evcc-io / evcc

Sonne tanken ☀️🚘
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Solar-mode starts charging directly after phase-switch without check for enough solar-power #9564

Closed Gi2elher closed 1 year ago

Gi2elher commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug


Situation: plugged in the cable in the evening with battery fully charged but no solar power from the roof. after a couple of minutes the phase-switch counter switched from 3 phases to 1 - but started charging.

The log does not show it I think - I will raise the log level and monitor the system...

Steps to reproduce

  1. 3P set from last charge
  2. Solar mode is default
  3. Cable plugged in in the evening
  4. Counter for phase switch 1P starts but without charging
  5. Phase switch 3 >> 1 happens after countdown
  6. Charging starts immediately even without enough solar power from the roof

Configuration details

  # schema is the HTTP schema
  # setting to `https` does not enable https, it only changes the way URLs are generated
  schema: http
  # host is the hostname or IP address
  # if the host name contains a `.local` suffix, the name will be announced on MDNS
  # docker: MDNS announcements don't work. host must be set to the docker host's name.
  host: docker.home
  # port is the listening port for UI and api
  # evcc will listen on all available interfaces
  port: 7070

interval: 10s # control cycle interval

# database configuration for persisting charge sessions and settings
# database:
#   type: sqlite
#   dsn: <path-to-db-file>

# sponsor token enables optional features (request at https://sponsor.evcc.io)
sponsortoken: *****

# telemetry enables aggregated statistics
# Telemetry allows collecting usage data (grid and green energy, charge power).
# Data is aggregated, no individual charging sessions are tracked. The collected,
# anonymous data can be retrieved using https://api.evcc.io.
# See https://github.com/evcc-io/evcc/pull/4343 or details.
# For time being, this is only available to sponsors, hence data is associated with
# the sponsor token's identity.
telemetry: true

plant: 780a6ea792954233cd3fe791a3b2f7a1ebd5493f8ec33787085b0b4326786965

# log settings
log: error
  site: error
  lp-1: error
  lp-2: trace
  cache: error
  db: error
  modbus: error

# modbus proxy for allowing external programs to reuse the evcc modbus connection
# each entry will start a proxy instance at the given port speaking Modbus TCP and
# relaying to the given modbus downstream device (either TCP or RTU, RS485 or TCP)
  #  - port: 5200
  #    uri: solar-edge:502
  #    # rtu: true
  #    # readonly: true

# meter definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning meters to site and loadpoints
# for documentation see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/devices/meters modpoll -m tcp -p 502 -a 001 -t 3 -0 -1 -c 16 -r 9600
  - name: my_grid
    type: template
    template: fox-ess-h3
    usage: grid
    modbus: rs485tcpip
    id: 247
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port 

  - name: my_pv
    type: template
    template: fox-ess-h3
    usage: pv
    modbus: rs485tcpip
    id: 247
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port 

  - name: my_battery
    type: template
    template: fox-ess-h3
    usage: battery
    modbus: rs485tcpip
    id: 247
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port 

# charger definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning charger to vehicle
# for documentation see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/devices/chargers
  - name: keba
    type: template
    template: keba-modbus
      #host: # IP-Adresse oder Hostname 
    modbus: tcpip
    id: 41
    port: 502
# vehicle definitions
# name can be freely chosen and is used as reference when assigning vehicle to loadpoint
# for documentation see https://docs.evcc.io/docs/devices/vehicles
  - name: polestar
    type: template
    title: Polestar 2 LRDM
    template: offline
    capacity: 82 # kWh
    #user: myuser # user
    #password: mypassword # password
    #vin: WREN...
    #onIdentify: # set defaults when vehicle is identified
    #  mode: pv # enable PV-charging when vehicle is identified
    #  minSoc: 20 # immediately charge to 0% regardless of mode unless "off" (disabled)
    #  targetSoc: 90 # limit charge to 90%
  - name: audi
    type: template
    template: audi
    title: Q4 50 etron quattro
    #user: # Benutzerkonto (bspw. E-Mail Adresse, User Id, etc.)
    #password: # Passwort des Benutzerkontos (bei führenden Nullen bitte in einfache Hochkommata setzen)
    #vin: WAUZZZ... # Erforderlich, wenn mehrere Fahrzeuge des Herstellers vorhanden sind (Optional)
    capacity: 77 # Akkukapazität in kWh (Optional)   

# site describes the EVU connection, PV and home battery
  title: Home # display name for UI
    grid: my_grid # grid meter
      - my_pv # list of pv inverters/ meters
      - my_battery # list of battery meters
  residualPower: 200 # additional household usage margin
  prioritySoc: 60 # give home battery priority up to this soc (empty to disable)
  bufferSoc: 80 # ignore home battery discharge above soc (empty to disable)
  maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging: 50 # ignore battery charging if AC consumption is above this value
  smartCostLimit: # set cost limit for automatic charging in PV mode

# loadpoint describes the charger, charge meter and connected vehicle
  - title: Carport # display name for UI
    charger: keba # charger
    # meter: my_pv # charge meter
    mode: "pv" # set default charge mode, use "off" to disable by default if charger is publicly available
    # vehicle: car1 # set default vehicle (disables vehicle detection)
    resetOnDisconnect: true # set defaults when vehicle disconnects
    phases: 0 # electrical connection (normal charger: default 3 for 3 phase, 1p3p charger: 0 for "auto" or 1/3 for fixed phases)
    minCurrent: 6 # minimum charge current (default 6A)
    maxCurrent: 16 # maximum charge current (default 16A)

    # remaining settings are experts-only and best left at default values
    priority: 0 # relative priority for concurrent charging in PV mode with multiple loadpoints (higher values have higher priority)
      # polling defines usage of the vehicle APIs
      # Modifying the default settings it NOT recommended. It MAY deplete your vehicle's battery
      # or lead to vehicle manufacturer banning you from API use. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
        # poll mode defines under which condition the vehicle API is called:
        #   charging: update vehicle ONLY when charging (this is the recommended default)
        #   connected: update vehicle when connected (not only charging), interval defines how often
        #   always: always update vehicle regardless of connection state, interval defines how often (only supported for single vehicle)
        mode: charging
        # poll interval defines how often the vehicle API may be polled if NOT charging
        interval: 60m
      estimate: true # set false to disable interpolating between api updates (not recommended)
    enable: # pv mode enable behavior
      delay: 1m # threshold must be exceeded for this long
      threshold: 0 # grid power threshold (in Watts, negative=export). If zero, export must exceed minimum charge power to enable
    disable: # pv mode disable behavior
      delay: 5m # threshold must be exceeded for this long
      threshold: 0 # maximum import power (W)
    guardDuration: 5m # switch charger contactor not more often than this (default 5m)

# tariffs are the fixed or variable tariffs
  currency: EUR # three letter ISO-4217 currency code (default EUR)
    # either static grid price (or price zones)
    type: fixed
    price: 0.294 # EUR/kWh
    # # or variable via tibber
    # type: tibber
    # token: "476c477d8a039529478ebd690d35ddd80e3308ffc49b59c65b142321aee963a4" # access token
    # homeid: "cc83e83e-8cbf-4595-9bf7-c3cf192f7d9c" # optional if multiple homes associated to account

    # # or variable via awattar
    # type: awattar
    # region: de # optional, choose at for Austria
    # rate for feeding excess (pv) energy to the grid
    type: fixed
    price: 0.08 # EUR/kWh
    # planner tariff can be used for target charging if not grid tariff is specified
    # GrünStromIndex (Germany only) or ElectricityMaps provide CO2 intensity forecast

    # type: grünstromindex
    # zip: <zip>

    # type: electricitymaps
    # uri: <uri>
    # token: <token>
    # zone: DE

# mqtt message broker
  # broker: localhost:1883
  # topic: evcc # root topic for publishing, set empty to disable
  # user:
  # password:

# influx database
  database: evcc
  token: ****
  org: home

# eebus credentials
  # uri: # :4712
  # interfaces: # limit eebus to specific network interfaces
  # - en0
  # certificate: # local signed certificate, required, can be generated via `evcc eebus-cert`
  #   public: # public key
  #   private: # private key

# push messages
    start: # charge start event
      title: Charge started
      msg: Started charging in "${mode}" mode
    stop: # charge stop event
      title: Charge finished
      msg: Finished charging ${chargedEnergy:%.1fk}kWh in ${chargeDuration}.
    connect: # vehicle connect event
      title: Car connected
      msg: "Car connected at ${pvPower:%.1fk}kW PV"
    disconnect: # vehicle connected event
      title: Car disconnected
      msg: Car disconnected after ${connectedDuration}
    soc: # vehicle soc update event
      title: Soc updated
      msg: Battery charged to ${vehicleSoc:%.0f}%
    guest: # vehicle could not be identified
      title: Unknown vehicle
      msg: Unknown vehicle, guest connected?
  # - type: pushover
  #   app: # app id
  #   recipients:
  #   - # list of recipient ids
  # - type: telegram
  #   token: # bot id
  #   chats:
  #   - # list of chat ids
  # - type: email
  #   uri: smtp://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/?fromAddress=<from>&toAddresses=<to>
  # - type: ntfy
  #   uri: https://<host>/<topics>
  #   priority: <priority>
  #   tags: <tags>

Log details

[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:18 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:18 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:28 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:28 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:28 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:38 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:38 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:38 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:48 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:48 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:48 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:58 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:58 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:34:58 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:18 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:18 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:18 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:19 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:19 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:19 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:28 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:28 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:28 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:28 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:38 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:38 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:38 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:38 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:48 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:48 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:48 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:48 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:58 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:58 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:58 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:35:58 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:36:08 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:36:08 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:36:08 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:36:08 charger status: A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:36:18 charge power: 0W
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:36:18 charge currents: [0 0 0]A
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:36:18 charge total import: 946.812kWh
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/08/25 10:36:18 charger status: A
[main  ] INFO 2023/08/25 10:36:31 evcc 0.119.0
[main  ] INFO 2023/08/25 10:36:31 using config file: /etc/evcc.yaml
[main  ] ERROR 2023/08/25 10:36:31 creating vehicle audi failed: cannot create vehicle 'template': cannot create vehicle 'etron': missing credentials
[site  ] ERROR 2023/08/27 10:13:12 pv 1 power: add[0]: read failed: dial tcp i/o timeout

What type of operating system are you running?




Hstrohi commented 1 year ago

Same behaviour here, since updating to versions 18 and higher.

andig commented 1 year ago

Could you please try 0.119.2 in a few minutes?

Gi2elher commented 1 year ago

Could you please try 0.119.2 in a few minutes?

I can install the docker image in the afternoon and try it - currently it is charging 3P but I will try to simulate the trigger for the counter, xyz.

Hstrohi commented 1 year ago

After upgrading the behaviour still exists in my environment. Pluged-in the car and charging startet on one phase while consuming most of the power from battery. Please send a short note, if you need any details or logs, please let me know.

Gi2elher commented 1 year ago

Yep, still there - I noticed that I see 2 counters now. First the counter for switching phase 3P >> 1P and then a counter "not enough solar power" but when this 2nd counter ends it still charges with 1.4 KW.

GrimmiMeloni commented 1 year ago

Just for clarity. The problem is not the battery usage, but the fact that charging starts at all. Correct?

Hstrohi commented 1 year ago

The problem, as far as I can see, is that evcc is thinking there is still enough solar power and starts and afterwards continues charging.

andig commented 1 year ago

@Gi2elher would be nice to have a readable log with all the unrelated influx or modbus. Makes it much easier to see whats going on. Would also really help to have site logged which contains the grid data.

andig commented 1 year ago

From what I can tell the logfile does not show anything related to the actual description. Happy to reopen with a meaningful logfile based on 0.119.2- thank you!

Gi2elher commented 1 year ago

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 charge start energy: 1.02e+03kWh

[lp-1 ] INFO 2023/09/01 08:54:48 car connected

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 vehicle api refresh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 pv timer elapse

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 pv timer inactive

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 charger: guard elapse

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 guard timer inactive

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 available power -197W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 start phase scale1p timer

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 phase scale1p in 5m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.286A (197W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 pv enable timer reset

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:48 pv timer inactive

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:58 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:58 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:58 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:58 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:58 available power -220W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:58 phase scale1p in 4m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:54:58 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.319A (220W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:08 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:08 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:08 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:08 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:08 available power -228W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:08 phase scale1p in 4m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:08 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.33A (228W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:18 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:18 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:18 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:18 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:18 available power -241W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:18 phase scale1p in 4m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:18 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.349A (241W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:28 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:28 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:28 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:28 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:28 available power -246W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:28 phase scale1p in 4m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:28 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.357A (246W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:38 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:38 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:38 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:38 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:38 available power -234W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:38 phase scale1p in 4m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:38 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.339A (234W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:48 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:48 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:48 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:48 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:48 available power -260W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:48 phase scale1p in 4m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:48 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.377A (260W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:58 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:58 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:58 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:58 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:58 vehicle api refresh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:58 available power -253W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:58 phase scale1p in 3m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:55:58 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.367A (253W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:08 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:08 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:08 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:08 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:08 available power -228W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:08 phase scale1p in 3m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:08 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.33A (228W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:18 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:18 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:18 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:18 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:18 available power -221W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:18 phase scale1p in 3m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:18 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.32A (221W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:28 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:28 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:28 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:28 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:28 available power -226W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:28 phase scale1p in 3m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:28 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.328A (226W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:38 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:38 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:38 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:38 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:38 available power -260W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:38 phase scale1p in 3m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:38 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.377A (260W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:48 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:48 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:48 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:48 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:48 available power -235W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:48 phase scale1p in 3m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:48 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.341A (235W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:58 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:58 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:58 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:58 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:58 vehicle api refresh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:58 available power -214W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:58 phase scale1p in 2m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:56:58 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.31A (214W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:08 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:08 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:08 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:08 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:08 available power -241W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:08 phase scale1p in 2m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:08 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.349A (241W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:18 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:18 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:18 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:18 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:18 available power -203W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:18 phase scale1p in 2m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:18 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.294A (203W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:28 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:28 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:28 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:28 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:28 available power -204W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:28 phase scale1p in 2m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:28 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.296A (204W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:38 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:38 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:38 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:38 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:38 available power -277W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:38 phase scale1p in 2m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:38 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.401A (277W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:48 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:48 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:48 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:48 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:48 available power -202W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:48 phase scale1p in 2m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:48 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.293A (202W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:58 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:58 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:58 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:58 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:58 vehicle api refresh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:58 available power -166W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:58 phase scale1p in 1m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:57:58 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.241A (166W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:08 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:08 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:08 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:08 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:08 available power -247W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:08 phase scale1p in 1m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:08 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.358A (247W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:18 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:18 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:18 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:18 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:18 available power -251W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:18 phase scale1p in 1m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:18 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.364A (251W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:28 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:28 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:28 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:28 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:28 available power -244W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:28 phase scale1p in 1m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:28 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.354A (244W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:38 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:38 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:38 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:38 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:38 available power -218W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:38 phase scale1p in 1m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:38 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.316A (218W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:48 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:48 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:48 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:48 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:48 vehicle api refresh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:48 available power -228W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:48 phase scale1p in 1m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:48 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.33A (228W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:58 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:58 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:58 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:58 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:58 available power -186W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:58 phase scale1p in 50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:58:58 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.27A (186W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:08 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:08 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:08 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:08 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:08 available power -212W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:08 phase scale1p in 40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:08 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.307A (212W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:18 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:18 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:18 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:18 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:18 available power -230W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:18 phase scale1p in 30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:18 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.333A (230W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:28 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:28 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:28 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:28 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:28 available power -245W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:28 phase scale1p in 20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:28 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.355A (245W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] INFO 2023/09/01 08:59:37 vehicle updated: unknown -> Q4 50 etron quattro (offline)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:38 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:38 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:38 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:38 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:38 available power -254W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:38 phase scale1p in 10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:38 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.368A (254W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:48 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:48 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:48 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:48 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:48 available power -216W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:48 phase scale1p in 0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:48 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -0.313A (216W @ 3p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:58 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:58 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:58 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:58 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:58 available power -246W < 4140W min 3p threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:58 phase scale1p in 0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:58 phase scale1p timer elapsed

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:58 phase timer inactive

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:58 switched phases: 1p @ -246W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 08:59:58 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -1.07A (246W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:08 charge power: 4W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:08 charge currents: [2.84 0.001 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:08 charge total import: 1019.354kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:08 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:08 charge start energy: 1.02e+03kWh

[lp-1 ] INFO 2023/09/01 09:00:08 start charging ->

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:08 wake-up timer: stop

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:09 pv charge current: 4.82A = 4.84A + -0.0217A (5W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:09 site power 5W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:09 pv disable timer start: 5m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:09 pv disable in 5m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:18 charge power: 1402W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:18 charge currents: [6.01 0 0.001]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:18 charge total import: 1019.358kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:18 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:18 pv charge current: 5A = 6A + -1A (231W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:18 site power 231W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:18 pv disable in 4m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:18 pv disable timer remaining: 4m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:28 charge power: 1403W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:28 charge currents: [6.01 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:28 charge total import: 1019.362kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:28 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:28 pv charge current: 4.87A = 6A + -1.13A (259W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:28 site power 259W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:28 pv disable in 4m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:28 pv disable timer remaining: 4m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:38 charge power: 1405W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:38 charge currents: [6 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:38 charge total import: 1019.366kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:38 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:38 pv charge current: 5.05A = 6A + -0.948A (218W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:38 site power 218W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:38 pv disable in 4m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:38 pv disable timer remaining: 4m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:48 charge power: 1401W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:48 charge currents: [6 0.001 0.001]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:48 charge total import: 1019.370kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:48 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:48 pv charge current: 4.99A = 6A + -1.01A (232W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:48 site power 232W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:48 pv disable in 4m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:48 pv disable timer remaining: 4m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:58 charge power: 1403W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:58 charge currents: [6 0.001 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:58 charge total import: 1019.373kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:58 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:58 pv charge current: 4.95A = 6A + -1.05A (242W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:58 site power 242W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:58 pv disable in 4m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:00:58 pv disable timer remaining: 4m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:08 charge power: 1403W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:08 charge currents: [6 0 0.001]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:08 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:08 charge total import: 1019.377kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:08 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:08 pv charge current: 4.92A = 6A + -1.08A (249W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:08 site power 249W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:08 pv disable in 4m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:08 pv disable timer remaining: 4m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:18 charge power: 1405W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:18 charge currents: [6 0.001 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:18 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:18 charge total import: 1019.381kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:18 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:18 pv charge current: 4.91A = 6A + -1.09A (251W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:18 site power 251W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:18 pv disable in 3m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:18 pv disable timer remaining: 3m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:28 charge power: 1401W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:28 charge currents: [6 0.001 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:28 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:28 charge total import: 1019.385kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:28 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:28 pv charge current: 5.15A = 6A + -0.852A (196W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:28 site power 196W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:28 pv disable in 3m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:28 pv disable timer remaining: 3m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:38 charge power: 1406W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:38 charge currents: [6.01 0.001 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:38 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:38 charge total import: 1019.389kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:38 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:38 pv charge current: 5.08A = 6A + -0.917A (211W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:38 site power 211W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:38 pv disable in 3m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:38 pv disable timer remaining: 3m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:48 charge power: 1403W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:48 charge currents: [6.01 0.001 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:48 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:48 charge total import: 1019.393kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:48 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:48 pv charge current: 5.03A = 6A + -0.974A (224W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:48 site power 224W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:48 pv disable in 3m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:48 pv disable timer remaining: 3m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:48 pv disable timer remaining: 3m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:58 charge power: 1406W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:58 charge currents: [6.01 0 0.001]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:58 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:58 charge total import: 1019.397kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:58 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:58 pv charge current: 4.61A = 6A + -1.39A (319W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:58 site power 319W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:58 pv disable in 3m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:01:58 pv disable timer remaining: 3m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:08 charge power: 1402W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:08 charge currents: [6.01 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:08 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:08 charge total import: 1019.401kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:08 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:08 pv charge current: 5.04A = 6A + -0.961A (221W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:08 site power 221W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:08 pv disable in 3m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:08 pv disable timer remaining: 3m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:18 charge power: 1402W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:18 charge currents: [6.01 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:18 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:18 charge total import: 1019.405kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:18 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:18 pv charge current: 5.07A = 6A + -0.935A (215W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:18 site power 215W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:18 pv disable in 2m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:18 pv disable timer remaining: 2m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:28 charge power: 1403W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:28 charge currents: [6.01 0 0.002]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:28 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:28 charge total import: 1019.409kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:28 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:28 pv charge current: 5.07A = 6A + -0.935A (215W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:28 site power 215W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:28 pv disable in 2m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:28 pv disable timer remaining: 2m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:38 charge power: 1431W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:38 charge currents: [6.06 0.001 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:38 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:38 charge total import: 1019.413kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:38 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:38 pv charge current: 4.96A = 6A + -1.04A (240W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:38 site power 240W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:38 pv disable in 2m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:38 pv disable timer remaining: 2m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:48 charge power: 1428W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:48 charge currents: [6.06 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:48 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:48 charge total import: 1019.416kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:48 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:48 pv charge current: 5A = 6A + -1A (230W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:48 site power 230W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:48 pv disable in 2m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:48 pv disable timer remaining: 2m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:58 charge power: 1432W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:58 charge currents: [6.06 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:58 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:58 charge total import: 1019.420kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:58 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:58 pv charge current: 5.04A = 6A + -0.961A (221W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:58 site power 221W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:58 pv disable in 2m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:02:58 pv disable timer remaining: 2m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:08 charge power: 1428W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:08 charge currents: [6.05 0.001 0.001]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:08 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:08 charge total import: 1019.424kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:08 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:08 pv charge current: 5.12A = 6A + -0.878A (202W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:08 site power 202W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:08 pv disable in 2m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:08 pv disable timer remaining: 2m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:18 charge power: 1433W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:18 charge currents: [6.06 0 0.001]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:18 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:18 charge total import: 1019.428kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:18 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:18 pv charge current: 5.04A = 6A + -0.957A (220W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:18 site power 220W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:18 pv disable in 1m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:18 pv disable timer remaining: 1m50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:28 charge power: 1430W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:28 charge currents: [6.05 0 0.002]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:28 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:28 charge total import: 1019.432kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:28 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:28 pv charge current: 5A = 6A + -1A (230W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:28 site power 230W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:28 pv disable in 1m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:28 pv disable timer remaining: 1m40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:38 charge power: 1433W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:38 charge currents: [6.06 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:38 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:38 charge total import: 1019.436kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:38 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:38 pv charge current: 5.03A = 6A + -0.965A (222W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:38 site power 222W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:38 pv disable in 1m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:38 pv disable timer remaining: 1m30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:48 charge power: 1435W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:48 charge currents: [6.05 0 0.001]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:48 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:48 charge total import: 1019.440kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:48 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:48 pv charge current: 5.09A = 6A + -0.913A (210W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:48 site power 210W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:48 pv disable in 1m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:48 pv disable timer remaining: 1m20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:58 charge power: 1438W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:58 charge currents: [6.06 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:58 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:58 charge total import: 1019.444kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:58 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:58 pv charge current: 5.06A = 6A + -0.939A (216W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:58 site power 216W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:58 pv disable in 1m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:03:58 pv disable timer remaining: 1m10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:08 charge power: 1433W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:08 charge currents: [6.05 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:08 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:08 charge total import: 1019.448kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:08 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:08 pv charge current: 4.98A = 6A + -1.02A (235W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:08 site power 235W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:08 pv disable in 1m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:08 pv disable timer remaining: 1m0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:18 charge power: 1433W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:18 charge currents: [6.06 0.001 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:18 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:18 charge total import: 1019.452kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:18 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:18 pv charge current: 3.04A = 6A + -2.96A (680W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:18 site power 680W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:18 pv disable in 50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:18 pv disable timer remaining: 50s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:28 charge power: 1403W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:28 charge currents: [6.02 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:28 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:28 charge total import: 1019.456kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:28 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:28 pv charge current: 5.05A = 6A + -0.948A (218W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:28 site power 218W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:28 pv disable in 40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:28 pv disable timer remaining: 40s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:38 charge power: 1403W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:38 charge currents: [6.02 0.001 0.001]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:38 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:38 charge total import: 1019.460kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:38 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:38 pv charge current: 4.87A = 6A + -1.13A (259W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:38 site power 259W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:38 pv disable in 30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:38 pv disable timer remaining: 30s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:48 charge power: 1402W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:48 charge currents: [6.04 0 0.001]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:48 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:48 charge total import: 1019.464kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:48 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:48 pv charge current: 3.67A = 6A + -2.33A (537W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:48 site power 537W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:48 pv disable in 20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:48 pv disable timer remaining: 20s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:58 charge power: 1403W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:58 charge currents: [6.04 0.001 0.001]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:58 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:58 charge total import: 1019.468kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:58 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:58 pv charge current: 3.18A = 6A + -2.82A (649W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:58 site power 649W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:58 pv disable in 10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:04:58 pv disable timer remaining: 10s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:08 charge power: 1402W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:08 charge currents: [6.02 0.001 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:08 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:08 charge total import: 1019.472kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:08 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:08 pv charge current: 4.93A = 6A + -1.07A (246W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:08 site power 246W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:08 pv disable in 0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:08 pv disable timer remaining: 0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 charge power: 1402W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 charge currents: [6.02 0.001 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 detected active phases: 1p

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 charge total import: 1019.476kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 charger status: C

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 pv charge current: 5.15A = 6A + -0.848A (195W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 site power 195W >= 0W disable threshold

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 pv disable in 0s

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 pv disable timer elapsed

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 charger disable

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:18 wake-up timer: stop

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:28 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:28 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:28 charge total import: 1019.476kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:28 charger status: B

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:28 final charge energy: 0.122kWh

[lp-1 ] INFO 2023/09/01 09:05:28 stop charging <-

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:28 pv timer reset

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:28 pv timer inactive

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:28 charge total import: 1019.476kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:28 pv charge current: 0A = 0A + -1.04A (239W @ 1p)

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:38 charge power: 0W

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:38 charge currents: [0 0 0]A

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:38 charge total import: 1019.476kWh

[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2023/09/01 09:05:38 charger status: B

Gi2elher commented 1 year ago

Behavior with 0.119.2:

For about 5 minutes in between the car was charged after switching to one phase.

Gi2elher commented 1 year ago

@Gi2elher would be nice to have a readable log with all the unrelated influx or modbus. Makes it much easier to see whats going on. Would also really help to have site logged which contains the grid data.

changing the log details now for the site-details. The behavior in 0.119.2 is better but still I think there is just a check for enough power missing after switching from 3 to 1 - just guessing ;)

andig commented 1 year ago

Still need a full debug log including site please.