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Orbis viaris charger out of sync restart charge. #16581

Closed mbuhansen closed 1 week ago

mbuhansen commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug

My orbis viaris charger has got problem after version 130. when it charges in PV mode and not enough surplus power, charger stop charging. After some time i get message charger out of sync, and it restart charging again in 3 min, when it is start to doing this in ony stop when car is fully charge. I can also happen if i charge car in the night, have set and max soc on car to 80, it start and stop charger every 3 min to car is fully charge.

Steps to reproduce

1. 2. 3. ...

Configuration details

  schema: http
  host: 192.168.x.xxx
  port: 7070

interval: 30s # control cycle interval. Interval <30s can lead to unexpected behavior, see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/reference/configuration/interval

log: info
  site: debug
  lp-1: trace
  lp-2: debug
  cache: error
  db: error
  charger: trace
  ocpp: trace

# trial token, valid until 2024-10-09
sponsortoken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJldmNjLmlvIiwic3ViIjoidHJpYWwiLCJleHAiOjE3Mjg0OTMyMDAsImlhdCI6MTcyNzcxNTYwMCwic3BlIjp0cnVlLCJzcmMiOiJtYSJ9._LCffqBWLM0kal3lE8_S4vC_bF6NcpYDM5mAPcGHi70

  - name: grid
    type: template
    template: kostal-ksem
    usage: grid

    # Modbus TCP
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 71
    host: 192.168.x.xxx # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port 

  - name: pv
    type: template
    template: kostal-plenticore
    usage: pv

    # Modbus TCP
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 71
    host: 192.168.x.xxx # Hostname
    port: 1502 # Port

  - name: aux
    type: template
    template: thor
    usage: aux
    host: 192.168.x.xx # IP address or hostname

  - name: WP_Pwr
    type: custom
    power: # power (W)
      source: mqtt
      topic: evcc/varmepumpe/strømforbrug
      timeout: 30s # don't accept values older than timeout
      scale: 0.001 # floating point factor applied to result, e.g. for converting Wh to kWh 

- name: orbis
  type: template
  template: orbis-viaris
  stationid: # Station ID of the charging point. Only required if multiple OCPP charging stations are set up to assign them correctly. A single OCPP charging station can also be automatically assigned. Note: In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to manually append this ID to the OCPP URL of the charging station in the form ws://<evcc-address>:8887/<stationid>. Most charging stations automatically add the ID internally. (optional)
  connector: 1 # Connector number for charging stations with multiple connectors. Counting starts at 1 for the first connector. (optional)
  remotestart: # Only enable this option if there is no way to initiate transactions from the charger side! This is only the case if e.g. no RFID reader is available and charging processes would have to be released individually via app. Normally, the charger should always be configured at the device so that either an RFID card is used for activation or the charger is set to "Autostart", "Free Charging" or similar. First check the documentation and configuration possibilities of the charger, ask the manufacturer if necessary! (optional)
  idtag: evcc # This option is only required in exceptional cases if the charger requires a specific token for accepting external transactions. (optional)
  connecttimeout: 5m # optional
  meterinterval: 25s # optional
  metervalues: Energy.Active.Import.Register,Power.Active.Import # optional

- name: my_car
  type: template
  template: vw
  title: Passat GTE Wagon . 1.4 l TSI electric # Will be displayed in the user interface (optional)
  user: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # User account (e.g. email address, user id, etc.)
  password: xxxxxxxxxx # Password of the user account (use single quotes in case of leading zeros)
  vin: xxxxxxxxxxxx # Required if you own multiple vehicles of the same brand (optional)
  capacity: 10 # Battery capacity in kWh (optional)
  timeout: 10s # optional
  icon: car # Icon as shown in user interface (optional)
  phases: 1 # The maximum number of phases which can be used (optional)
  cache: 15m # Time interval with when data should be reloaded from the vehicle (optional)
  mode: # Possible values are Off, Now, MinPV and PV, or empty if none should be set (optional)
  minCurrent: 6 # The minimum amperage per connected phase with which the car should be charged (optional)
  maxCurrent: 16 # The maximum amperage per connected phase with which the car shuold be charged (optional)
  identifiers: # Mostly this can be added later, see: https://docs.evcc.io/en/docs/features/vehicle (optional)
  priority: # Priority of the loadpoint or vehicle in relation to other loadpoints or vehicles for allocating pv energy (optional)

# site describes the EVU connection, PV and home battery
  title: Home # display name for UI
    grid: grid # grid meter
      - pv # list of pv inverters/ meters
      - aux # list of auxiliary meters for adjusting grid operating point
  residualPower: 0 # additional household usage margin
  maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging: 0 # ignore battery charging if AC consumption is above this value

# loadpoint describes the charger, charge meter and connected vehicle
  - title: Garage # display name for UI
    charger: orbis # charger
    mode: "pv" # default charge mode to apply when vehicle is disconnected; use "off" to disable by default if charger is publicly available

    # remaining settings are experts-only and best left at default values
    priority: 0 # relative priority for concurrent charging in PV mode with multiple loadpoints (higher values have higher priority)
      # polling defines usage of the vehicle APIs
      # Modifying the default settings it NOT recommended. It MAY deplete your vehicle's battery
      # or lead to vehicle manufacturer banning you from API use. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
        # poll mode defines under which condition the vehicle API is called:
        #   charging: update vehicle ONLY when charging (this is the recommended default)
        #   connected: update vehicle when connected (not only charging), interval defines how often
        #   always: always update vehicle regardless of connection state, interval defines how often (only supported for single vehicle)
        mode: connected
        # poll interval defines how often the vehicle API may be polled if NOT charging
        interval: 60m
      estimate: true # set false to disable interpolating between api updates (not recommended)
    enable: # pv mode enable behavior
      delay: 1m # threshold must be exceeded for this long
      threshold: 0 # grid power threshold (in Watts, negative=export). If zero, export must exceed minimum charge power to enable
    disable: # pv mode disable behavior
      delay: 3m # threshold must be exceeded for this long
      threshold: 0 # maximum import power (W)

# tariffs are the fixed or variable tariffs
  currency: DKK
    type: fixed
    price: 1.18 # dkk/kWh
      - days: Mo-So
        hours: 0-6
        price: 2.43 # dkk/kWh
      - days: Mo-So
        hours: 6-17
        price: 2.50 # dkk/kWh
      - days: Mo-So
        hours: 17-21
        price: 2.83 # dkk/kWh
      - days: Mo-So
        hours: 21-0
        price: 2.50 # dkk/kWh

Log details

[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:16 charge total import: 840.836kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:16 charger status: B
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:16 charge final energy: 0.458kWh
[lp-1  ] INFO 2024/10/09 15:39:16 stop charging <-
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:16 pv timer reset
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:16 pv timer inactive
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:16 charge total import: 840.836kWh
[db    ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:16 UPDATE `sessions` SET `created`="2024-10-09 15:12:46.839",`finished`="2024-10-09 15:39:16.868",`loadpoint`="Garage",`identifier`="000000",`vehicle`="Passat GTE Wagon . 1.4 l TSI electric",`odometer`=171057,`meter_start_kwh`=840.357,`meter_end_kwh`=840.836,`charged_kwh`=0.45799999999997,`charge_duration`="20m30s",`solar_percentage`=31.799703114890836,`price`=0.8647121966904704,`price_per_kwh`=1.8880178967042076,`co2_per_kwh`=NULL WHERE `id` = 181 1 <nil>
[id    ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:16 GET https://emea.bff.cariad.digital/vehicle/v1/vehicles/***/selectivestatus?jobs=charging,fuelStatus,climatisation,measurements
[id    ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:17 {"charging":{"batteryStatus":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-09T13:35:42Z","currentSOC_pct":55,"cruisingRangeElectric_km":19}},"chargingStatus":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-09T13:35:42Z","remainingChargingTimeToComplete_min":175,"chargingState":"charging","chargeMode":"","chargeType":"unsupported"}},"chargingSettings":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-09T13:38:54Z","maxChargeCurrentAC":"maximum","maxChargeCurrentAC_A":16}},"plugStatus":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-09T13:35:42Z","plugConnectionState":"connected","plugLockState":"locked","externalPower":"ready","ledColor":"none"}},"chargeMode":{"error":{"message":"Bad Gateway","errorTimeStamp":"2024-10-09T13:39:17Z","info":"Upstream service responded with an unexpected status. If the problem persists, please contact our support.","code":4111,"group":2,"retry":true}}},"climatisation":{"climatisationSettings":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-04T08:15:26Z","targetTemperature_C":21,"targetTemperature_F":70,"climatisationWithoutExternalPower":true}},"climatisationStatus":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-09T13:38:55Z","climatisationState":"off"}},"climatisationTemperatureOutside":{"error":{"message":"Bad Gateway","errorTimeStamp":"2024-10-09T13:39:17Z","info":"Something went wrong. Please try to re-login. If the problem persists, please contact our support.","code":4004,"group":3,"retry":true}},"windowHeatingStatus":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-08T06:43:17Z","windowHeatingStatus":[{"windowLocation":"front","windowHeatingState":"off"},{"windowLocation":"rear","windowHeatingState":"off"}]}}},"fuelStatus":{"rangeStatus":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-09T13:35:42Z","carType":"hybrid","primaryEngine":{"type":"gasoline","currentSOC_pct":83,"remainingRange_km":630,"currentFuelLevel_pct":83},"secondaryEngine":{"type":"electric","currentSOC_pct":55,"remainingRange_km":19},"totalRange_km":649}}},"measurements":{"rangeStatus":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-09T13:35:42Z","electricRange":19,"gasolineRange":630,"totalRange_km":649}},"odometerStatus":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-09T06:53:08Z","odometer":171057}},"fuelLevelStatus":{"value":{"carCapturedTimestamp":"2024-10-09T13:35:42Z","currentFuelLevel_pct":83,"currentSOC_pct":55,"primaryEngineType":"gasoline","secondaryEngineType":"electric","carType":"hybrid"}}}}
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:17 soc estimated: 55.66% (vehicle: 55.00%)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:17 vehicle soc: 56%
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:17 vehicle range: 19km
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:17 pv charge current: 1.78A = 0A + 1.78A (-410W @ 1p)
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 enqueued CALL [4037039461, TriggerMessage] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 dispatched request 4037039461 for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"4037039461","TriggerMessage",{"requestedMessage":"MeterValues","connectorId":1}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 started timeout timer for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"4037039461",{"status":"Accepted"}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 handling incoming CALL RESULT [4037039461] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 completed request 4037039461 for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 EVVC3E2C55650 ready to transmit again
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 timeout canceled for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"86504","MeterValues",{"connectorId":1,"transactionId":1728279653,"meterValue":[{"timestamp":"2024-10-09T13:39:19.407Z","sampledValue":[{"value":"840836","format":"Raw","measurand":"Energy.Active.Import.Register","unit":"Wh"},{"value":"0","format":"Raw","measurand":"Power.Active.Import","unit":"W"}]}]}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 handling incoming CALL [86504, MeterValues] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 sent CALL RESULT [86504] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:19 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"86504",{}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:27 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"86505","Heartbeat",{}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:27 handling incoming CALL [86505, Heartbeat] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:27 sent CALL RESULT [86505] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:27 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"86505",{"currentTime":"2024-10-09T13:39:27Z"}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 enqueued CALL [780514447, TriggerMessage] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 dispatched request 780514447 for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"780514447","TriggerMessage",{"requestedMessage":"MeterValues","connectorId":1}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 started timeout timer for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"780514447",{"status":"Accepted"}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 handling incoming CALL RESULT [780514447] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 completed request 780514447 for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 EVVC3E2C55650 ready to transmit again
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 timeout canceled for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"86506","MeterValues",{"connectorId":1,"transactionId":1728279653,"meterValue":[{"timestamp":"2024-10-09T13:39:31.457Z","sampledValue":[{"value":"840836","format":"Raw","measurand":"Energy.Active.Import.Register","unit":"Wh"},{"value":"0","format":"Raw","measurand":"Power.Active.Import","unit":"W"}]}]}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 handling incoming CALL [86506, MeterValues] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 sent CALL RESULT [86506] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:31 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"86506",{}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 enqueued CALL [1443021671, TriggerMessage] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 dispatched request 1443021671 for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"1443021671","TriggerMessage",{"requestedMessage":"MeterValues","connectorId":1}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 started timeout timer for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"1443021671",{"status":"Accepted"}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 handling incoming CALL RESULT [1443021671] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 completed request 1443021671 for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 EVVC3E2C55650 ready to transmit again
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 timeout canceled for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"86507","MeterValues",{"connectorId":1,"transactionId":1728279653,"meterValue":[{"timestamp":"2024-10-09T13:39:43.432Z","sampledValue":[{"value":"840836","format":"Raw","measurand":"Energy.Active.Import.Register","unit":"Wh"},{"value":"0","format":"Raw","measurand":"Power.Active.Import","unit":"W"}]}]}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 handling incoming CALL [86507, MeterValues] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 sent CALL RESULT [86507] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:43 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"86507",{}]
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:46 ----
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:46 charge power: 0W
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send b7 db 00 00 00 06 47 03 9d 30 00 08
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv b7 db 00 00 00 13 47 03 10 ff fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send b7 dc 00 00 00 06 47 03 9d 38 00 14
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv b7 dc 00 00 00 2b 47 03 28 00 01 44 43 5f 53 54 52 49 4e 47 5f 31 20 20 20 20 20 00 95 19 97 03 d5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 model 160 block 1 point DCW: 981
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send b7 dd 00 00 00 06 47 03 9d 30 00 08
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv b7 dd 00 00 00 13 47 03 10 ff fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send b7 de 00 00 00 06 47 03 9d 4c 00 14
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv b7 de 00 00 00 2b 47 03 28 00 02 44 43 5f 53 54 52 49 4e 47 5f 32 20 20 20 20 20 00 a6 0c 00 01 fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 model 160 block 2 point DCW: 510
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send b7 df 00 00 00 06 47 03 9d 30 00 08
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv b7 df 00 00 00 13 47 03 10 ff fe ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send b7 e0 00 00 00 06 47 03 9d 60 00 14
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv b7 e0 00 00 00 2b 47 03 28 00 03 44 43 5f 53 54 52 49 4e 47 5f 33 20 20 20 20 20 00 02 00 0e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 model 160 block 3 point DCW: 0
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send b7 e1 00 00 00 06 47 03 9c 88 00 32
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv b7 e1 00 00 00 67 47 03 64 02 72 00 cf 00 cf 00 d2 ff fe ff ff ff ff ff ff 09 0a 09 17 09 1f ff ff 05 93 00 00 13 83 ff fe 05 b1 00 00 01 1e 00 00 03 e8 ff fd 02 67 ed 09 00 00 ff ff 00 00 ff ff 00 00 05 d4 00 00 01 50 01 49 01 48 00 00 ff ff 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[sunspec] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 model 103 block 0 point WH: 4.0365321e+07
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:46 pv power: 1491W
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send d1 ee 00 00 00 06 47 03 9c 87 00 69
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv d1 ee 00 00 00 d5 47 03 d2 80 00 01 31 00 4b 01 44 ff fe 80 00 5a da 5b 1f 5b 84 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 ff fe 13 81 ff fe ff cb ff ea 00 08 ff d9 00 01 ff 6a ff bb 00 0e ff b5 00 01 ff 74 ff bf ff f6 ff c0 00 01 01 63 01 47 02 74 02 0c ff fd ff 35 85 7e ff ad 33 07 ff 83 6c 58 ff 9c 15 af 01 2b 1f a6 00 9c df a5 00 57 2a 22 00 9f e6 4f 00 00 ff 0a 5e 0f ff a7 76 8d ff 78 c0 16 ff 8f 5b c7 01 87 bd 53 00 bc 11 0d 00 7c a1 0c 00 c2 d2 98 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:46 grid meter: -530W
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send d1 ef 00 00 00 06 47 03 9c 87 00 69
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv d1 ef 00 00 00 d5 47 03 d2 80 00 01 31 00 4b 01 44 ff fe 80 00 5a da 5b 1f 5b 84 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 ff fe 13 81 ff fe ff cb ff ea 00 08 ff d9 00 01 ff 6a ff bb 00 0e ff b5 00 01 ff 74 ff bf ff f6 ff c0 00 01 01 63 01 47 02 74 02 0c ff fd ff 35 85 7e ff ad 33 07 ff 83 6c 58 ff 9c 15 af 01 2b 1f a6 00 9c df a5 00 57 2a 22 00 9f e6 4f 00 00 ff 0a 5e 0f ff a7 76 8d ff 78 c0 16 ff 8f 5b c7 01 87 bd 53 00 bc 11 0d 00 7c a1 0c 00 c2 d2 98 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send d1 f0 00 00 00 06 47 03 9c 87 00 69
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv d1 f0 00 00 00 d5 47 03 d2 80 00 01 31 00 4b 01 44 ff fe 80 00 5a da 5b 1f 5b 84 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 ff fe 13 81 ff fe ff cb ff ea 00 08 ff d9 00 01 ff 6a ff bb 00 0e ff b5 00 01 ff 74 ff bf ff f6 ff c0 00 01 01 63 01 47 02 74 02 0c ff fd ff 35 85 7e ff ad 33 07 ff 83 6c 58 ff 9c 15 af 01 2b 1f a6 00 9c df a5 00 57 2a 22 00 9f e6 4f 00 00 ff 0a 5e 0f ff a7 76 8d ff 78 c0 16 ff 8f 5b c7 01 87 bd 53 00 bc 11 0d 00 7c a1 0c 00 c2 d2 98 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send d1 f1 00 00 00 06 47 03 9c 87 00 69
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: recv d1 f1 00 00 00 d5 47 03 d2 80 00 01 31 00 4b 01 44 ff fe 80 00 5a da 5b 1f 5b 84 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 ff fe 13 81 ff fe ff cb ff ea 00 08 ff d9 00 01 ff 6a ff bb 00 0e ff b5 00 01 ff 74 ff bf ff f6 ff c0 00 01 01 63 01 47 02 74 02 0c ff fd ff 35 85 7e ff ad 33 07 ff 83 6c 58 ff 9c 15 af 01 2b 1f a6 00 9c df a5 00 57 2a 22 00 9f e6 4f 00 00 ff 0a 5e 0f ff a7 76 8d ff 78 c0 16 ff 8f 5b c7 01 87 bd 53 00 bc 11 0d 00 7c a1 0c 00 c2 d2 98 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:46 grid powers: [-220 80 -390]W
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:46 modbus: send d1 f2 00 00 00 06 47 03 9c 87 00 69
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 modbus: recv d1 f2 00 00 00 d5 47 03 d2 80 00 01 30 00 4d 01 44 ff fe 80 00 5a d5 5b 1d 5b 80 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 ff fe 13 81 ff fe ff cc ff ea 00 09 ff d9 00 01 ff 6b ff bb 00 0e ff b5 00 01 ff 74 ff bf ff f6 ff c0 00 01 01 5b 01 3f 02 95 02 0c ff fd ff 35 85 7e ff ad 33 07 ff 83 6c 58 ff 9c 15 af 01 2b 1f a6 00 9c df a5 00 57 2a 22 00 9f e6 4f 00 00 ff 0a 5e 0f ff a7 76 8d ff 78 c0 16 ff 8f 5b c7 01 87 bd 53 00 bc 11 0d 00 7c a1 0c 00 c2 d2 98 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 modbus: send d1 f3 00 00 00 06 47 03 9c 87 00 69
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 modbus: recv d1 f3 00 00 00 d5 47 03 d2 80 00 01 30 00 4d 01 44 ff fe 80 00 5a d5 5b 1d 5b 80 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 ff fe 13 81 ff fe ff cc ff ea 00 09 ff d9 00 01 ff 6b ff bb 00 0e ff b5 00 01 ff 74 ff bf ff f6 ff c0 00 01 01 5b 01 3f 02 95 02 0c ff fd ff 35 85 7e ff ad 33 07 ff 83 6c 58 ff 9c 15 af 01 2b 1f a6 00 9c df a5 00 57 2a 22 00 9f e6 4f 00 00 ff 0a 5e 0f ff a7 76 8d ff 78 c0 16 ff 8f 5b c7 01 87 bd 53 00 bc 11 0d 00 7c a1 0c 00 c2 d2 98 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 modbus: send d1 f4 00 00 00 06 47 03 9c 87 00 69
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 modbus: recv d1 f4 00 00 00 d5 47 03 d2 80 00 01 30 00 4d 01 44 ff fe 80 00 5a d5 5b 1d 5b 80 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 ff fe 13 81 ff fe ff cc ff ea 00 09 ff d9 00 01 ff 6b ff bb 00 0e ff b5 00 01 ff 74 ff bf ff f6 ff c0 00 01 01 5b 01 3f 02 95 02 0c ff fd ff 35 85 7e ff ad 33 07 ff 83 6c 58 ff 9c 15 af 01 2b 1f a6 00 9c df a5 00 57 2a 22 00 9f e6 4f 00 00 ff 0a 5e 0f ff a7 76 8d ff 78 c0 16 ff 8f 5b c7 01 87 bd 53 00 bc 11 0d 00 7c a1 0c 00 c2 d2 98 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:47 grid currents: [-3.04 0.77 -3.24]A
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 modbus: send d1 f5 00 00 00 06 47 03 9c 87 00 69
[modbus] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 modbus: recv d1 f5 00 00 00 d5 47 03 d2 80 00 01 30 00 4d 01 44 ff fe 80 00 5a d5 5b 1d 5b 80 80 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 ff fe 13 81 ff fe ff cc ff ea 00 09 ff d9 00 01 ff 6b ff bb 00 0e ff b5 00 01 ff 74 ff bf ff f6 ff c0 00 01 01 5b 01 3f 02 95 02 0c ff fd ff 35 85 7e ff ad 33 07 ff 83 6c 58 ff 9c 15 af 01 2b 1f a6 00 9c df a5 00 57 2a 22 00 9f e6 4f 00 00 ff 0a 5e 0f ff a7 76 8d ff 78 c0 16 ff 8f 5b c7 01 87 bd 53 00 bc 11 0d 00 7c a1 0c 00 c2 d2 98 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[http  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 GET
[http  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 {
"load_state":" 1:1 2:0 3:1",
"ctrlstate":"Conn. to Adj.Modbus P=-526",
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:47 aux power 1: 0W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:47 aux power: 0W
[site  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:47 site power: -530W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:47 charge total import: 840.836kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:47 charger status: B
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:47 next soc poll remaining time: 59m29s
[lp-1  ] WARN 2024/10/09 15:39:47 charger out of sync: expected disabled, got enabled
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:47 charger enable
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:47 pv charge current: 2.3A = 0A + 2.3A (-530W @ 1p)
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 enqueued CALL [1158795222, SetChargingProfile] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 dispatched request 1158795222 for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"1158795222","SetChargingProfile",{"connectorId":1,"csChargingProfiles":{"chargingProfileId":10,"stackLevel":63,"chargingProfilePurpose":"TxDefaultProfile","chargingProfileKind":"Absolute","chargingSchedule":{"startSchedule":"2024-10-09T13:38:47Z","chargingRateUnit":"A","chargingSchedulePeriod":[{"startPeriod":0,"limit":6}]}}}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 started timeout timer for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"1158795222",{"status":"Accepted"}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 handling incoming CALL RESULT [1158795222] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 completed request 1158795222 for EVVC3E2C55650
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2024/10/09 15:39:47 max charge current: 6A
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 EVVC3E2C55650 ready to transmit again
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:47 timeout canceled for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:48 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"86508","StatusNotification",{"connectorId":1,"errorCode":"NoError","status":"Finishing","timestamp":"2024-10-09T13:39:48.562Z"}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:48 handling incoming CALL [86508, StatusNotification] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:48 sent CALL RESULT [86508] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:48 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"86508",{}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:51 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"86509","StatusNotification",{"connectorId":1,"errorCode":"NoError","status":"Charging","timestamp":"2024-10-09T13:39:51.236Z"}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:51 handling incoming CALL [86509, StatusNotification] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:51 sent CALL RESULT [86509] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:51 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"86509",{}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 enqueued CALL [1884346515, TriggerMessage] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 dispatched request 1884346515 for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"1884346515","TriggerMessage",{"requestedMessage":"MeterValues","connectorId":1}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 started timeout timer for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"1884346515",{"status":"Accepted"}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 handling incoming CALL RESULT [1884346515] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 completed request 1884346515 for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 EVVC3E2C55650 ready to transmit again
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 timeout canceled for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 received JSON message from EVVC3E2C55650: [2,"86510","MeterValues",{"connectorId":1,"transactionId":1728279653,"meterValue":[{"timestamp":"2024-10-09T13:39:55.371Z","sampledValue":[{"value":"840836","format":"Raw","measurand":"Energy.Active.Import.Register","unit":"Wh"},{"value":"0","format":"Raw","measurand":"Power.Active.Import","unit":"W"}]}]}]
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 handling incoming CALL [86510, MeterValues] from EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 sent CALL RESULT [86510] for EVVC3E2C55650
[ocpp  ] TRACE 2024/10/09 15:39:55 sent JSON message to EVVC3E2C55650: [3,"86510",{}]

What type of operating system are you running?

HomeAssistant Add-on

Nightly build



mfuchs1984 commented 1 week ago

Is there a reason for all the customization in the charger config? 0.130.X does a lot automatically now. Have you tried a simple configuration?

  - name: orbis
    type: template
    template: orbis-viaris
mbuhansen commented 1 week ago

yes if i use the template you show i got alot of error, on missing voltage and current meter values.

mfuchs1984 commented 1 week ago

I think a longer log file providing context is needed. The snippet starts when has already failed.

mbuhansen commented 1 week ago

Udklip evcc-20241009-154005-trace.log evcc-20241009-153604-trace.log

mfuchs1984 commented 1 week ago

Seems like the charger sends the status SuspendedEV instead of SuspendedEVSE when evcc stops it.

@premultiply seems like we have a new kind of failure of a charger to meet the specs here.

mbuhansen commented 1 week ago

okay is it error in EVCC or in Charger..Can i do something to change this..??

andig commented 1 week ago

SuspendedEV is fine.

mfuchs1984 commented 1 week ago

@andig SuspendedEv is interpreted as "enabled" here. https://github.com/evcc-io/evcc/blob/master/charger/ocpp.go#L227

This makes sense to me since when charging is suspended by the vehicle, the charge point can still be enabled. When reading the ocpp specs, whenever the backend adds a smart charging restriction, the charger should go to SuspendedEVSE.

andig commented 1 week ago

This makes sense to me since when charging is suspended by the vehicle, the charge point can still be enabled.

Thats correct.

When reading the ocpp specs, whenever the backend adds a smart charging restriction, the charger should go to SuspendedEVSE.

Yes. Is this violated here?

mfuchs1984 commented 1 week ago

And here, the logs lock like evcc stops charging by a ChargingProfile with 0 amperes, the charger stops but goes to SuspendedEV instead of SuspendedEVSE.

premultiply commented 1 week ago

SuspendedEVSE would be correct in this case.

mbuhansen commented 1 week ago

Okay. Do I need to contact orbis charger support.? Is it error in charger occp.

mfuchs1984 commented 1 week ago
