evcc-io / evcc

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Pool WP Steuerung tuts nach Update auf 0.129.0 nicht mehr #15448

Closed ThiloGa closed 3 weeks ago

ThiloGa commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Seit dem Update auf 0.129.0 tuts bei mir die Pool WP Steuerung nicht mehr.

Gehe ich auf 0.128.4 zurück gehts.

Steps to reproduce

PV Überschuss vorhanden 60 sek Startup-Timer läuft herunter WP wird per Tasmota Switch eingeschaltet, WP fährt hoch, läuft aber noch nicht, daher wenig Stromverbrauch. nach 30 Sekunden wird wieder ausgeschaltet. goto TOP

Configuration details

  schema: http
  host: ha.xxx # .local suffix announces the hostname on MDNS
  port: 7070
log: info
  cache: error
plant: xxxx

interval: 15s

sponsortoken: xxxx

telemetry: false

  broker: tls://ha.xxx:8883
  topic: evcc
  user: xxx
  password: xxx

- name: mybat
  type: custom
    source: http
    uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.deye_seplos_neey_sun10k_battery_output_power
    method: GET # default HTTP method
      - authorization: Bearer xxx
      - content-type: application/json
    jq: .state | tonumber # parse response json
    scale: 1 
    source: http
    uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.deye_seplos_neey_sun10k_battery_capacity
    method: GET # default HTTP method
      - authorization: Bearer xxx
      - content-type: application/json
    jq: .state | tonumber
    scale: 1 

- name: wp-shellyplugs
  type: custom

    source: http
    uri: http://wp-pool.xxx/cm?cmnd=status%2010
    jq: if .StatusSNS.ENERGY.Power > 0 then .StatusSNS.ENERGY.Power + 0 else 0 end
    source: http
    uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.temp_pool_temp
    method: GET
      - authorization: Bearer xxx
      - content-type: application/json
    jq: .state 

    - source: http
      uri: http://wp-pool.xxx/cm?cmnd=status%2010
      method: GET # default HTTP method
        - authorization: Bearer xxx
        - content-type: application/json
      jq: .StatusSNS.ENERGY.Current 
    - source: const
      value: 0
    - source: const
      value: 0      

- name: grid1
  type: custom
    source: http
    uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.deye_seplos_neey_sun10k_out_of_grid_total_power
    method: GET
      - authorization: Bearer xxx
      - content-type: application/json
    jq: .state | tonumber
    scale: 1 
    - source: http
      uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.deye_seplos_neey_sun10k_out_of_grid_current_l1
      method: GET # default HTTP method
        - authorization: Bearer xxx
        - content-type: application/json
      jq: .state | tonumber
      scale: 1 
    - source: http
      uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.deye_seplos_neey_sun10k_out_of_grid_current_l2
      method: GET
        - authorization: Bearer xxx
        - content-type: application/json
      jq: .state | tonumber
      scale: 1 
    - source: http
      uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.deye_seplos_neey_sun10k_out_of_grid_current_l3
      method: GET
        - authorization: Bearer xxx
        - content-type: application/json
      jq: .state | tonumber
      scale: 1 

- type: template
  template: cfos 
  id: 1
  host: powerbrain.xxx
  port: 4701
  usage: charge  
  modbus: tcpip  
  name: charge3

- type: template
  template: hoymiles-opendtu
  usage: pv
  host: opendtu.xxx
  name: pv1

- type: custom
  name: pv2
    source: http
    uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.deye_seplos_neey_sun10k_pv_total_power
    method: GET
      - authorization: Bearer xxx
      - content-type: application/json
    jq: .state | tonumber
    scale: 1 

- type: template
  template: cfos 
  host: powerbrain.xxx
  name: wallbox2

- name: wp_pool
  type: template
  template: tasmota
  host: wp-pool.xxx
  channel: 1
  integrateddevice: true
  icon: waterheater
  heating: true

- title: Einfahrt
  charger: wallbox2
  meter: charge3
  mode: off
  priority: 99
  phases: 0
      mode: connected

- title: Pool
  charger: wp_pool
  vehicle: wp_pool2
  meter: wp-shellyplugs
  mode: pv 
    threshold: 0
    delay: 1m
    threshold: 0
    delay: 15m    
    estimate: false
      mode: always
      interval: 5m

  title: Mein Zuhause
    grid: grid1
      - pv1
      - pv2
      - mybat

  residualPower: 500


  - name: wp_pool2
    type: custom
    title: Wärmepumpe Pool
    icon: waterheater
    phases: 1
      mode: pv
      mincurrent: 7
      maxcurrent: 8
      source: http
      uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.temp_pool_temp
      method: GET
        - authorization: Bearer xxx
        - content-type: application/json
      jq: .state 

  - name: EQV
    type: custom
    title: EQV
    icon: car
    - 12345678
    capacity: 90
      mode: pv
      minCurrent: 6
      maxCurrent: 32
      source: http
      uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.waf_xx_00_e_state_of_charge
      method: GET
        - authorization: Bearer xxx
        - content-type: application/json
      jq: .state | tonumber
      source: http
      uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.waf_xx_00_e_range_electric
      method: GET
        - authorization: Bearer xxx
        - content-type: application/json
      jq: .state | tonumber # parse response json
      source: http
      uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.waf_xx_00_e_odometer
      method: GET
        - authorization: Bearer xxx
        - content-type: application/json
      jq: .state | tonumber
      source: http
      uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.waf_xx_00_e_range_electric
      method: GET
        - authorization: Bearer xxx
        - content-type: application/json
      jq: .attributes.precondActive  # parse response json
      source: http
      uri: https://ha.xxx:8123/api/states/sensor.waf_xx_00_e_range_electric
      method: GET
        - authorization: Bearer xxx
        - content-type: application/json
      jq: (if (.attributes.chargingstatus == "0") then "C" elif (.attributes.chargingstatus == "2") then "B" elif (.attributes.chargingstatus == "3") then "A" else "B" end) # parse response json

  currency: EUR # three letter ISO-4217 currency code (default EUR)
    type: fixed
    price: 0.2772 # EUR/kWh
    type: fixed
    price: 0.0697 # EUR/kWh

  url: http://ha.xxx.de:8086
  database: homeAssistant
  user: xxx
  password: xxx

# eebus credentials
  # uri: # :4712
  # interfaces: # limit eebus to specific network interfaces
  # - en0
  # certificate: # local signed certificate, required, can be generated via `evcc eebus-cert`
  #   public: # public key
  #   private: # private key

# push messages
    start: # charge start event
      title: Charge started
      msg: Started charging in "${mode}" mode
    stop: # charge stop event
      title: Charge finished
      msg: Finished charging ${chargedEnergy:%.1fk}kWh in ${chargeDuration}.
    connect: # vehicle connect event
      title: Car connected
      msg: "Car connected at ${pvPower:%.1fk}kW PV"
    disconnect: # vehicle connected event
      title: Car disconnected
      msg: Car disconnected after ${connectedDuration}
    soc: # vehicle soc update event
      title: Soc updated
      msg: Battery charged to ${vehicleSoc:%.0f}%
    guest: # vehicle could not be identified
      title: Unknown vehicle
      msg: Unknown vehicle, guest connected?
  - port: 5200
    uri: powerbrain.xxx:4701

Log details

[main  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:49 evcc 0.129.0
[main  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:49 using config file: /config/evcc.yaml
[db    ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:49 using sqlite database: /config/evcc.db
[mqtt  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:50 connecting evcc-1336917411 at tls://ha.xxx:8883
[mqtt  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:50 tls://ha.xxx:8883 connected
[main  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:50 listening at :7070
[proxy-5200] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:50 modbus proxy for powerbrain.xxx:4701 listening at :5200
[lp-1  ] WARN 2024/08/18 12:54:50 poll mode '{connected 1h0m0s}' may deplete your battery or lead to API misuse. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
[lp-2  ] WARN 2024/08/18 12:54:50 poll mode '{always 5m0s}' may deplete your battery or lead to API misuse. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:50 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[site  ] WARN 2024/08/18 12:54:51 vehicle 'Wärmepumpe Pool' does not support automatic detection
[site  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51 site config:
[site  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51   meters:      grid ✓ pv ✓ battery ✓
[site  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51     grid:      power ✓ energy ✗ currents ✓
[site  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51     pv 1:      power ✓ energy ✗ currents ✗
[site  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51     pv 2:      power ✓ energy ✗ currents ✗
[site  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51     battery 1: power ✓ energy ✗ currents ✗ soc ✓ capacity ✗
[site  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51   vehicles:
[site  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51     vehicle 1: range ✓ finish ✗ status ✓ climate ✓ wakeup ✗
[site  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51     vehicle 2: range ✗ finish ✗ status ✗ climate ✗ wakeup ✗
[lp-1  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51 loadpoint 1:
[lp-1  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51   mode:        off
[lp-1  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51   charger:     power ✗ energy ✗ currents ✗ phases ✓ wakeup ✓
[lp-1  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51   meters:      charge ✓
[lp-1  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51     charge:    power ✓ energy ✓ currents ✗
[lp-2  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51 loadpoint 2:
[lp-2  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51   mode:        pv
[lp-2  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51   charger:     power ✓ energy ✓ currents ✗ phases ✗ wakeup ✗
[lp-2  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51   meters:      charge ✓
[lp-2  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51     charge:    power ✓ energy ✗ currents ✓
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 set buffer soc: 95
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 set buffer start soc: 0
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 set max grid supply while battery charging: 50
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 set priority soc: 60
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 0p vehicle 1p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 phase timer inactive
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 pv timer inactive
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 0p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 phase timer inactive
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 pv timer inactive
[lp-2  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51 vehicle updated: unknown -> Wärmepumpe Pool
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 set charge mode: pv
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:51 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[main  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:51 new version available: 0.130.0
[site  ] WARN 2024/08/18 12:54:52 interval <30s can lead to unexpected behavior, see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/reference/configuration/interval
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 pv power: 3639W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 battery soc: 69%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 battery power: -2519W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 grid meter: 18W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 grid currents: [1.32 1.27 1.01]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 site power: -2001W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:54:52 car disconnected
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 0p vehicle 1p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 0p vehicle 1p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 set session soc limit: 0
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:54:52 set session energy limit: 0
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 pv power: 3612W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 battery soc: 69%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 battery power: -2457W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 grid meter: 20W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 grid currents: [1.33 1.26 1]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 site power: -1937W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] INFO 2024/08/18 12:55:07 car connected
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 pv timer elapse
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 pv timer inactive
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 pv charge current: 8.42A = 0A + 8.42A (-1937W @ 1p)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 site power -1937W <= 0W enable threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 pv enable in 0s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 pv enable timer elapsed
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 max charge current: 7A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 charger enable
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:07 wake-up timer: start
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 charge power: 3W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 charge currents: [0.035 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 pv power: 3534W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 battery soc: 69%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 battery power: -2408W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 grid meter: 22W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 grid currents: [1.33 1.22 1]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 site power: -1886W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:22 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 charge power: 3W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 charge currents: [0.034 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 pv power: 3473W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 battery soc: 69%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 battery power: -2307W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 grid meter: 18W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 grid currents: [1.27 1.17 0.99]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 site power: -1789W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 pv charge current: 7.78A = 0A + 7.78A (-1789W @ 1p)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 pv timer reset
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 pv timer inactive
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 charger disable
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:37 wake-up timer: stop
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 pv power: 3340W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 battery soc: 69%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 battery power: -2242W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 grid meter: 20W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 grid currents: [1.27 1.14 0.99]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 site power: -1722W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:55:52 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 pv power: 3255W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 battery soc: 69%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 battery power: -2107W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 grid meter: 18W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 grid currents: [1.26 1.1 0.98]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 site power: -1589W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:07 pv charge current: 6.91A = 0A + 6.91A (-1589W @ 1p)
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 pv power: 3148W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 battery soc: 69%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 battery power: -2050W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 grid meter: 25W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 grid currents: [1.25 1.1 0.97]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 site power: -1525W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:22 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 pv power: 3053W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 battery soc: 69%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 battery power: -1943W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 grid meter: 18W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 grid currents: [1.23 1.08 0.96]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 site power: -1425W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:37 pv charge current: 6.2A = 0A + 6.2A (-1425W @ 1p)
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 pv power: 2972W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 battery power: -1898W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 grid meter: 21W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 grid currents: [1.23 1.07 0.96]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 site power: -1377W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:56:52 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 pv power: 2933W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 battery power: -1841W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 grid meter: 28W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 grid currents: [1.23 1.04 0.95]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 site power: -1313W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:07 pv charge current: 5.71A = 0A + 5.71A (-1313W @ 1p)
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 pv power: 2902W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 battery power: -1812W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 grid meter: 15W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 grid currents: [1.22 1.07 0.95]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 site power: -1297W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:22 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 pv power: 2884W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 battery power: -1822W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 grid meter: 8W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 grid currents: [1.22 1.07 0.95]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 site power: -1314W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:37 pv charge current: 5.71A = 0A + 5.71A (-1314W @ 1p)
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 pv power: 2897W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 battery power: -1827W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 grid meter: 16W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 grid currents: [1.23 1.08 0.94]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 site power: -1311W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:57:52 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 pv power: 2910W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 battery power: -1844W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 grid meter: 18W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 grid currents: [1.24 1.07 0.95]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 site power: -1326W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:07 pv charge current: 5.77A = 0A + 5.77A (-1326W @ 1p)
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 pv power: 2930W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 battery power: -1837W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 grid meter: 28W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 grid currents: [1.24 1.05 0.95]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 site power: -1309W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:22 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:23 set priority soc: 55
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 pv power: 2965W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 battery power: -1881W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 grid meter: 9W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 grid currents: [1.23 1.08 0.95]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 site power: -1372W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:37 pv charge current: 5.97A = 0A + 5.97A (-1372W @ 1p)
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 pv power: 2986W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 battery power: -1914W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 grid meter: 20W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 grid currents: [1.24 1.08 0.95]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 site power: -1394W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:58:52 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 pv power: 2997W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 battery power: -1941W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 grid meter: 15W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 grid currents: [1.24 1.08 0.96]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 site power: -1426W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:07 pv charge current: 6.2A = 0A + 6.2A (-1426W @ 1p)
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 pv power: 3040W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 battery power: -1958W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 grid meter: 30W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 grid currents: [1.26 1.05 0.95]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 site power: -1428W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:22 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 pv power: 3042W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 battery power: -1971W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 grid meter: 23W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 grid currents: [1.24 1.06 0.96]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 site power: -1448W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:37 pv charge current: 6.3A = 0A + 6.3A (-1448W @ 1p)
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 pv power: 3055W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 battery power: -1989W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 grid meter: 24W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 grid currents: [1.25 1.06 0.96]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 site power: -1465W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 12:59:52 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 pv power: 3084W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 battery power: -2019W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 grid meter: 15W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 grid currents: [1.27 1.11 0.96]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 site power: -1504W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:07 pv charge current: 6.54A = 0A + 6.54A (-1504W @ 1p)
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 pv power: 3131W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 battery power: -2077W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 grid meter: 7W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 grid currents: [1.71 1.12 0.99]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 site power: -1570W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:22 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 pv power: 3160W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 battery power: -2166W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 grid meter: 14W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 grid currents: [1.7 1.11 1.01]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 site power: -1652W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 pv charge current: 7.18A = 0A + 7.18A (-1652W @ 1p)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 site power -1652W <= 0W enable threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 pv enable timer start: 1m0s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:37 pv enable in 1m0s
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 pv power: 3205W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 battery power: -2192W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 grid meter: 17W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 grid currents: [1.71 1.11 1.01]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 site power: -1675W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:00:52 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 pv power: 3222W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 battery power: -2233W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 grid meter: 14W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 grid currents: [1.72 1.19 1.03]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 site power: -1719W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 pv charge current: 7.47A = 0A + 7.47A (-1719W @ 1p)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 site power -1719W <= 0W enable threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 pv enable in 30s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:07 pv enable timer remaining: 30s
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 pv power: 3252W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 battery soc: 70%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 battery power: -2241W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 grid meter: 20W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 grid currents: [1.71 1.15 1.03]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 site power: -1721W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:22 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 pv power: 3262W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 battery soc: 71%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 battery power: -2253W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 grid meter: 18W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 grid currents: [1.71 1.16 1.03]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 site power: -1735W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 pv charge current: 7.54A = 0A + 7.54A (-1735W @ 1p)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 site power -1735W <= 0W enable threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 pv enable in 0s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:37 pv enable timer remaining: 0s
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 pv power: 3266W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 battery soc: 71%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 battery power: -2251W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 grid meter: 19W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 grid currents: [1.71 1.18 1.04]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 site power: -1732W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:01:52 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 pv power: 3255W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 battery soc: 71%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 battery power: -2257W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 grid meter: 27W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 grid currents: [1.72 1.19 1.06]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 site power: -1730W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 pv charge current: 7.52A = 0A + 7.52A (-1730W @ 1p)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 site power -1730W <= 0W enable threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 pv enable in 0s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 pv enable timer elapsed
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 charger enable
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:07 wake-up timer: start
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 charge power: 3W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 charge currents: [0.036 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 pv power: 3281W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 battery soc: 71%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 battery power: -2246W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 grid meter: 19W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 grid currents: [1.72 1.17 1.05]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 site power: -1727W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:22 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 charge power: 3W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 charge currents: [0.035 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 pv power: 3275W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 battery soc: 71%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 battery power: -2276W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 grid meter: 21W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 grid currents: [1.71 1.16 1.05]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 site power: -1755W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 pv charge current: 7.63A = 0A + 7.63A (-1755W @ 1p)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 pv timer reset
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 pv timer inactive
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 charger disable
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:37 wake-up timer: stop
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 pv power: 3314W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 battery soc: 71%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 battery power: -2290W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 grid meter: 18W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 grid currents: [1.71 1.19 1.05]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 site power: -1772W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:02:52 charger status: A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 pv power: 3340W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 battery soc: 71%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 battery power: -2352W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 grid meter: 21W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 grid currents: [1.72 1.18 1.03]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 site power: -1831W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 vehicle soc: 22%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 !! active phases: 1p = min(0p measured 1p vehicle 1p physical 1p charger)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 pv charge current: 7.96A = 0A + 7.96A (-1831W @ 1p)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 site power -1831W <= 0W enable threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 pv enable timer start: 1m0s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:07 pv enable in 1m0s
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 charge power: 1W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 pv power: 3416W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 battery soc: 71%
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 battery power: -2392W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 grid meter: 21W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 grid currents: [1.72 1.18 1.04]A
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 site power: -1871W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 charge total import: 8170.490kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/08/18 13:03:22 charger status: A

What type of operating system are you running?

HomeAssistant Add-on



andig commented 4 weeks ago

Es braucht mal bitte (und wie immer!!!) ein vollständiges Log. Alle Ladepunkte, Site. Nicht bits&pieces. V.a. das ist komisch:

[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2024/08/17 11:18:56 charger disable
ThiloGa commented 3 weeks ago

Es braucht mal bitte (und wie immer!!!) ein vollständiges Log. Alle Ladepunkte, Site. Nicht bits&pieces. V.a. das ist komisch:

Sry, habe es oben ergänzt.

andig commented 3 weeks ago

@VolkerK62 hast Du evtl. eine Idee, warum lp2 hier wieder abschaltet? Aus dem Logfile sehe ich da keinen Grund?

VolkerK62 commented 3 weeks ago

Kann es an fehlendem standbypower liegen?

Edit: Habs mit einem Shelly probiert. Daran liegt es nicht. Bleibt zwar auf Status B, aber bleibt eingeschaltet.

VolkerK62 commented 3 weeks ago

Ich habe mal etwas mit meinem Shelly rumgespielt. Keine Ahnung warum, aber es liegt an den vehicle currents, wenn diese nicht zu den Laodpoint-Einstellungen passen

      mode: pv
      mincurrent: 7
      maxcurrent: 8

Sobald ich am Loadpoint den Max.Ladestrom auf 6A einstelle, zeigt sich genau das beschriebene Verhalten.

@ThiloGa welche Ladestrom-Einstellungen hast du in den Loadpoint-Settings?

ThiloGa commented 3 weeks ago

Kann es an fehlendem standbypower liegen?

Edit: Habs mit einem Shelly probiert. Daran liegt es nicht. Bleibt zwar auf Status B, aber bleibt eingeschaltet.

Hier ist ein tasmotaisierter Shelly Plug. Es wird immer exakt nach 30 sekunden abgeschaltet.

ThiloGa commented 3 weeks ago

Ich habe mal etwas mit meinem Shelly rumgespielt. Keine Ahnung warum, aber es liegt an den vehicle currents, wenn diese nicht zu den Laodpoint-Einstellungen passen

      mode: pv
      mincurrent: 7
      maxcurrent: 8

Sobald ich am Loadpoint den Max.Ladestrom auf 6A einstelle, zeigt sich genau das beschriebene Verhalten.

@ThiloGa welche Ladestrom-Einstellungen hast du in den Loadpoint-Settings?


ThiloGa commented 3 weeks ago

Ich habe mal etwas mit meinem Shelly rumgespielt. Keine Ahnung warum, aber es liegt an den vehicle currents, wenn diese nicht zu den Laodpoint-Einstellungen passen

      mode: pv
      mincurrent: 7
      maxcurrent: 8

Hab die Einstellungen angeglichen -> Läuft

Das hat sich auf dem Weg zur 0.129.0 eingeschlichen

andig commented 3 weeks ago

Was hat sich eingeschlichen? Welche Einstellung funktioniert und welche nicht?

ThiloGa commented 3 weeks ago

Was hat sich eingeschlichen?

Die oben beschriebene Problematik :-) Mit 0.128.4 lief es hier

Welche Einstellung funktioniert und welche nicht?

Hab in der GUI beim Loadpoint die gleichen min/max Stromangaben wie in den vehicle-stromangeben in der yaml eingestellt. Seit dem rennt hier die WP.

andig commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, ich geb auf...

VolkerK62 commented 3 weeks ago

Bei meinem Test hatte ich am Vehicle

mincurrent: 7
Maxcurrent: 8

eingestellt. Am Loadpoint

Min.Ladestrom: 1A
Max.Ladestrom: 8A

Das hat mit 0.130.0 einwandfrei funktioniert. In dem Moment, wo ich am Loadpoint

Max.Ladestrom: 6A

eingestellt habe wurde abgeschaltet. 30s später wieder ein, 30s später wieder aus ...usw.

VolkerK62 commented 3 weeks ago

@ThiloGa da du integrateddevice nutzt, kannst du dir die onIdentify Einstellungen beim Vehicle eigentlich sparen.

andig commented 3 weeks ago

Danke Volker, das ist nachvollziehbar. Die eine Einstellung sagt "muss aus", die andere will einschalten. Die Konfiguration widerspricht sich. Super Find!

Generell machen die min/max Angaben bei den Shellys überhaupt keinen Sinn. Hier sollte man den einen festen Wert einstellen mit dem das Gerät dahinter erwartungsgemäß läuft.

VolkerK62 commented 3 weeks ago

Die eine Einstellung sagt "muss aus", die andere will einschalten. Die Konfiguration widerspricht sich.

Was mich aber wundert, dann hätte es mit den Einstellungen von @ThiloGa funktionieren müssen.

Generell machen die min/max Angaben bei den Shellys überhaupt keinen Sinn

evtl bei den switchsockets nur noch "Min Ladestrom" (für die Einschaltschwelle) anbieten?