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Elli: Fahrzeug beginnt immer wieder zu laden und bricht dann wieder ab #14839

Closed winfotiker closed 1 month ago

winfotiker commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

Das Fahrzeug (ID5) ist an der Elli Pro Wallbox angestöpselt. Die Sonne scheint nicht (hinreichend). Das Fahrzeug steht auf PV. immer wieder, innerhalb von wenigen Minuten, wird trotzdem ein Ladevorgang getartet und dann mangels Energie gleich wieder beendet. installiert ist die Latest Verion. Problem tritt erst seit dem letzten Updaten von EVCC auf.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Ladewilliges Auto ( ID5) im PV Modus anschließen 2.Sonne scheint nicht
  2. Auto beginnt trotzdem immer weider kurz zu laden und läuft dann auf einen Fehler- ...

Configuration details

# open evcc at http://evcc.local:7070
  schema: http
  host: evcc.local # .local suffix announces the hostname on MDNS
  port: 7070

log: warn
  cache: error

sponsortoken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3OTAyNzY0MDAsImlhdCI6MTY5NTY2ODQwMCwiaXNzIjoiZXZjYy5pbyIsInN1YiI6IndpbmZvdGlrZXIiLCJzcmMiOiJnaCJ9.CTotp1McZyyOGh5O0tOOE7G7QN6vLyyNbUH51WrPRkI

# unique installation id
plant: e4d9764606db15846e18aff901d5d5c4a8c5796afa9fad57ea63f3879687a1a8

interval: 10s # control cycle interval

- type: template
#  template: e3dc 
  usage: grid  
#  port: 502  
  template: e3dc-rscp
  port: 5033
  name: grid1
  user: xxxxde
  password: ****
  key: ****
- type: template
#  template: e3dc
  usage: pv 
#  port: 502  
  name: pv2
  template: e3dc-rscp
  port: 5033
  user: xxxxx
  password: *****
  key: *****
- type: template
#  template: e3dc 
  usage: battery  
#  port: 502  
  name: battery3
  template: e3dc-rscp
  port: 5033
  user: xxxxx
  password: *****
  key: xxxxx

- type: template
  template: ellipro 
  ski: E6fbee384f24fxxxx
  name: wallbox5
- type: template
  template: ellipro 
  ski: C04CC6E65DEC6Axxxx  
  name: wallbox6

#- name: ev4
#  type: template
#  template: id 
#  title: ID5  
#  icon: car  
#  user: *****  
#  password: ****
#  vin: wvgzzz****  
#  capacity: 77  
#  phases: 3  
#  cache: 15m  
#  mode: pv  
#  minCurrent: 6 
#  maxCurrent: 16  
- name: ev5
  type: template
  template: id 
  title: PassatGTE  
  icon: car  
  user: *****
  password: ****  
  vin: WVWZZZ 
  capacity: 10  
  phases: 3  
  cache: 15m  
  mode: pv  
  minCurrent: 6  
  maxCurrent: 16  

- title: Links
  charger: wallbox5
  mode: pv
  priority: 1
- title: rechts
  charger: wallbox6
  mode: pv
  priority: 2 

  title: Home
    grid: grid1
    - pv2
    - battery3

# tariffs are the fixed or variable tariffs
  currency: EUR # three letter ISO-4217 currency code (default EUR)
    # either static grid price (or price zones)
    type: fixed
    price: 0.32 # EUR/kWh

    # # or variable via tibber
    # type: tibber
    # token: "xxxxxxxxxx" # access token
    # homeid: "xxxxx-8cbf-4595-9bf7-c3cf192f7d9c" # optional if multiple homes associated to account

    # # or variable via awattar
    # type: awattar
    # region: de # optional, choose at for Austria
    # rate for feeding excess (pv) energy to the grid
    type: fixed
    price: 0.0606 # EUR/kWh
    # planner tariff can be used for target charging if not grid tariff is specified

      private: |
          -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
          -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----
      public: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----

Log details

[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 charge power: 30W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44218 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 charge currents: [0.13 0 0]A
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 952 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 charge power: 0W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 953 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
time="2024-07-11T19:45:43+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_PV None <nil> } { EMS_REQ_POWER_ADD None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 pv power: 324W
time="2024-07-11T19:45:43+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_BAT None <nil> }]"
time="2024-07-11T19:45:43+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_BAT_SOC None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 battery soc: 93%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 battery power: 456W
time="2024-07-11T19:45:43+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_GRID None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 grid meter: 4W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 site power: 460W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 954 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 charger status: B
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 955 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 !! active phases: 3p = min(0p measured 0p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.667A (460W @ 3p)
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2453 952 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98231 44217 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2458 953 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98234 44218 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2460 954 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2462 955 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:45 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 956 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 957 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 ----
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44219 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 charge power: 30W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44220 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 charge currents: [0.13 0 0]A
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 958 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 charge power: 0W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 959 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 960 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
time="2024-07-11T19:45:53+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_PV None <nil> } { EMS_REQ_POWER_ADD None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 pv power: 319W
time="2024-07-11T19:45:53+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_BAT None <nil> }]"
time="2024-07-11T19:45:53+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_BAT_SOC None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 battery soc: 93%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 battery power: 462W
time="2024-07-11T19:45:53+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_GRID None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 grid meter: -1W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 site power: 461W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44221 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 charger status: B
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44222 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 !! active phases: 3p = min(0p measured 3p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.668A (461W @ 3p)
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2467 958 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2470 959 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98237 44219 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98241 44220 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98244 44221 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98246 44222 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:57 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 961 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:58 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2474 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:58 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2475 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:58 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2476 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:58 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2477 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:58 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2478 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:59 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2479 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:59 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2480 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:45:59 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2481 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:00 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2482 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:00 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2483 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:00 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement notify 2484 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 962 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:02 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement notify 2486 MeasurementListData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 ----
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44223 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 charge power: 30W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44224 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 charge currents: [0.13 0 0]A
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 963 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 charge power: 0W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 964 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
time="2024-07-11T19:46:03+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_PV None <nil> } { EMS_REQ_POWER_ADD None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 pv power: 320W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:03+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_BAT None <nil> }]"
time="2024-07-11T19:46:03+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_BAT_SOC None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 battery soc: 93%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 battery power: 1779W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:03+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_GRID None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 grid meter: 1630W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 site power: 3409W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 965 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 charger status: B
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 966 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 !! active phases: 3p = min(0p measured 0p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -4.94A (3409W @ 3p)
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2488 963 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2491 964 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98249 44223 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2495 965 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98252 44224 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2497 966 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:04 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2499 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:05 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2500 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:05 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2501 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:05 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2502 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:05 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2503 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:05 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 967 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:09 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 968 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:09 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2506 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:09 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2507 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:09 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2508 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2509 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2510 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2511 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2512 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2513 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2514 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2515 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 ----
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44225 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 charge power: 30W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44226 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 charge currents: [0.13 0 0]A
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 969 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 charge power: 0W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 970 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
time="2024-07-11T19:46:13+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_PV None <nil> } { EMS_REQ_POWER_ADD None <nil> }]"
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 971 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 pv power: 318W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:13+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_BAT None <nil> }]"
time="2024-07-11T19:46:13+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_BAT_SOC None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 battery soc: 93%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 battery power: 1392W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:13+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_GRID None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 grid meter: -1099W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 site power: 293W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44227 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 charger status: B
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44228 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 !! active phases: 3p = min(0p measured 3p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.425A (293W @ 3p)
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2517 969 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2521 970 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98255 44225 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98259 44226 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98262 44227 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98264 44228 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:17 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 972 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:21 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 973 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 ----
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44229 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 charge power: 30W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44230 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 charge currents: [0.13 0 0]A
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 974 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 charge power: 0W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 975 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
time="2024-07-11T19:46:23+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_PV None <nil> } { EMS_REQ_POWER_ADD None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 pv power: 310W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:23+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_BAT None <nil> }]"
time="2024-07-11T19:46:23+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_BAT_SOC None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 battery soc: 93%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 battery power: 486W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:23+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_GRID None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 grid meter: -60W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 site power: 426W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 976 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 charger status: B
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 977 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 !! active phases: 3p = min(0p measured 0p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.617A (426W @ 3p)
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98267 44229 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2526 974 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2530 975 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2533 976 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2535 977 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:23 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98270 44230 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 978 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:29 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 979 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 ----
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44231 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 charge power: 30W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44232 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 charge currents: [0.13 0 0]A
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 981 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 charge power: 0W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 982 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
time="2024-07-11T19:46:33+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_PV None <nil> } { EMS_REQ_POWER_ADD None <nil> }]"
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 980 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 pv power: 312W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:33+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_BAT None <nil> }]"
time="2024-07-11T19:46:33+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_BAT_SOC None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 battery soc: 93%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 battery power: 486W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:33+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_GRID None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 grid meter: 4W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 site power: 490W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44233 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 charger status: B
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44234 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 !! active phases: 3p = min(0p measured 3p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.71A (490W @ 3p)
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2540 981 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98273 44231 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98278 44232 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2544 982 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98280 44233 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:33 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98282 44234 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:34 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2546 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:34 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2547 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:34 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2548 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:34 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2549 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:34 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2550 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:36 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2551 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:36 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2552 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:36 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2553 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:36 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2554 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:36 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2555 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:36 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement notify 2556 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 983 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:37 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement notify 2558 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:41 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2559 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:41 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2560 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:41 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2561 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:41 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2562 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:41 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2563 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:41 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 984 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 ----
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44235 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 charge power: 30W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44236 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 charge currents: [0.13 0 0]A
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 985 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 charge power: 0W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 986 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
time="2024-07-11T19:46:43+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_PV None <nil> } { EMS_REQ_POWER_ADD None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 pv power: 308W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:43+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_BAT None <nil> }]"
time="2024-07-11T19:46:43+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_BAT_SOC None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 battery soc: 93%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 battery power: 2988W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:43+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_GRID None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 grid meter: -508W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 site power: 2480W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 987 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 charger status: B
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 988 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 !! active phases: 3p = min(0p measured 0p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -3.59A (2480W @ 3p)
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98285 44235 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2566 985 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98288 44236 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2571 986 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2573 987 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:43 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2575 988 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:45 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 989 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 990 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 ----
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44237 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 charge power: 30W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44238 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 charge currents: [0.13 0 0]A
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 991 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 charge power: 0W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 992 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
time="2024-07-11T19:46:53+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_PV None <nil> } { EMS_REQ_POWER_ADD None <nil> }]"
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 993 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 pv power: 311W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:53+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_BAT None <nil> }]"
time="2024-07-11T19:46:53+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_BAT_SOC None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 battery soc: 93%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 battery power: 498W
time="2024-07-11T19:46:53+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_GRID None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 grid meter: 53W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 site power: 551W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44239 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 charger status: B
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44240 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 !! active phases: 3p = min(0p measured 3p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.799A (551W @ 3p)
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98291 44237 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2580 991 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98294 44238 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2584 992 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98298 44239 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98300 44240 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:46:57 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 994 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 995 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 ----
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44241 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 charge power: 30W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44242 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 charge currents: [0.13 0 0]A
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 996 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 charge power: 0W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 997 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
time="2024-07-11T19:47:03+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_PV None <nil> } { EMS_REQ_POWER_ADD None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 pv power: 320W
time="2024-07-11T19:47:03+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_BAT None <nil> }]"
time="2024-07-11T19:47:03+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_BAT_SOC None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 battery soc: 93%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 battery power: 480W
time="2024-07-11T19:47:03+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_GRID None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 grid meter: 50W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 site power: 530W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 998 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 charger status: B
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 999 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 !! active phases: 3p = min(0p measured 0p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.768A (530W @ 3p)
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2589 996 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98303 44241 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98306 44242 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2594 997 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2596 998 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:03 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2598 999 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:05 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 1000 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:05 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2601 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:05 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2602 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:05 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2603 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:05 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2604 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:06 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2605 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:07 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2606 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:07 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2607 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:07 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2608 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:07 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2609 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:07 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2610 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:07 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement notify 2611 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:09 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 1001 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:09 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement notify 2613 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2614 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2615 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2616 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2617 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2618 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 ----
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44243 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 charge power: 30W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44244 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 charge currents: [0.13 0 0]A
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 1002 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 charge power: 0W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 read 1003 MeasurementListData
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
time="2024-07-11T19:47:13+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_PV None <nil> } { EMS_REQ_POWER_ADD None <nil> }]"
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 1004 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 pv power: 314W
time="2024-07-11T19:47:13+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_BAT None <nil> }]"
time="2024-07-11T19:47:13+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_BAT_SOC None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 battery soc: 93%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 battery power: 4734W
time="2024-07-11T19:47:13+02:00" level=debug msg="write [{ EMS_REQ_POWER_GRID None <nil> }]"
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 grid meter: -3815W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 site power: 919W
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44245 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 charger status: B
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND read 44246 MeasurementListData
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 !! active phases: 3p = min(0p measured 3p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -1.33A (919W @ 3p)
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2620 1002 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:Measurement to Measurement reply 2623 1003 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98309 44243 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98314 44244 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98316 44245 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A184ND:Measurement to Measurement reply 98318 44246 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:17 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6 notify 1005 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:17 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2627 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:17 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2628 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:17 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2629 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:18 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2630 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:18 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2631 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:18 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2632 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:18 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration notify 2633 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:18 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2634 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:18 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2635 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/11 19:47:18 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2109A181H6:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 2636 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData

What type of operating system are you running?




Sparlader commented 1 month ago

Bei mir war auch das Problem elli wallbox und e-golf brachte mich zum verzweifeln: Laden begonnen, zurückgeschaltet auf min strom 1,4 bzw 2,8 kW bei 2 phasen, BEV nicht erkannt bzw warte auf fahrzeug, weiter geladen aber als Hausstrom angezeigt usw... nach zurücksetzen wallbox auf Werkseinstellung (Achtung SKI neu) und löschen MQTT im UI klappt es plötzlich wieder.Warum oder Grund, keine Ahnung!!!

DerAndereAndi commented 1 month ago

@Sparlader das konkrete Problem hier trat nur auf wenn 2 EEBUS Wallboxen angebunden waren, und an beiden ein EV hängt, und dann eines davon abgesteckt wurde.