It would be very helpful if the actual SOC of the vehicle could be polled in more detail depending on the car status. This is because external logics and statistics require the current SOC in order to determine the next reading time, for example. It would therefore be helpful to be able to configure not just one, but several intervals at the same time.
I am still quite new to this project. Maybe I'm missing something and the SOC interval(s) can be set differently? I am currently in the process of dynamically rewriting the evcc.yaml.
For context: Our VW e-UP can be polled remotely, but of course it makes no sense to query it every hour and run the risk of overloading the remote connection.
It would be very helpful if the actual SOC of the vehicle could be polled in more detail depending on the car status. This is because external logics and statistics require the current SOC in order to determine the next reading time, for example. It would therefore be helpful to be able to configure not just one, but several intervals at the same time.
I am still quite new to this project. Maybe I'm missing something and the SOC interval(s) can be set differently? I am currently in the process of dynamically rewriting the evcc.yaml.
For context: Our VW e-UP can be polled remotely, but of course it makes no sense to query it every hour and run the risk of overloading the remote connection.