tag":"BAT_SPECIFIED_MAX_DCB_COUNT","DataType":"Int32","Value":8},{"Tag":"BAT_ROLE","DataType":"Uint32","Value":257}]}]}]

for a not available index 2:


docolli commented 2 months ago

Reformated the output of e3dc.exe -output json "[[\"BAT_REQ_AVAILABLE_BATTERIES\"]]" for easier reading:


Index 0 e3dc.exe --output json "[[\"BAT_REQ_DATA\",[[\"BAT_INDEX\",0],[\"BAT_REQ_INFO\"],[\"BAT_REQ_DCB_COUNT\"]]]]"


Index 1 e3dc.exe --output json "[[\"BAT_REQ_DATA\",[[\"BAT_INDEX\",1],[\"BAT_REQ_INFO\"],[\"BAT_REQ_DCB_COUNT\"]]]]"


Index 0 e3dc.exe --output json "[[\"BAT_REQ_DATA\",[[\"BAT_INDEX\",0],[\"BAT_REQ_SPECIFICATION\"]]]]"


Index 1 e3dc.exe --output json "[[\"BAT_REQ_DATA\",[[\"BAT_INDEX\",1],[\"BAT_REQ_SPECIFICATION\"]]]]"

[{"Tag":"BAT_DATA","DataType":"Container","Value": [{

Summary: With BAT_REQ_AVAILABLE_BATTERIES it is possible to determine the number of available batterie stacks by checking for each BAT_BATTERY_SPEC Container the value for BAT_INDEX.

Unfortunately there is no single Tag that contains the number of available battery stacks, like there is for each battery stack the Tag BAT_REQ_DCB_COUNT or BAT_DCB_COUNT that contains the number of battery modules (DCBs) in the requested battery stack.

andig commented 2 months ago

If you have multiple batteries you‘ll need to configure them? Or does this count as a single battery consisting of multiple modules with soc averaged across all modules?

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago


Batteries can be packs of multiples of 16S 18S 19S (Those define the amount of for example 18650 batteries include in a single pack) For low voltage systems ~48V

And then packs of those packs, in the end it acts as one battery, packs just define the lowest BMS level, that the management interface can address.

All this is needed to be able to allow higher drain, as it is balanced across all those batteries, as well as increased loading speed.

andig commented 2 months ago

I have no idea what that means in terms of the rscp api.

andig commented 2 months ago

Simplest thing: we just revert to user specifying capacity :)

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

Would be the easiest solution, otherwise you need to check each index (max 0 and 1 to my best knowledge) and check + sum the capacity of both.

But I also so do not know for sure, would guess docolli is the expert for that integration, maybe e3dc provides three information via a different topic?

docolli commented 2 months ago

We could implement user capacity information as it was before and if it is not defined, then we ask the E3DC system as we do now. A full automatic detection would need the BAT_REQ_AVAILABLE_BATTERIES request and then fill an array with the numbers you get for topic BAT_INDEX for each container BAT_BATTERY_SPEC that you get in the answer. Yes, that needs some parsing. 😉 Then you send the [[\"BAT_REQ_DATA\",[[\"BAT_INDEX\",x],[\"BAT_REQ_SPECIFICATION\"]]]]" for each element in the index for x and summarize all values you get for BAT_SPECIFIED_CAPACITY to get the total battery capacity.

@Cheppetto do you have a S10 Pro System or do you really have two separate battery stacks? I have an idea why this is so, but I will try to explain tomorrow.

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

S10pro compact, without external tower.

The python e3dc seems to receive a installed battery capacity, I looked into the repo and to my best knowledge the information looks to be provided by the e3dc rscp interface

Under: system info / system info static - something like that tag, maybe looking it up under Battery batteries is the wrong approach?

Maybe this is something:

`25166393": { "TagHex": "0x01800239", "TagName": "PARAM_INSTALLED_BAT_CAP", "TagNameGlobal": "TAG_EMS_PARAM_INSTALLED_BAT_CAP", "DataTagHex": "0x800239", "NameSpace": "EMS", "NameSpaceHex": "0x01", "DataType": "None", "DataTypeHex": "0x00", "UserLevel": "USER", "Unit": "",

from` https://github.com/git-kick/ioBroker.e3dc-rscp/blob/master/lib/RscpTags.json line 8439

edit: query bringt aber kein REQ Tag, adden vom REQ Tag bringt ein tag not found

andig commented 2 months ago

@docolli is it possible to request multiple battery specs in one query?

docolli commented 2 months ago

Hui, das sieht spannend aus. Damit bekommt man viele Systemwerte mit 1 Abfrage:

e3dc.exe --output json "[[\"EMS_REQ_GET_SYS_SPECS\"]]"

    "EMS_SYS_SPEC": [
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 15,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "hybridModeSupported",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 14,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "installedBatteryCapacity",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 13107
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 13,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxAcPower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 12000
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 10,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxBatChargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 4500
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 11,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxBatDischargPower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 4500
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 0,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxChargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 4500
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 1,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxDischargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 4500
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 8,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxFbcChargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 4500
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 9,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxFbcDischargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 4500
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 12,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxPvPower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 4,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxStartChargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 4500
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 6,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxStartDischargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 4500
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 5,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "minStartChargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 7,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "minStartDischargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 2,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "recommendedMinChargeLimit",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 2200
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 3,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "recommendedMinDischargeLimit",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 1100
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 16,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "startChargeDefault",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 65
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 17,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "startDischargeDefault",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 65

@Cheppetto Was kommt da bei Dir als Antwort? Der Wert von installedBatteryCapacity könnte das sein, was wir suchen und der hoffentlich allgemeingültig ist.

docolli commented 2 months ago

@andig Man kann wohl einen einzelnen Wert aus dem EMS_SYS_SPEC Container per RCSP nicht abfragen, sondern muss das komplette Ergebnis parsen. RSCPGui macht das in Python auch so: https://github.com/rxhan/RSCPGui/blob/master/rscpguiframe.py#L986

Wenn bei Chepetto dort als Wert 26.2kWh steht, dann sind wir am Ziel und müssen uns nicht mehr mit der BatteryID beschäftigen. So tief muss man dann gar nicht ins System einsteigen, nur um die gesamte Batteriekapazität zu ermitteln.

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

@docolli docolli

yes it's like that :), this btw includes also max dis- and charge power, which could be read from here In regards of the two battery "stacks" i guess this is caused by the inverter design to be 2 units

        "EMS_SYS_SPEC": [
docolli commented 2 months ago

Der Grund für die Aufteilung der 4 Batteriemodule beim S10Pro in 2 Batterieeinheiten im Gegensatz zu 1 Batterieeinheit bei meinem S10E liegt an der Notstromfähigkeit und der Notwendigkeit zur Kalibrierung die Batteriemodule von Zeit zu Zeit vollständig entladen zu müssen. Man kann beim E3DC Batteriesystem eine Notstromreserve (in kWh) vorsehen, die im Normalbetrieb nicht entladen wird.

Cheppetto und ich haben je 4 Batteriemodule A, B, C und D. Bei mir sind diese unter 1 BatterieID "0" zusammengefasst. Zur Kalibrierung muss komplett entladen werden, d.h. bei meinem System habe ich immer wieder mal Zeiten, bei denen kurzfristig die Notstromreserve nicht mehr vorhanden ist. Fällt hier der Netzstrom aus, ist es dumm gelaufen. Bei S10Pro wurden 2 "virtuelle" Batterieeinheiten definiert und je 2 Module zugeordnet: 0 = A/B, 1 = C/D. Somit kann jede Batterieeinheit (BatterieID) für sich kalibriert werden und die jeweils andere verfügt noch über die Notstromreserve.

@andig Hast du jetzt mit der Abfrage '[["EMS_REQ_GET_SYS_SPECS"]]' und der in der Antwort enthaltenen installedBatteryCapacity genügend Infos, um den Wert der verbauten Batteriekapazität ermitteln zu können? Ich teste den Code gerne.

maikheinrich commented 2 months ago

Hallo zusammen,

gerne biete ich mich auch zum testen von RSCP Abfragen an. Ich habe Zugriff auf mehrere E3DC Systemen in unterschiedlichen Ausführungen.

S10 Pro mit Zusatz Batterieschrank und weiteren Energiezähler (Erzeuger und Verbrauch) S20 X im Farming Mode S10X

Wenn ich etwas zum Project beitragen kann, lasst es mich wissen...

LG Maik

docolli commented 2 months ago

Hi Maik! Hast du ein Windows Laptop mit dem du an diese Systeme ran kannst und dort mal deren Ausgaben auf '[["EMS_REQ_GET_SYS_SPECS"]]' ausgeben kannst? Wenn ja, dann melde dich bei mir unter evcc@docollipics.de Ich schicke Dir die exe zusammen mit einer kleinen Anleitung.

mars-wolf commented 2 months ago

Habe ein S10Pro mit zwei Modulen auf 19 kWh, habe Mac mit Win virtuell drauf. Mit kurzer Anleitung, wie das auslesen geht, stelle ich mich gern zur Verfügung.

docolli commented 2 months ago

Werte für '[["EMS_REQ_GET_SYS_SPECS"]]' von @mars-wolf, auch hier stimmt installedBatteryCapacity mit dem theroretisch vorhandenen Wert.

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

One last thing, this is not the net-capacity if this matters to anyone

docolli commented 2 months ago

Hier die Ausgabe von @maikheinrich und seinem 38kWh System mit 6 Batteriemodulen.

    "EMS_SYS_SPEC": [
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 15,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "hybridModeSupported",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 14,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "installedBatteryCapacity",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 39160
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 13,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxAcPower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 12000
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 10,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxBatChargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 12000
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 11,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxBatDischargPower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 12000
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 0,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxChargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 12000
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 1,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxDischargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 12000
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 8,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxFbcChargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 12000
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 9,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxFbcDischargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 12000
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 12,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxPvPower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 4,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxStartChargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 12000
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 6,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "maxStartDischargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 12000
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 5,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "minStartChargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 7,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "minStartDischargePower",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 2,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "recommendedMinChargeLimit",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 6600
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 3,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "recommendedMinDischargeLimit",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 3300
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 16,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "startChargeDefault",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 65
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX": 17,
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME": "startDischargeDefault",
        "EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT": 65
mars-wolf commented 2 months ago

For the record: Ich habe: Batterie 0: dort sind zwei Module drin Batterie 1: dort ist ein Modul drin

Insgesamt netto ergeben das ca. 19,5 kWh und E3/DC gibt brutto 17,5 kWh an.

docolli commented 2 months ago

@andig Vorschlag zur Ermittelung der Batteriekapazität: Wir nehmen nicht mehr BAT_REQ_DATA/BAT_INDEX 0/BAT_REQ_SPECIFICATION und holen uns aus der Antwort BAT_SPECIFICATION bzw. BAT_SPECIFIED_CAPACITY, sondern du sendest nur noch folgende Anfrage:

Tag: rscp.EMS_REQ_GET_SYS_SPECS, DataType: rscp.None,

Als Antwort kommt dann: [{ EMS_GET_SYS_SPECS Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 15 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString hybridModeSupported } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 1 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 14 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString installedBatteryCapacity } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 13107 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 13 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString maxAcPower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 12000 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 10 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString maxBatChargePower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 4500 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 11 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString maxBatDischargPower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 4500 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 0 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString maxChargePower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 4500 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 1 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString maxDischargePower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 4500 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 8 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString maxFbcChargePower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 4500 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 9 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString maxFbcDischargePower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 4500 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Int32 12 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString maxPvPower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Error ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 4 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString maxStartChargePower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 4500 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 6 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString maxStartDischargePower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 4500 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 5 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString minStartChargePower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 0 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 7 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString minStartDischargePower } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 0 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 2 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString recommendedMinChargeLimit } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 2200 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 3 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString recommendedMinDischargeLimit } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 1100 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 16 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString startChargeDefault } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 65 }] } { EMS_SYS_SPEC Container [{ EMS_SYS_SPEC_INDEX Uint32 17 } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME CString startDischargeDefault } { EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT Int32 65 }] }] }]

Aus diesem muss man denjenigen EMS_SYS_SPEC Container ermitteln, dessen EMS_SYS_SPEC_NAME="installedBatteryCapacity" ist und dann den Wert von EMS_SYS_SPEC_VALUE_INT aus diesem Container übernehmen. Vielleicht hat @spali hier einen geschickten Befehl in seiner Bibliothek?

Dies ist dann die theoretische Batteriekapazität, das sollte für evcc genügen.

Man könnte auch zusätzlich den Parameter capacity wieder einführen. Ist dieser nicht definiert, so läuft die Kapazitätsermittlung wie oben beschrieben. Ansonsten wird der Wert vom Parameter übernommen und das E3DC System nicht befragt.

andig commented 2 months ago

Lets return to the basics and keep things simple.

mars-wolf commented 2 months ago

Hallo, bei 0.126.1 wurde mir in der UI 13,5 kWh Kapazität angezeigt (hab aber 19,5 kWh brutto drin). Hier wurde dann ein Weg gefunden, dass bei mehreren Batterien/ Modulen dann die Summe aller gerechnet wird. Jetzt mit 0.162.2 ist keinerlei kWh Angabe mehr in der UI ersichtlich. Was mache ich falsch? Dienst neu gestartet etc. leider ohne Erfolg.

Cheppetto commented 2 months ago

you have to manually enter it in the battery configuration now, this was disabled whilst the former implementation was in place - not sure if the proper fix will be done
