evcc-io / evcc

Sonne tanken ☀️🚘
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failsafe timeout: read tcp #14279

Closed phil43 closed 1 month ago

phil43 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

charger type 'amperfied': failsafe timeout: read tcp> i/o timeout

Steps to reproduce

Error after an update. Had the configuration working a couple of days ago.

Configuration details

  # schema is the HTTP schema
  # setting to `https` does not enable https, it only changes the way URLs are generated
  schema: http
  # host is the hostname or IP address
  # if the host name contains a `.local` suffix, the name will be announced on MDNS
  # docker: MDNS announcements don't work. host must be set to the docker host's name.
  # port is the listening port for UI and api
  # evcc will listen on all available interfaces
  port: 7070

interval: 30s # control cycle interval. Interval <30s can lead to unexpected behavior, see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/reference/configuration/interval

# database configuration for persisting charge sessions and settings
# database:
#   type: sqlite
#   dsn: <path-to-db-file>

# sponsor token enables optional features (request at https://sponsor.evcc.io)
# sponsortoken:

# telemetry enables aggregated statistics
# Telemetry allows collecting usage data (grid and green energy, charge power).
# Data is aggregated, no individual charging sessions are tracked. The collected,
# anonymous data can be retrieved using https://api.evcc.io.
# See https://github.com/evcc-io/evcc/pull/4343 or details.
# For time being, this is only available to sponsors, hence data is associated with
# the sponsor token's identity.
# telemetry: true

# log settings
log: debug
  site: debug
  lp-1: debug
  lp-2: debug
  cache: error
  db: error

# modbus proxy for allowing external programs to reuse the evcc modbus connection
# each entry will start a proxy instance at the given port speaking Modbus TCP and
# relaying to the given modbus downstream device (either TCP or RTU, RS485 or TCP)
  #  - port: 5200
  #    uri: solar-edge:502
  #    # rtu: true
  #    # readonly: true # use `deny` to raise modbus errors

# meter definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning meters to site and loadpoints
# for documentation see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/devices/meters
  - name: my_battery
    type: template
    template: victron-energy
    usage: battery
    host: # IP-Adresse oder Hostname
    port: 502 # Port (optional)

  - name: my_grid
    type: template
    template: cg-em24
    usage: grid

    # Modbus TCP
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 1
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port

  - name: my_pv
    type: template
    template: victron-energy
    usage: pv
    host: # IP-Adresse oder Hostname
    port: 502 # Port (optional) 

# charger definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning charger to vehicle
# for documentation see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/devices/chargers
  - name: my_charger
    type: template
    template: amperfied

    # Modbus TCP
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 255
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port 

# vehicle definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning vehicle to loadpoint
# for documentation see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/devices/vehicles
  - name: Smart
    type: template
    template: smart
    capacity: 60 # kWh
    user: xxxx
    password: xxx

# site describes the EVU connection, PV and home battery
  title: Home # display name for UI
    grid: my_grid # grid meter
      - my_pv # list of pv inverters/ meters
      - my_battery # list of battery meters
  residualPower: 100 # additional household usage margin
  maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging: 0 # ignore battery charging if AC consumption is above this value

# loadpoint describes the charger, charge meter and connected vehicle
  - title: Vorgarten # display name for UI
    charger: my_charger # charger
#    meter:  # charge meter
    mode: "pv" # default charge mode to apply when vehicle is disconnected; use "off" to disable by default if charger is publicly available

    # remaining settings are experts-only and best left at default values
    priority: 0 # relative priority for concurrent charging in PV mode with multiple loadpoints (higher values have higher priority)
      # polling defines usage of the vehicle APIs
      # Modifying the default settings it NOT recommended. It MAY deplete your vehicle's battery
      # or lead to vehicle manufacturer banning you from API use. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
        # poll mode defines under which condition the vehicle API is called:
        #   charging: update vehicle ONLY when charging (this is the recommended default)
        #   connected: update vehicle when connected (not only charging), interval defines how often
        #   always: always update vehicle regardless of connection state, interval defines how often (only supported for single vehicle)
        mode: charging
        # poll interval defines how often the vehicle API may be polled if NOT charging
        interval: 60m
      estimate: true # set false to disable interpolating between api updates (not recommended)
    enable: # pv mode enable behavior
      delay: 1m # threshold must be exceeded for this long
      threshold: 0 # grid power threshold (in Watts, negative=export). If zero, export must exceed minimum charge power to enable
    disable: # pv mode disable behavior
      delay: 3m # threshold must be exceeded for this long
      threshold: 0 # maximum import power (W)

# tariffs are the fixed or variable tariffs
  currency: EUR # three letter ISO-4217 currency code (default EUR)
    # either static grid price (or price zones)
    type: fixed
    price: 0.294 # EUR/kWh
      - days: Mon-Fri
        hours: 2-5
        price: 0.2 # EUR/kWh
      - days: Sat,Sun
        price: 0.15 # EUR/kWh

    # or variable tariffs
    # type: tibber
    # token: "476c477d8a039529478ebd690d35ddd80e3308ffc49b59c65b142321aee963a4" # access token
    # homeid: "cc83e83e-8cbf-4595-9bf7-c3cf192f7d9c" # optional if multiple homes associated to account

    # type: awattar
    # region: de # optional, choose at for Austria
    # charges: # optional, additional charges per kWh
    # tax: # optional, additional tax (0.1 for 10%)

    # type: octopusenergy
    # tariff: AGILE-FLEX-22-11-25 # Tariff code
    # region: A # optional

    # type: elering # Nordpool
    # region: ee # or lt, lv, fi
    # charges: # optional, additional charges per kWh
    # tax: # optional, additional tax (0.1 for 10%)

    # type: energinet # Energinet using the price in DKK
    # region: dk1 # or dk2
    # charges: # optional, additional charges per kWh
    # tax: # optional, additional tax (0.1 for 10%)

    # type: entsoe # Entso-E european market data
    # domain: BZN|DE-LU # https://transparency.entsoe.eu/content/static_content/Static%20content/web%20api/Guide.html#_areas
    # securitytoken: # api token
    # charges: # optional, additional charges per kWh
    # tax: # optional, additional tax (0.1 for 10%)

    # type: pun # PUN - Prezzo unico nazionale - Hourly Italian wholesale prices
    # charges: 0 # optional, additional charges per kWh
    # tax: 0 # optional, additional tax (0.1 for 10%)

    # type: amber
    # token: # api token from https://app.amber.com.au/developers/
    # siteid: # site ID returned by the API
    # channel: general

    # type: custom # price from a plugin source; see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/reference/plugins
    # price:
    #   source: http
    #   uri: https://example.org/price.json
    #   jq: .price.current

    # rate for feeding excess (pv) energy to the grid
    type: fixed
    price: 0.08 # EUR/kWh

    # type: octopusenergy
    # tariff: AGILE-FLEX-22-11-25 # Tariff code
    # region: A # optional

    # type: amber
    # token: # api token from https://app.amber.com.au/developers/
    # siteid: # site ID returned by the API
    # channel: feedIn
    # co2 tariff provides co2 intensity forecast and is for co2-optimized target charging if no variable grid tariff is specified
    # type: grünstromindex # GrünStromIndex (Germany only)
    # zip: <zip>

    # type: electricitymaps # https://app.electricitymaps.com/map
    # uri: <uri>
    # token: <token> # needs to be a token with forecast (not in the free tier)
    # zone: DE

    # type: ngeso # National Grid Electricity System Operator data (United Kingdom only) https://carbonintensity.org.uk/
    # provides national data if both region and postcode are omitted - do not supply both at the same time!
    # region: 1 # optional, coarser than using a postcode - see https://api.carbonintensity.org.uk/ for full list
    # postcode: SW1A1AA # optional

# mqtt message broker
  # broker: localhost:1883
  # topic: evcc # root topic for publishing, set empty to disable
  # user:
  # password:

# influx database
  # url: http://localhost:8086
  # database: evcc
  # user:
  # password:

# eebus credentials
  # uri: # :4712
  # interfaces: # limit eebus to specific network interfaces
  # - en0
  # certificate: # local signed certificate, required, can be generated via `evcc eebus-cert`
  #   public: # public key
  #   private: # private key

# push messages
    start: # charge start event
      title: Charge started
      msg: Started charging in "${mode}" mode
    stop: # charge stop event
      title: Charge finished
      msg: Finished charging ${chargedEnergy:%.1fk}kWh in ${chargeDuration}.
    connect: # vehicle connect event
      title: Car connected
      msg: "Car connected at ${pvPower:%.1fk}kW PV"
    disconnect: # vehicle connected event
      title: Car disconnected
      msg: Car disconnected after ${connectedDuration}
    soc: # vehicle soc update event
      title: Soc updated
      msg: Battery charged to ${vehicleSoc:%.0f}%
    guest: # vehicle could not be identified
      title: Unknown vehicle
      msg: Unknown vehicle, guest connected?
  # - type: pushover
  #   app: # app id
  #   recipients:
  #   - # list of recipient ids
  # - type: telegram
  #   token: # bot id
  #   chats:
  #   - # list of chat ids
  # - type: email
  #   uri: smtp://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/?fromAddress=<from>&toAddresses=<to>
  # - type: ntfy
  #   uri: https://<host>/<topics>
  #   priority: <priority>
  #   tags: <tags>
sponsortoken: XXX

Log details

[main  ] INFO 2024/06/10 14:47:17 evcc 0.126.6
[main  ] INFO 2024/06/10 14:47:17 using config file: /config/evcc.yaml
[main  ] INFO 2024/06/10 14:47:17 starting ui and api at :7070
[main  ] FATAL 2024/06/10 14:47:27 cannot create charger 'my_charger': cannot create charger type 'template': cannot create charger type 'amperfied': failsafe timeout: read tcp> i/o timeout
[main  ] FATAL 2024/06/10 14:47:27 will attempt restart in: 5m0s

What type of operating system are you running?

HomeAssistant Add-on



andig commented 1 month ago

Error after an update. Had the configuration working a couple of days ago.

Please downgrade and retest.