evcc-io / evcc

Sonne tanken ☀️🚘
MIT License
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Eebus connection failed after some time (Elli charger) #14935

Closed sarsonj closed 4 weeks ago

sarsonj commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Hi, I successfully integrated evcc with my Elli based charger (Skoda IV Connect). Everything seems to work first - the charger is correctly charging right amonut of power based on actual solar conditions.

However, after few minutes, the charger disconnect from evcc. The charging continues, but with low (probably default) power. The evcc doesn't reconnect.

In logs it looks like that websocket connection failed and the evcc didn't try to reconnect again (there are no more logs from eebus after disconnection).

Would not be possible to reconnect to Elli charger in case of this websocket failure?

Steps to reproduce

  1. Connect car (in my case e-Golf) to Elli charger
  2. Charging starts and everything works as expected
  3. After few minutes, the evcc disconnect from charger (there is No car is connected message). In fact the charging continue, but with default low power ...

Configuration details

# open evcc at http://evcc.local:7070
  schema: http
  host: evcc.local # .local suffix announces the hostname on MDNS
  port: 7070

log: debug
  cache: error

# unique installation id
plant: f828bdbc64de5fce5bd54a942d3a97e57b974d8948a779b72516ceefa052a1da

interval: 30s # control cycle interval

  - type: template
    template: solax
    id: 1
    port: 502
    usage: grid
    modbus: tcpip
    name: grid1
  - type: template
    template: solax
    id: 1
    port: 502
    usage: pv
    modbus: tcpip
    name: pv2
  - type: template
    template: solax
    id: 1
    port: 502
    usage: battery
    modbus: tcpip
    name: battery3

  - type: template
    template: elliconnect
    ski: 2AFC E767 842C CFAE 3000 400B 5ACF 2910 DC26 594C
    name: wallbox4

  - type: template
    template: offline
    title: Šaršonovi e-Golf
    phases: 2
    capacity: 35
    name: sarsonovi-e-Golf

  - title: Garage
    charger: wallbox4
    mode: pv

  title: My home
    grid: grid1
      - pv2
      - battery3

    private: |
      -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----
    public: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----

Log details

[eebus ] INFO 2024/07/19 14:27:07 Local SKI:  0d6675fe8f4e4fb18fafe9f888ad6e6a6bb773f1
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:07 starting websocket server on :4712
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:07 mdns: announce
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:07 mdns: using zeroconf
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:07 mdns: start search
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:07 ski: 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c name: Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP brand: Elli model: Wallbox typ: Wallbox identifier: Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP register: false host: wallbox-2201A1WPGP.local. port: 4712 addresses: []
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:07 trying to connect to 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c at wallbox-2201A1WPGP.local.
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:07 initiating connection to 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c at wallbox-2201A1WPGP.local.:4712/ship/
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send:  read 1 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement read 627 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP reply 2 627 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement reply 629 1 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 3 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 4 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 5 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 6 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 8 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 7 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 9 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 10 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 11 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 12 MeasurementDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 13 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 14 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 15 NodeManagementBindingRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 16 ElectricalConnectionDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 17 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 18 ElectricalConnectionParameterDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 19 LoadControlLimitDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 20 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 22 MeasurementConstraintsListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 operation is not supported on function loadControlLimitConstraintsListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 21 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 23 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 24 ElectricalConnectionParameterDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 26 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 25 MeasurementDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 27 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 28 MeasurementConstraintsListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 29 IdentificationListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:11 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement call 631 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:11 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP result 30 631 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:11 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 635 3 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:11 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement reply 640 4 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:11 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 642 6 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:11 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:DeviceClassification to DeviceClassification reply 645 10 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 648 5 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 649 8 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:DeviceClassification to DeviceClassification reply 652 7 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 655 11 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 657 9 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:12 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:DeviceDiagnosis to DeviceDiagnosis reply 658 13 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:13 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration reply 661 14 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 31 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:13 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c websocket read error:  websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:13 mdns: announce
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:13 mdns: using zeroconf
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:44 ski: 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c name: Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP brand: Elli model: Wallbox typ: Wallbox identifier: Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP register: false host: wallbox-2201A1WPGP.local. port: 4712 addresses: []
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:44 delaying connection to 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c by 8.308s to minimize double connection probability
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:53 trying to connect to 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c at wallbox-2201A1WPGP.local.
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:27:53 initiating connection to 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c at wallbox-2201A1WPGP.local.:4712/ship/
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:03 connection to 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c failed: dial tcp i/o timeout
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:03 trying to connect to 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c at
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:03 initiating connection to 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c at
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:07 Send:  read 1 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:08 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement read 1 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:08 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP reply 2 1 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement reply 3 1 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 3 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 4 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement call 5 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP result 5 5 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 6 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 7 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 8 3 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement reply 10 4 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement read 13 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP reply 8 13 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement read 14 NodeManagementDestinationListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP reply 9 14 NodeManagementDestinationListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement read 15 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP reply 10 15 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:DeviceClassification to DeviceClassification reply 16 6 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:28:10 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:DeviceDiagnosis to DeviceDiagnosis reply 19 7 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:40 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement notify 22 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:40 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement notify 23 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement notify 24 NodeManagementUseCaseData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement notify 25 NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 11 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 12 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 14 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 15 NodeManagementBindingRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 16 ElectricalConnectionDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 13 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 18 ElectricalConnectionParameterDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 19 LoadControlLimitDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 17 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 operation is not supported on function loadControlLimitConstraintsListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 20 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 21 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 23 MeasurementDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 22 MeasurementDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 24 MeasurementConstraintsListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 26 MeasurementConstraintsListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 25 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 27 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 28 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 29 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 30 ElectricalConnectionParameterDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 31 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP call 32 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:48 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 33 IdentificationListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 27 12 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 30 14 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 31 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 33 11 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 34 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection reply 37 16 ElectricalConnectionDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 36 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 41 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 43 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection notify 44 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Generic to DeviceDiagnosis read 42 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:50 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP result 34 42 ResultData 7
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Generic to NodeManagement call 45 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP result 35 45 ResultData 1
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Generic to DeviceDiagnosis read 46 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP reply 36 46 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Generic to NodeManagement call 47 NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCall
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP result 37 47 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 48 15 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection reply 50 18 ElectricalConnectionParameterDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 38 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 54 13 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl reply 57 19 LoadControlLimitDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 39 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:DeviceClassification to DeviceClassification reply 61 17 DeviceClassificationManufacturerData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:51 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 66 20 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:52 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement reply 69 23 MeasurementDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 40 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:52 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 72 21 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:52 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement reply 76 22 MeasurementDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 41 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 42 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:52 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement reply 81 26 MeasurementConstraintsListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:52 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement reply 83 24 MeasurementConstraintsListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration reply 85 25 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 43 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 87 27 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:DeviceDiagnosis to DeviceDiagnosis reply 88 28 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 90 29 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection reply 91 30 ElectricalConnectionParameterDescriptionListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:53 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP read 44 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection reply 93 31 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:53 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:NodeManagement to NodeManagement result 97 32 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:54 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Identification to Identification reply 101 33 IdentificationListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:54 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Generic to DeviceDiagnosis read 106 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:54 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP reply 45 106 DeviceDiagnosisStateData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:54 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection reply 108 38 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:54 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl reply 110 39 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:54 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement reply 112 40 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:54 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement reply 114 41 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:54 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:DeviceConfiguration to DeviceConfiguration reply 116 43 DeviceConfigurationKeyValueListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:54 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:ElectricalConnection to ElectricalConnection reply 118 44 ElectricalConnectionPermittedValueSetListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 46 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:36:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 47 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 48 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 49 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 50 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 51 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:11 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP write 52 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:11 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl notify 127 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:11 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl result 128 52 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 53 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 54 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 55 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 56 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 57 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 58 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 59 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 60 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 61 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 62 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP write 63 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:41 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl notify 140 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:41 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl result 141 63 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 64 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:45 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 143 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 65 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 66 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 67 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 68 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:37:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 69 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 70 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 71 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 72 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 73 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP write 74 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:11 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl notify 154 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:11 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl result 155 74 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 75 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:15 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 157 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 76 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 77 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 78 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 79 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 80 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 81 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 82 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 83 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 84 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP write 85 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:41 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl notify 168 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:41 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl result 169 85 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 86 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:45 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 171 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 87 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 88 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 89 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 90 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:38:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 91 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 92 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 93 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 94 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:09 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP write 95 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:09 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl notify 181 LoadControlLimitListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:09 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:LoadControl to LoadControl result 182 95 ResultData 0
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 96 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 97 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:14 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 185 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 98 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 99 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 100 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 101 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 102 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 103 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 104 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 105 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 106 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 107 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 108 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 109 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 110 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 111 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:39:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 112 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 113 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 114 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 115 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 116 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 117 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 118 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 119 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 120 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 121 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 122 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 123 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 124 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 125 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 126 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 127 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 128 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 129 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 130 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 131 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:40:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 132 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 133 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 134 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 135 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 136 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 137 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 138 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 139 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 140 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 141 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 142 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 143 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 144 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 145 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 146 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 147 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 148 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 149 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 150 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 151 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:41:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 152 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 153 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 154 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 155 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 156 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 157 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 158 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 159 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 160 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 161 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 162 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 163 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 164 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 165 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 166 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 167 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 168 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 169 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 170 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 171 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:42:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 172 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 173 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 174 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 175 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 176 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 177 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 178 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 179 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 180 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 181 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 182 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:30 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 270 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:31 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 272 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 183 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 184 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 185 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:38 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 273 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 186 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 187 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 188 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 189 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:50 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 280 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 190 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 191 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:43:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 192 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 193 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 194 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 195 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 196 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 197 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 198 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 199 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:21 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 292 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 200 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:23 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 294 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 201 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:27 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 295 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 202 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:30 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 298 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 203 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 204 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 205 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 206 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 207 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 208 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 209 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 210 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 211 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:44:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 212 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 213 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 214 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 215 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 216 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 217 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 218 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 219 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 220 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 221 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 222 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 223 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 224 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 225 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 226 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 227 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 228 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 229 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 230 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 231 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:45:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 232 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 233 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 234 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 235 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 236 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 237 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 238 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 239 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 240 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 241 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 242 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 243 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 244 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 245 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 246 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 247 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 248 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 249 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 250 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 251 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:46:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 252 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 253 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 254 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 255 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 256 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 257 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 258 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 259 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 260 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 261 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 262 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:30 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 358 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 263 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:31 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 361 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 264 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 265 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 266 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 267 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 268 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 269 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 270 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 271 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:47:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 272 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 273 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 274 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 275 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 276 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 277 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 278 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 279 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 280 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 281 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 282 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 283 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 284 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 285 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 286 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 287 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 288 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 289 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 290 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 291 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:48:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 292 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 293 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 294 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 295 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 296 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 297 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 298 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 299 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 300 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 301 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 302 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 303 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 304 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 305 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 306 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 307 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 308 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 309 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 310 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 311 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:49:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 312 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 313 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 314 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 315 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 316 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 317 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 318 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 319 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 320 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 321 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 322 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 323 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:32 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 420 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:33 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 423 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 324 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:37 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 325 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:40 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 326 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:43 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 327 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:46 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 328 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:49 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 329 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:52 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 330 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:55 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 331 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:50:58 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 332 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:01 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 333 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:04 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 432 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:04 Recv: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP:Measurement to Measurement notify 435 MeasurementListData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:04 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 334 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:07 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 335 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:10 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 336 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:13 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 337 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:16 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 338 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:19 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 339 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 340 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:25 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 341 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 342 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:31 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 343 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 344 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:37 2afce767842ccfae3000400b5acf2910dc26594c websocket read error:  read tcp> i/o timeout
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:37 mdns: announce
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/19 14:51:37 mdns: using zeroconf

What type of operating system are you running?

HomeAssistant Add-on



premultiply commented 1 month ago

/cc @DerAndereAndi Irgendeine Idee was das nun schon wieder sein könnte? Oder Elli-Standardfehler?

augard commented 1 month ago

@sarsonj I am not sure if there is any difference, but you can try set template to template: ellipro.

DerAndereAndi commented 1 month ago

evcc can only reconnect when the wallbox announced itself via mDNS, which it doesn't seem to do. Also the wallbox could also connect which it doesn't do. One reason might be that the EEBUS software crashes on the wallbox.

Please note: every time evcc connects to the wallbox while an EV is connected, charging will not work as expected. Disconnected can be expected to happen when using a WLAN connection and is more reliable using a LAN connection.

deThommy commented 1 month ago

Ich habe genau dasselbe Problem. Elli Charger Pro, IONIQ 5. Meine Elli Wallbox ist mit LAN Kabel verbunden. Bis 0.127.3 lief alles ohne Probleme. Danach ging es dann los mit den Problemen (ab ca. 0.128.x). Erst die Thematik, dass das Auto immer anlädt und direkt wieder abschaltet. Mit 0.128.3 kann ich evcc gar nicht mehr starten. Mein Log ist identisch mit dem OP.

Kann ich noch was zur Identifikation beisteuern? Bin ab heute Nacht im Urlaub und hoffe, dass es danach wieder alles geht :P

// Ergänzung: ich weiß nicht, ob die Info hier weiterhilft, aber nach dem Downgrade auf 0.127.3 ging zunächst auch erstmal nichts mehr, EVCC konnte den Charger nicht hinzufügen, da es ein Problem mit EEBus gab. Nachdem das dann mit 0.127.0 auch nicht funktionierte, habe ich gerade die Kopplung im Elli Charger Admin Menü zu EVCC aufgehoben und noch mal neu gekoppelt. Danach konnte unter 0.127.3 alles wieder korrekt gestartet werden, inkl. Einrichtung der Wallbox etc... das Auto lädt auch gerade korrekt.

Ich belasse es jetzt für den Moment auf 127.3

DerAndereAndi commented 1 month ago

@deThommy das gleiche hätte auch mit der neuen Version funktioniert.

Olf1337 commented 1 month ago

Im Moment habe ich beim Laden mit Überschuss mit 0.128.3 keine Probleme. Ich schaue mal ob ich heute Nacht wieder dieses Phantom on/off Phänomen habe.

andig commented 1 month ago

Mein Log ist identisch mit dem OP.

Das Problem hier ist fehlende Verbindung? .Bitte probieren ob erneute Kopplung hilft.

Olf1337 commented 1 month ago

ich muss mich korrigieren. leider ist das verhalten recht instabil. Mal verliert die WB die Kopplung, mal lässt sich das Laden über EVCC (AUS/PC/Schnell) nicht einstellen und mal wird kein EV erkannt. Eine Wallbox ließ sich seid heute gar nicht mehr koppeln. Alles probiert: Neustart EVCC, Neustart WB ohne EV, Factory Reset WB, alles ohne Erfolg. Ich bin dann aus Verzweiflung zurück auf die 0.127.3 und zack sofort beide WB gekoppelt und das ansteuern ist "stabiler".

andig commented 1 month ago

Ohne ein Logfile mit dem sich die Unterschiede analysieren lassen wird das nicht helfen Workarounds für die Box zu finden. Etwas merkwürdig allerdings, dass auch ein Kopplungsprozess nach Factory Reset nicht mehr funktionieren soll? Auch da kann aber nur das Log Aufschluss geben.

DerAndereAndi commented 1 month ago

Im neuen Nightly Build sind noch ein paar Änderungen ins Blaue rein gemacht. Keine Ahnung ob die was helfen können. Aber auch hier, ohne ein Logfile mit EEBUS auf Trace Level und auch den restlichen Logdaten von evcc, kann man nicht mal gut raten.

andig commented 1 month ago

@deThommy probierst Du mal das nightly? Bitte trace log!

deThommy commented 1 month ago

Ich habe mir gerade die aktuelle 0.128.4 nightly geladen (ist die noch aktuell, jetzt wo gerade die 0.129 raus ist?). Damit habe ich bislang keine Probleme.

Auch das durchschalten der Modi (On, PV, MIN+PV, now) ging gerade ohne Probleme. Gerade ist aber zu wenig Sonne da. Ich lasse das über Nacht einmal laufen, den Wagen angestöpselt und melde mich morgen dazu - aktuell wirkt noch alles stabil.

deThommy commented 1 month ago

Gab bislang heute keine weiteren Probleme und es läuft stabil. Auch nach mehrmaligem (automatischem) umschalten aufgrund zu geringer PV-Leistung.

Ist das alles so in der 129er drin, sodass ich von der Nightly weg kann?

Danke euch fürs fixen!!!

DerAndereAndi commented 1 month ago

@deThommy Ja, das ist in der 129er drin.

sarsonj commented 1 month ago


the version 129 makes it more stable. To better isolate the charger problem, I have site with charger only, no solar panels / battery. So that now I can select only Off or Fast charging.

However, still, after some time, I got "Charger timeout" error in the logs:

[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:20 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 1693 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:22 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 1694 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:24 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 1695 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:26 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 1696 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:28 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 1697 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:30 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 1698 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:32 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 1699 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:34 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 1700 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:36 Send: d:_i:47859_Elli-Wallbox-2201A1WPGP notify 1701 DeviceDiagnosisHeartbeatData
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:38 550ea237e1c2739b159bd8367fdd6621b8b50bc6 websocket read error:  read tcp> i/o timeout
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:38 ski 550ea237e1c2739b159bd8367fdd6621b8b50bc6 disconnected
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:38 mdns: announce
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:38 mdns: using zeroconf
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:39 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:39 charge power: 7360W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:39 pv power: 0W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:39 site power: 7360W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:39 !! active phases: 2p = min(0p measured 2p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:15:39 !! session: chargeRater.chargedEnergy=5.7 - chargedAtStartup=0.0
[lp-1  ] ERROR 2024/07/30 11:15:39 charger status: timeout
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/07/30 11:16:09 ----

The logs continues like this - timeout forever. It never restore back. What helps is restart of evcc - then everything works again perfectly. Could be that "connection reset" made by evcc. When restart of evcc helps, wouldn't help some internal "connectin restart" in app itself?

In attachment are logs where the timeout error is shown and second log after restart.

logs-when-timeout-before-restart.log logs-when-timeout-after-restart.log

DerAndereAndi commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the log.

So there could be an issue with the mDNS entry not correctly being reported even though it should at some time be there. I'll check if I can simulate this.

andig commented 1 month ago

Super Idee @DerAndereAndi neues Nightly in 30min zum Test.

DerAndereAndi commented 1 month ago

One additional note: with this fix, the wallbox should be connected again. BUT it will likely not be able to change the charge settings unless you unplug the EV from the charger. This is due to software bugs in the wallbox that can not be worked around.

Only solution for this scenario: use a LAN connection.

sarsonj commented 1 month ago

One additional note: with this fix, the wallbox should be connected again. BUT it will likely not be able to change the charge settings unless you unplug the EV from the charger. This is due to software bugs in the wallbox that can not be worked around.

I don't thing so. When "connection lost", the charging changes to "low" power changing. But when evcc restarts and everything reconnects, I can set again "full" charging or turn charging off. I don't have to reconnect car (it is e-golf 2018 model). I have the latest firmware on the Elli charger.

Only solution for this scenario: use a LAN connection.

I have very good WiFi connection so that I am not sure, that this is problem with my WiFi. Or do you think, that this is problem with WiFi stack on the charger and that it will works better over the lan?

DerAndereAndi commented 1 month ago

I can assure you, that this problem will happen, as it has been faces over the past two years by many many users.

Also, no matter how good your WIFI connection is, the connection loss does not happen on LAN and so does the problem not occur there.

sarsonj commented 1 month ago

@DerAndereAndi OK, I will try the LAN connection.

jomach commented 1 month ago

see https://github.com/evcc-io/hassio-addon/issues/99#issuecomment-2258490968

jomach commented 1 month ago

and https://github.com/evcc-io/docs/pull/590/files#diff-7da3fb7b91f600ad31b84ed50c36c310f23142a4e1df7971809383874f018220R1065

andig commented 2 weeks ago

https://github.com/evcc-io/evcc/releases/tag/0.130.0 contains a refactor of the EEbus charger that might or might not help here.

jomach commented 2 weeks ago

@DerAndereAndi I just tested this and I have the same issue still with 1.30.0

[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:24 ski: 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 name: Livo-EVB-500-015-503 brand: EVBox model: Livo typ: ChargingStation identifier: EVBox-Livo-EVB-500-015-503 register: false host: EVB-500-015-503.local. port: 4712 addresses: []
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:24 trying to connect to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 at EVB-500-015-503.local.
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:24 initiating connection to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 at EVB-500-015-503.local.:4712/ship/
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:34 connection to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 failed: dial tcp i/o timeout
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:34 trying to connect to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 at
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:34 initiating connection to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 at
a[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:44 connection to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 failed:  dial tcp i/o timeout
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:44 mdns: announce
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:44 mdns: using zeroconf
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:44 trying to connect to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 at EVB-500-015-503.local.
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:44 initiating connection to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 at EVB-500-015-503.local.:4712/ship/
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:54 connection to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 failed: dial tcp i/o timeout
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:54 trying to connect to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 at
[eebus ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 21:41:54 initiating connection to 57a55237e44bd3838818586f239d55443a3a1de1 at

This here : nc -vz 4712 does not work. Should the wallbox expose this port ?