evcc-io / evcc

Sonne tanken ☀️🚘
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easee schaltet von 3P->1P aber dann nicht zurück zu 3P #9048

Closed ministryofsillywalks closed 1 year ago

ministryofsillywalks commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Bei ordentlich Sonne lädt easee wie erwartet auf 3P mit ca. 8kw. (was das Dach halt hergibt) Wolken haben die Produktion dann gedrosselt, sodass die dynamisch auf 1P geschaltet wurde. Jetzt scheint wieder die Sonne und es ist genug Überschuss vorhanden, aber easee bleibt auf 1P image

Wenn der Ladevorgang über die UI beendet wird und dann neu gestartet wird, springt es wieder zurück auf 3P.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Wolken zwingen Wechsel von 3P auf 1P
  2. Genug Strom für 3P Überschuss
  3. easee bleibt auf 1P

Configuration details

uri: # uri for ui
interval: 10s # control cycle interval

# sponsor token enables optional features (request at https://cloud.evcc.io)
sponsortoken: XXX

# log settings
log: error
  core: debug
  lp-1: debug
  lp-2: debug
  easee: trace

# meter definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning meters to site and loadpoints
# for examples see https://github.com/evcc-io/config#meters
  - name: pv
    type: custom
      source: calc
      - source: modbus
        model: sunspec
        uri: # Port 502 (SetApp) or 1502 (LCD)
        id: 1
        value: 103:DCW
      - source: modbus
        uri: # Port 502 (SetApp) or 1502 (LCD)
        id: 1
          address: 62836 # Battery 1 Instantaneous Power
          type: holding
          decode: float32s

  - name: grid
    type: custom
        source: modbus
        model: sunspec
        uri: # Port 502 (SetApp) or 1502 (LCD)
        id: 1
        subdevice: 1 # Metering device
        value: 203:W
        scale: -1

  - name: battery
    type: custom
      source: modbus
      uri: # Port 502 (SetApp) or 1502 (LCD)
      id: 1
        address: 62836 # Battery 1 Instantaneous Power
        type: holding
        decode: float32s
      scale: -1
      source: modbus
      uri: # Port 502 (SetApp) or 1502 (LCD)
      id: 1
        address: 62852 # Battery 1 State of Energy (SOE)
        type: holding
        decode: float32s
# charger definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning charger to vehicle
# for examples see https://github.com/evcc-io/config#chargers

# vehicle definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning vehicle to loadpoint
# for examples see https://github.com/evcc-io/config#vehicles

# site describes the EVU connection, PV and home battery
  title: Home # display name for UI
    grid: grid # grid meter
    pv: pv # pv meter
    battery: battery # battery meter
  prioritySoC: 80 # give home battery priority up to this soc (0 to disable)
  bufferSoC: 85
  residualPower: 100

# loadpoint describes the charger, charge meter and connected vehicle
- title: front # display name for UI
  charger: front # Wallbox Referenz
  mode: pv # charge mode (off, now, minpv, pv)
  minCurrent: 7

- title: back # display name for UI
  charger: back # Wallbox Referenz
  mode: pv # charge mode (off, now, minpv, pv)
  minCurrent: 7

  - name: front
    type: template
    template: easee
    user: XXX
    password: XXX
    charger: XXX

  - name: back
    type: template
    template: easee
    user: XXX
    password: XXX
    charger: XXX

  - name: Kona
    type: template
    template: hyundai
    title: Kona # Wird in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt (Optional)
    user: XXX # Benutzerkonto (bspw. E-Mail Adresse, User Id, etc.)
    password: XXX # Passwort des Benutzerkontos (bei führenden Nullen bitte in einfache Hochkommata setzen)
    vin: XXX# Erforderlich, wenn mehrere Fahrzeuge des Herstellers vorhanden sind (Optional)
    capacity: 64 # Akkukapazität in kWh (Optional)
    language: en # 'de' für Deutsch und 'en' für Englisch (Optional) 

  currency: EUR # (default EUR)
    type: fixed
    price: 0.294 # [currency]/kWh

    type: fixed
    price: 0.07 # [currency]/kWh

# mqtt message broker
  topic: evcc # root topic for publishing, set empty to disable
  user: XXX
  password: XXX

# influx database
  # url: http://localhost:8086
  # database: evcc
  # user:
  # password:

# eebus credentials
  # uri: # :4712
  # public: # public key
  # private: # private key

# push messages
    start: # charge start event
      title: Charge started
      msg: Started charging in "${mode}" mode
    stop: # charge stop event
      title: Charge finished
      msg: Finished charging ${chargedEnergy:%.1fk}kWh in ${chargeDuration}.
    connect: # vehicle connect event
      title: Car connected
      msg: "Car connected at ${pvPower:%.1fk}kW PV"
    disconnect: # vehicle connected event
      title: Car disconnected
      msg: Car disconnected after ${connectedDuration}
  # - type: pushover
  #   app: # app id
  #   recipients:
  #   - # list of recipient ids
  # - type: telegram
  #   token: # bot id
  #   chats:
  #   - # list of chat ids
  # - type: email
  #   uri: smtp://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/?fromAddress=<from>&toAddresses=<to>

Log details

[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:19 pv charge current: 5.19A = 7A + -1.81A (1249W @ 3p)
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:10:20 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:10:18 +0000 UTC) IN_VOLT_T2_T4 231.18299865722656
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:10:20 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:10:18 +0000 UTC) IN_VOLT_T2_T5 237.0019989013672
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:10:20 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:10:18 +0000 UTC) TEMP_MAX 40
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:10:20 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:10:18 +0000 UTC) IN_VOLT_T2_T3 228.31900024414062
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:28 charge power: 3966W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:29 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:29 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:29 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:38 charge power: 3966W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 charge currents: [6.22 6.22 6.22]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 detected active phases: 3p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 soc estimated: 39.00% (vehicle: 39.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 vehicle soc: 39%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 vehicle range: 172km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 available power 2833W < 4830W min 3p threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 phase scale1p in 20s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:39 pv charge current: 5.36A = 7A + -1.64A (1133W @ 3p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:48 charge power: 3966W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:49 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:49 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:49 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:58 charge power: 3966W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 charge currents: [6.22 6.22 6.22]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 detected active phases: 3p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 soc estimated: 39.00% (vehicle: 39.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 vehicle soc: 39%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 vehicle range: 172km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 available power 3808W < 4830W min 3p threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 phase scale1p in 0s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:10:59 phase scale1p timer elapsed
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:10:59 POST https://api.easee.com/api/chargers/EH848820/settings
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:10:59 {"phaseMode":1}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:00 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:10:59 +0000 UTC) PHASE_MODE 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:00 CommandResponse EH848820: {SerialNumber:EH848820 ID:38 Timestamp:2023-07-21 12:10:59.370912 +0000 UTC DeliveredAt:2023-07-21 12:10:59.371 +0000 UTC WasAccepted:true ResultCode:0 Comment: Ticks:638255382593709120}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:00 POST https://api.easee.com/api/chargers/EH848820/commands/pause_charging
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:00 {"device":"EH848820","commandId":48,"ticks":638255382606553870}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:02 CommandResponse EH848820: {SerialNumber:EH848820 ID:48 Timestamp:2023-07-21 12:11:00.655387 +0000 UTC DeliveredAt:2023-07-21 12:11:00.635 +0000 UTC WasAccepted:true ResultCode:0 Comment: Ticks:638255382606553870}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:02 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:00 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_CHARGING 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:02 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:00 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_CONNECTED 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:02 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:00 +0000 UTC) DYNAMIC_CHARGER_CURRENT 0
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:02 phase timer inactive
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:02 switched phases: 1p @ 3808W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:02 pv charge current: 6.31A = 7A + -0.687A (158W @ 1p)
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:02 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:00 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 52
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:01 +0000 UTC) LEDMODE 21
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:01 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T4 1.4930000305175781
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:01 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T5 1.74399995803833
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:01 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 1.4539999961853027
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:01 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 0.7599999904632568
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:01 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_CURRENT 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:02 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:02 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L2 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:02 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L3 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:02 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L2 1.4930000305175781
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:02 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 1.4539999961853027
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:03 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:02 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L3 1.74399995803833
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:05 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:03 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 0.16899999976158142
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:07 ProductUpdate EH847616: (2023-07-21 12:00:00 +0000 UTC) ENERGY_PER_HOUR 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:07 ProductUpdate EH847616: (2023-07-21 12:00:00 +0000 UTC) LIFETIME_HOURS 20687
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:07 ProductUpdate EH847616: (2023-07-21 12:00:00 +0000 UTC) LIFETIME_ENERGY 62.69968611111111
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:08 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:06 +0000 UTC) CHARGER_OP_MODE 2
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:08 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:08 charge power: 760W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:09 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:09 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:09 charger status: A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:07 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T5 0.009999999776482582
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:07 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T4 0.008999999612569809
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:07 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 0.009999999776482582
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:07 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_4 0.7400000095367432
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:07 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_5 1.9249999523162842
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:07 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_PHASE 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:07 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:08 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L3 0.009999999776482582
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:07 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 1.3509999513626099
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:08 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 0.009999999776482582
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:09 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:08 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L2 0.008999999612569809
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/07/21 14:11:19 stop charging <-
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 wake-up timer: start
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 vehicle status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 available power 8752W > 4830W min 3p threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 start phase scale3p timer
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 phase scale3p in 1m0s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:19 pv charge current: 38.1A = 0A + 38.1A (-8752W @ 1p)
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:19 POST https://api.easee.com/api/chargers/EH848820/settings
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:19 {"dynamicChargerCurrent":16}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:20 CommandResponse EH848820: {SerialNumber:EH848820 ID:48 Timestamp:2023-07-21 12:11:19.400091 +0000 UTC DeliveredAt:2023-07-21 12:11:19.441 +0000 UTC WasAccepted:true ResultCode:0 Comment: Ticks:638255382794000910}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:20 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:19 +0000 UTC) DYNAMIC_CHARGER_CURRENT 16
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:20 max charge current: 16A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:20 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:19 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 8
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:20 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:19 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_CONNECTED 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:20 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:19 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_IN_QUEUE 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:21 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:19 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 100
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:21 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:20 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 5
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:21 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:20 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_IN_QUEUE 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:21 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:20 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_CHARGING 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:22 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:20 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 16
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:22 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:20 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 78
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:22 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:21 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_2 3.447000026702881
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:22 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:21 +0000 UTC) CHARGER_OP_MODE 3
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:22 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:21 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 163.02200317382812
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:22 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:21 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_CURRENT 16
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:22 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:21 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_PHASE 10
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:11:27 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:26 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 235.31199645996094
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:29 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:29 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:29 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/07/21 14:11:39 start charging ->
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 wake-up timer: stop
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 available power 8806W > 4830W min 3p threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 phase scale3p in 40s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:39 pv charge current: 40.3A = 2.01A + 38.3A (-8806W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:49 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:49 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:49 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:59 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:59 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:59 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:59 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:59 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:59 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:59 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:59 available power 8627W > 4830W min 3p threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:59 phase scale3p in 20s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:11:59 pv charge current: 39.5A = 2.01A + 37.5A (-8627W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:08 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:08 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:09 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:09 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:09 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:19 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:19 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:19 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:19 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:19 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:19 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:19 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:19 available power 8455W > 4830W min 3p threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:19 phase scale3p in 0s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:19 pv charge current: 38.8A = 2.01A + 36.8A (-8455W @ 1p)
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:23 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:22 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 1.722000002861023
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:23 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:22 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 0.25600001215934753
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:23 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:22 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 1.722000002861023
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:23 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 1.722000002861023
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:23 +0000 UTC) LEDMODE 22
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:23 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 231.83099365234375
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:28 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:27 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 3.2909998893737793
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:28 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:27 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 14.694000244140625
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:28 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:27 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 14.767999649047852
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:28 charge power: 3291W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:29 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:29 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:29 charger status: A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:29 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:28 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 14.767999649047852
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:38 charge power: 3291W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 charge currents: [14.8 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 available power 8061W > 4830W min 3p threshold
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 phase scale3p in 0s
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:39 phase scale3p timer elapsed
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:39 POST https://api.easee.com/api/chargers/EH848820/settings
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:39 {"phaseMode":2}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:39 CommandResponse EH848820: {SerialNumber:EH848820 ID:38 Timestamp:2023-07-21 12:12:39.174914 +0000 UTC DeliveredAt:2023-07-21 12:12:39.252 +0000 UTC WasAccepted:true ResultCode:0 Comment: Ticks:638255383591749140}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:39 POST https://api.easee.com/api/chargers/EH848820/commands/pause_charging
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:39 {"device":"EH848820","commandId":48,"ticks":638255383598437380}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:40 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:39 +0000 UTC) PHASE_MODE 2
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:40 CommandResponse EH848820: {SerialNumber:EH848820 ID:48 Timestamp:2023-07-21 12:12:39.843738 +0000 UTC DeliveredAt:2023-07-21 12:12:39.861 +0000 UTC WasAccepted:true ResultCode:0 Comment: Ticks:638255383598437380}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:41 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:39 +0000 UTC) DYNAMIC_CHARGER_CURRENT 0
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:41 phase timer inactive
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:41 switched phases: 3p @ 8061W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:41 pv charge current: 22.9A = 16A + 6.91A (-4770W @ 3p)
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:41 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:40 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 52
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:41 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:40 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_CONNECTED 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:41 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:40 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_CURRENT 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:41 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:40 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_CHARGING 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:41 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:40 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:42 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:41 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 3.6480000019073486
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:42 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:41 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 0.7559999823570251
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:42 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:41 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 3.640000104904175
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:43 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:41 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 3.640000104904175
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:44 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:43 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 235.04600524902344
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:44 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:43 +0000 UTC) LEDMODE 21
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:47 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:46 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:47 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:46 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 0.8460000157356262
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:47 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:46 +0000 UTC) CHARGER_OP_MODE 2
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:47 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:46 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:47 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:46 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 0.8460000157356262
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:47 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:46 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_PHASE 0
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:49 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:49 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:49 charger status: A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:50 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:48 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 0.7889999747276306
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:59 charge currents: [0.846 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:59 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:59 charger status: B
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/07/21 14:12:59 stop charging <-
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:59 wake-up timer: start
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:59 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:59 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:59 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:59 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:59 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:12:59 pv charge current: 11.9A = 0A + 11.9A (-8209W @ 3p)
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:59 POST https://api.easee.com/api/chargers/EH848820/settings
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:59 {"dynamicChargerCurrent":11}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:00 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:59 +0000 UTC) DYNAMIC_CHARGER_CURRENT 11
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:00 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:59 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_CONNECTED 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:00 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:59 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 100
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:00 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:59 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_IN_QUEUE 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:00 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:59 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 8
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:00 CommandResponse EH848820: {SerialNumber:EH848820 ID:48 Timestamp:2023-07-21 12:12:59.453284 +0000 UTC DeliveredAt:2023-07-21 12:12:59.402 +0000 UTC WasAccepted:true ResultCode:0 Comment: Ticks:638255383794532840}
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:00 max charge current: 11A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:01 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 5
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:01 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_IN_QUEUE 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:01 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) NUMBER_OF_CARS_CHARGING 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:01 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 78
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:01 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L3 11
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:01 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 11
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:01 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L2 11
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:02 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_4 85.73999786376953
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:02 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_5 90.25800323486328
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:02 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) CHARGER_OP_MODE 3
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:02 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 90.01100158691406
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:02 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_CURRENT 11
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:02 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:00 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_PHASE 30
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:06 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:05 +0000 UTC) LEDMODE 22
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:06 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:05 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 8.225000381469727
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:06 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:05 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 2.8529999256134033
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:06 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:05 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 8.225000381469727
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:06 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:05 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 0.621999979019165
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:07 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:06 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_4 232.4949951171875
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:07 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:06 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 235.29600524902344
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:07 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:06 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_5 240.1999969482422
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:08 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:08 charge power: 622W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:09 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:09 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:09 charger status: A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:11 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:10 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 9.942000389099121
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:12 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:11 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 9.670000076293945
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:12 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:11 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 2.2709999084472656
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:12 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:11 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 9.902000427246094
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:18 charge power: 2271W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:19 charge currents: [9.9 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:19 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:19 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] INFO 2023/07/21 14:13:19 start charging ->
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:19 wake-up timer: stop
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:19 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:19 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:19 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:19 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:19 pv charge current: 19.7A = 11A + 8.69A (-5999W @ 3p)
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:19 POST https://api.easee.com/api/chargers/EH848820/settings
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:19 {"dynamicChargerCurrent":16}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:20 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:19 +0000 UTC) DYNAMIC_CHARGER_CURRENT 16
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:20 CommandResponse EH848820: {SerialNumber:EH848820 ID:48 Timestamp:2023-07-21 12:13:19.217246 +0000 UTC DeliveredAt:2023-07-21 12:13:19.252 +0000 UTC WasAccepted:true ResultCode:0 Comment: Ticks:638255383992172460}
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:20 max charge current: 16A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:20 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:19 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 25
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:23 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:22 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 78
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:23 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:22 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L2 16
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:23 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:22 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 16
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:23 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:22 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_CURRENT 16
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:23 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:22 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L3 16
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:23 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 2.5920000076293945
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:23 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 11.086000442504883
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:23 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 11.87399959564209
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:23 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 11.87399959564209
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:28 charge power: 2592W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:29 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:29 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:29 charger status: A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:29 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:28 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 14.657999992370605
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:29 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:28 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 14.656000137329102
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:29 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:28 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 3.382999897003174
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:13:29 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:28 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 14.656000137329102
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:38 charge power: 3383W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:39 charge currents: [14.7 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:39 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:39 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:39 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:39 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:39 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:39 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:39 pv charge current: 22.3A = 16A + 6.3A (-4344W @ 3p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:48 charge power: 3383W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:49 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:49 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:49 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:58 charge power: 3383W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:59 charge currents: [14.7 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:59 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:59 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:59 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:59 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:59 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:59 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:59 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:13:59 pv charge current: 36A = 16A + 20A (-4598W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:08 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:08 charge power: 3383W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:09 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:09 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:09 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:18 charge power: 3383W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:19 charge currents: [14.7 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:19 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:19 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:19 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:19 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:19 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:19 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:19 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:19 pv charge current: 34.1A = 16A + 18.1A (-4168W @ 1p)
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:23 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L2 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:23 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L3 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:23 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 5.321000099182129
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:24 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:23 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 5.321000099182129
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:25 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:24 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 0.8230000138282776
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:25 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:24 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 3.3450000286102295
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:27 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:26 +0000 UTC) LEDMODE 21
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:28 charge power: 823W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:29 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:29 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:29 charger status: A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:29 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:28 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 0.9909999966621399
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:30 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:29 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 0.6740000247955322
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:30 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:29 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_4 0.6710000038146973
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:30 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:29 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_5 2.0980000495910645
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:30 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:29 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 0.009999999776482582
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:30 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:29 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 1.3209999799728394
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:30 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:29 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:30 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:29 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_PHASE 10
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:30 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:29 +0000 UTC) CHARGER_OP_MODE 2
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:34 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:33 +0000 UTC) CHARGER_OP_MODE 3
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:35 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:34 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 235.45799255371094
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:38 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:37 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 2.924999952316284
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:39 charge currents: [2.92 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:39 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:39 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:39 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:39 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:39 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:39 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:39 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:39 pv charge current: 34.6A = 4.92A + 29.7A (-6820W @ 1p)
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:39 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:38 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 2.924999952316284
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:39 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:38 +0000 UTC) LEDMODE 22
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:39 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:38 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 3.243000030517578
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:39 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:38 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 14.545999526977539
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:43 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:42 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 14.63599967956543
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:44 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:43 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 14.63599967956543
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:48 charge power: 3243W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:49 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:49 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:49 charger status: A
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:53 POST https://streams.easee.com/hubs/chargers/negotiate
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 {"negotiateVersion":0,"connectionId":"VMaBFovzEyLfaWqnGFIilQ","availableTransports":[{"transport":"WebSockets","transferFormats":["Text","Binary"]},{"transport":"ServerSentEvents","transferFormats":["Text"]},{"transport":"LongPolling","transferFormats":["Text","Binary"]}]}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 11:53:10 +0000 UTC) CABLE_LOCKED true
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 11:50:40 +0000 UTC) SMART_CHARGING true
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:33 +0000 UTC) CHARGER_OP_MODE 3
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:08:20 +0000 UTC) SESSION_ENERGY 1.7682266235351562
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 11:55:03 +0000 UTC) CELL_RSSI -83
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:38 +0000 UTC) TOTAL_POWER 3.243000030517578
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 11:55:17 +0000 UTC) WI_FI_RSSI -65
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:00:00 +0000 UTC) ENERGY_PER_HOUR 5.4573259353637695
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 04:50:06 +0000 UTC) LOCAL_RSSI -44
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:15 +0000 UTC) DYNAMIC_CIRCUIT_CURRENT_P1 40
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:29 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_PHASE 10
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:15 +0000 UTC) DYNAMIC_CIRCUIT_CURRENT_P2 40
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:15 +0000 UTC) DYNAMIC_CIRCUIT_CURRENT_P3 40
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:10:18 +0000 UTC) TEMP_MAX 40
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:01 +0000 UTC) SOFTWARE_RELEASE 313
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:01 +0000 UTC) CHARGER_RAT 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:38 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T2 14.545999526977539
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) LOCK_CABLE_PERMANENTLY false
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:07 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T4 0.008999999612569809
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:42 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T3 14.63599967956543
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:10:18 +0000 UTC) IN_VOLT_T2_T3 228.31900024414062
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:07 +0000 UTC) IN_CURRENT_T5 0.009999999776482582
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:38 +0000 UTC) LEDMODE 22
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:22 +0000 UTC) OUTPUT_CURRENT 16
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:10:18 +0000 UTC) IN_VOLT_T2_T4 231.18299865722656
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:22 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 16
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:10:18 +0000 UTC) IN_VOLT_T2_T5 237.0019989013672
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 09:02:48 +0000 UTC) CABLE_RATING 20
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:43 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L1 14.63599967956543
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:19 +0000 UTC) DYNAMIC_CHARGER_CURRENT 16
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:23 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L2 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:13:22 +0000 UTC) REASON_FOR_NO_CURRENT 78
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:14:23 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_ALLOCATED_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L3 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:08 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L2 0.008999999612569809
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) MAX_CURRENT_OFFLINE_FALLBACK_P1 20
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:11:08 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_TOTAL_PHASE_CONDUCTOR_CURRENT_L3 0.009999999776482582
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:24 +0000 UTC) WI_FI_APENABLED false
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:14 +0000 UTC) ERROR_CODE 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:00:00 +0000 UTC) LIFETIME_ENERGY 12.052905
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) MAX_CURRENT_OFFLINE_FALLBACK_P2 20
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:06.422 +0000 UTC) CONNECTED_TO_CLOUD true
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) MAX_CURRENT_OFFLINE_FALLBACK_P3 20
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:15 +0000 UTC) ObservationID(219) 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) SMART_BUTTON_ENABLED false
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:14 +0000 UTC) DERATING_ACTIVE false
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) IS_ENABLED true
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_MAX_CURRENT_P1 20
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:30 +0000 UTC) AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED false
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:01 +0000 UTC) WI_FI_SSID Casa
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) ENABLE_IDLE_CURRENT false
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:14 +0000 UTC) DETECTED_POWER_GRID_TYPE 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_MAX_CURRENT_P2 20
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:00 +0000 UTC) LOCAL_NODE_TYPE 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) CIRCUIT_MAX_CURRENT_P3 20
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:39 +0000 UTC) PHASE_MODE 2
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:00 +0000 UTC) LOCAL_PARENT_ADDR_OR_NUM_OF_NODES 1
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:30 +0000 UTC) LOCAL_AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED false
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:00 +0000 UTC) LOCAL_RADIO_CHANNEL 5
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:30 +0000 UTC) ALLOW_OFFLINE_TX_FOR_UNKNOWN_ID true
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:00 +0000 UTC) LOCAL_SHORT_ADDRESS 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:30 +0000 UTC) LOCAL_PRE_AUTHORIZE_ENABLED true
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:07.647851 +0000 UTC) CHARGING_SCHEDULE 
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:30 +0000 UTC) LOCAL_AUTHORIZE_OFFLINE_ENABLED true
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:03 +0000 UTC) MAX_CHARGER_CURRENT 32
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:55:07 +0000 UTC) CHARGER_OFFLINE_REASON 0
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:14:54 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 06:50:31 +0000 UTC) LED_STRIP_BRIGHTNESS 25
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:58 charge power: 3243W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:59 charge currents: [14.6 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:59 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:59 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:59 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:59 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:59 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:59 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:59 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:14:59 pv charge current: 36A = 16A + 20A (-4598W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:08 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:08 charge power: 3243W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:09 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:09 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:09 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:18 charge power: 3243W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:19 charge currents: [14.6 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:19 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:19 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:19 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:19 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:19 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:19 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:19 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:19 pv charge current: 37.2A = 16A + 21.2A (-4878W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:28 charge power: 3243W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:29 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:29 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:29 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:38 charge power: 3243W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:39 charge currents: [14.6 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:39 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:39 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:39 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:39 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:39 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:39 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:39 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:39 pv charge current: 37.2A = 16A + 21.2A (-4887W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:48 charge power: 3243W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:49 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:49 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:49 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:58 charge power: 3243W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:59 charge currents: [14.6 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:59 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:59 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:59 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:59 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:59 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:59 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:59 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:15:59 pv charge current: 37.6A = 16A + 21.6A (-4972W @ 1p)
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:15:59 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:15:58 +0000 UTC) OUT_VOLT_PIN1_3 232.42599487304688
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:08 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:08 charge power: 3243W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:09 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:09 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:09 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:18 charge power: 3243W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:19 charge currents: [14.6 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:19 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:19 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:19 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:19 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:19 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:19 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:19 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:19 pv charge current: 38.2A = 16A + 22.2A (-5110W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:28 charge power: 3243W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:29 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:29 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:29 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:38 charge power: 3243W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:39 charge currents: [14.6 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:39 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:39 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:39 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:39 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:39 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:39 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:39 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:39 pv charge current: 38.5A = 16A + 22.5A (-5175W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:48 charge power: 3243W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:49 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:49 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:49 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:58 charge power: 3243W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:59 charge currents: [14.6 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:59 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:59 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:59 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:59 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:59 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:59 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:59 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:16:59 pv charge current: 38.7A = 16A + 22.7A (-5217W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:08 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:08 charge power: 3243W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:09 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:09 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:09 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:18 charge power: 3243W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:19 charge currents: [14.6 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:19 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:19 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:19 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:19 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:19 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:19 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:19 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:19 pv charge current: 37.9A = 16A + 21.9A (-5026W @ 1p)
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:28 charge power: 3243W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:29 charge currents: [0.01 0.009 0.011]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:29 charge total import: 62.700kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:29 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:38 charge power: 3243W
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:39 charge currents: [14.6 0.009 0.01]A
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:39 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:39 charge total import: 12.053kWh
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:39 charger status: C
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:39 soc estimated: 40.00% (vehicle: 40.00%)
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:39 vehicle soc: 40%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:39 vehicle soc limit: 80%
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:39 vehicle range: 174km
[lp-2  ] DEBUG 2023/07/21 14:17:39 pv charge current: 37.1A = 16A + 21.1A (-4862W @ 1p)

What type of operating system are you running?

Docker container



andig commented 1 year ago

Wo wäre der Fehler im Log?

andig commented 1 year ago

Dein MQTT PW ist verbrannt

ministryofsillywalks commented 1 year ago

Dein MQTT PW ist verbrannt

mist und ich dachte ich hätte alle Dinge ersetzt :(

ministryofsillywalks commented 1 year ago

Wo wäre der Fehler im Log?

14:12:39 will er zurück zu 3P (glaube ich)

14:13:59 merkt er das er auf 1P ist und bleibt dann auch da

ein error gibt es nicht, aber das system springt einfach nicht zurück auf 3P

premultiply commented 1 year ago

Das nächste mal einfach: evcc dump --cfg

andig commented 1 year ago

Es wird auf 3p geschaltet:

[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:39 POST https://api.easee.com/api/chargers/EH848820/settings
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:39 {"phaseMode":2}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:39 CommandResponse EH848820: {SerialNumber:EH848820 ID:38 Timestamp:2023-07-21 12:12:39.174914 +0000 UTC DeliveredAt:2023-07-21 12:12:39.252 +0000 UTC WasAccepted:true ResultCode:0 Comment: Ticks:638255383591749140}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:39 POST https://api.easee.com/api/chargers/EH848820/commands/pause_charging
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:39 {"device":"EH848820","commandId":48,"ticks":638255383598437380}
[easee ] TRACE 2023/07/21 14:12:40 ProductUpdate EH848820: (2023-07-21 12:12:39 +0000 UTC) PHASE_MODE 2

Warum das Auto keine 3p konsumiert ist unklar.