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Vehicle shows as disconnected #9874

Closed toleabivol closed 1 year ago

toleabivol commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

I added a vehicle, Nissan Leaf ZE1 2018, via evcc cli and checked it in the yaml file - looks good. When I run ./evcc --log trace I can see the call to the vehicle API and the 200 response. When I run ./evcc vehicle after a few seconds I see the real car results But in the UI it shows as disconneceted.


Note: I did not setup the charger/wallbox yet, and just added a random IP for it, so I ignore those errors in the log.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add vehicle
  2. start evcc
  3. Check in the UI that vehicle shows as disconnected

Configuration details

# open evcc at http://evcc.local:7070
  schema: http
  host: evcc.local # .local suffix announces the hostname on MDNS
  port: 7070

log: debug
  cache: error

# unique installation id
plant: ***

interval: 30s # control cycle interval


- type: custom
  name: grid
    source: mqtt
    topic: deye/ac/total_power
    source: mqtt
    topic: deye/total_energy
    - source: mqtt
      topic: deye/ac/l1/current
    - source: mqtt
      topic: deye/ac/l2/current
    - source: mqtt
      topic: deye/ac/l3/current

- type: custom
  name: pv1
    source: mqtt
    topic: deye/dc/pv1/power
- type: custom
  name: pv2
    source: mqtt
    topic: deye/dc/pv2/power

- type: custom
  name: battery
    source: mqtt
    topic: deye/battery/soc
    source: mqtt
    topic: deye/battery/power
  capacity: 9.6

- type: template
  template: go-e-v3
  name: wallbox

- type: template
  template: carwings
  title: Nissan Leaf 2018
  icon: car
  user: ***
  password: ***
  vin: ***
  capacity: 40
  phases: 1
  cache: 15m
  mode: pv
  minSoc: 20
  targetSoc: 80
  minCurrent: 6
  maxCurrent: 32
  name: nissan

- title: Garage
  charger: wallbox
  mode: pv
  phases: 3
  mincurrent: 6
  maxcurrent: 32
  resetOnDisconnect: true
  vehicle: nissan

  title: My home
    grid: grid
      - pv1
      - pv2
      - battery
  residualPower: 100

  currency: EUR # (default EUR)
    # static grid price
    type: fixed
    price: 0.3246 # [currency]/kWh

    # rate for feeding excess (pv) energy to the grid
    type: fixed
    price: 0.082 # [currency]/kWh
    type: grΓΌnstromindex
    zip: ***

Log details

./evcc --log trace
[main  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:21 evcc 0.119.5 (42e6f54e)
[main  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:21 using config file: /home/tolea/evcc/evcc.yaml
[main  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:21 starting ui and api at :7070
[db    ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:21 using sqlite database: /home/tolea/.evcc/evcc.db
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name="settings" -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ("table","index") AND tbl_name = "settings" AND sql IS NOT NULL order by type = "table" desc 1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT * FROM `settings` LIMIT 1 -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT * FROM `settings` 17 <nil>
[mqtt  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:21 connecting evcc-784334122 at tcp://
[mqtt  ] DEBUG 2023/09/14 12:22:21 tcp:// connected
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name="devices" -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name="device_details" -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name="configs" -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ("table","index") AND tbl_name = "configs" AND sql IS NOT NULL order by type = "table" desc 1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT * FROM `configs` LIMIT 1 -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name="config_details" -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ("table","index") AND tbl_name = "config_details" AND sql IS NOT NULL order by type = "table" desc 2 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT * FROM `config_details` LIMIT 1 -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table" AND tbl_name = "config_details" AND (sql LIKE "%CONSTRAINT \"fk_configs_details\" %" OR sql LIKE "%CONSTRAINT fk_configs_details %" OR sql LIKE "%CONSTRAINT `fk_configs_details`%" OR sql LIKE "%CONSTRAINT [fk_configs_details]%" OR sql LIKE "%CONSTRAINT     fk_configs_details  %") -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "index" AND tbl_name = "config_details" AND name = "idx_unique" -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table" AND tbl_name = "config_details" AND (sql LIKE "%CONSTRAINT \"fk_devices_details\" %" OR sql LIKE "%CONSTRAINT fk_devices_details %" OR sql LIKE "%CONSTRAINT `fk_devices_details`%" OR sql LIKE "%CONSTRAINT [fk_devices_details]%" OR sql LIKE "%CONSTRAINT     fk_devices_details  %") -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table" AND tbl_name = "config_details" AND (sql LIKE "%\"device_id\" %" OR sql LIKE "%device_id %" OR sql LIKE "%`device_id`%" OR sql LIKE "%[device_id]%" OR sql LIKE "%   device_id   %") -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT * FROM `configs` WHERE `configs`.`class` = 2 ORDER BY id 0 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 SELECT * FROM `configs` WHERE `configs`.`class` = 1 ORDER BY id 0 <nil>
[go-e  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:21 GET
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:26 SELECT * FROM `configs` WHERE `configs`.`class` = 3 ORDER BY id 0 <nil>
[carwings] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:26 POST https://gdcportalgw.its-mo.com/api_v200413_NE/gdc/InitialApp_v2.php
[carwings] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:27 initial_app_str=***
[carwings] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:27 POST https://gdcportalgw.its-mo.com/api_v200413_NE/gdc/UserLoginRequest.php
[carwings] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:33 Password=***&RegionCode=NE&UserId=***&initial_app_str=***
[go-e  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:33 GET
[mqtt  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:36 recv deye/dc/pv1/power: '1861.0'
[mqtt  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:36 recv deye/dc/pv2/power: '2306.0'
[mqtt  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:36 recv deye/total_energy: '2312.8'
[mqtt  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:36 recv deye/battery/power: '-3521.0'
[mqtt  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:36 recv deye/battery/soc: '67.0'
[mqtt  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:36 recv deye/ac/total_power: '9.0'
[mqtt  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:36 recv deye/ac/l1/current: '0.7'
[mqtt  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:36 recv deye/ac/l2/current: '0.1'
[mqtt  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:36 recv deye/ac/l3/current: '0.5'
[gsi   ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:38 GET https://api.corrently.io/v2.0/gsi/prediction?zip=***
[gsi   ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:38 {"support":"If you have any question please contact ... }
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:38 SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name="sessions" -1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:38 SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ("table","index") AND tbl_name = "sessions" AND sql IS NOT NULL order by type = "table" desc 1 <nil>
[db    ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:38 SELECT * FROM `sessions` LIMIT 1 -1 <nil>
[site  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38 site config:
[site  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38   meters:      grid βœ“ pv βœ“ battery βœ“
[site  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38     grid:      power βœ“ energy βœ“ currents βœ“
[site  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38     pv 1:      power βœ“ energy βœ— currents βœ—
[site  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38     pv 2:      power βœ“ energy βœ— currents βœ—
[site  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38     battery 1: power βœ“ energy βœ— currents βœ— soc βœ“ capacity βœ“
[site  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38   vehicles:
[site  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38     vehicle 1: range βœ“ finish βœ— status βœ“ climate βœ“ wakeup βœ—
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38 loadpoint 1:
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38   mode:        pv
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38   charger:     power βœ“ energy βœ“ currents βœ“ phases βœ— wakeup βœ—
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38   meters:      charge βœ“
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38     charge:    power βœ“ energy βœ“ currents βœ“
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/09/14 12:22:38 phase timer inactive
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/09/14 12:22:38 pv timer inactive
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/09/14 12:22:38 guard timer inactive
[lp-1  ] INFO 2023/09/14 12:22:38 vehicle updated: unknown -> Nissan Leaf 2018
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/09/14 12:22:38 set charge mode: pv
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/09/14 12:22:38 set min current: 6
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/09/14 12:22:38 set target soc: 80
[lp-1  ] DEBUG 2023/09/14 12:22:38 set max current: 32
[go-e  ] TRACE 2023/09/14 12:22:38 GET
[lp-1  ] ERROR 2023/09/14 12:22:43 charger: Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout
[site  ] DEBUG 2023/09/14 12:22:43 ----

What type of operating system are you running?




StefanSchoof commented 1 year ago

Disconnect means, that your car is not connected to the wallbox and when your charger is not configured this is expected.

StefanSchoof commented 1 year ago

@naltatis This misunderstanding I seen several times. Any good idea how to improve the UX here?

toleabivol commented 1 year ago

I see - ok , I was expecting this kind of response . Though I was expecting to see the SOC of vehicle or something that would show that the car API responded.

Then it is ok to close this unless you want to use it for tracking UX improvement.

StefanSchoof commented 1 year ago

The default poll mode is charging. So the soc is not polled when disconnected: https://docs.evcc.io/en/docs/reference/configuration/loadpoints/#pollmode

andig commented 1 year ago

Der Verbindungsstatus im UI kommt von der Wallbox, nicht vom Auto...