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T2 Ships in Character Skills Tab #180

Closed Nutbolt52 closed 9 years ago

Nutbolt52 commented 9 years ago

When viewing a Character and looking at the Character Skills tab we have this lovely table of ships they can fly.

Please make it so it includes T2 ships as well.

Thank you :)

Also, as another thought, perhaps when you hover over the skill level for each ship class and race it displays a tooltip of what ships that covers. I.E. I hover over Amarr Battleship III in the table and a tooltip appears saying I can fly an Abaddon, Armageddon and Apoc.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Putting specialized Spaceship Skills like "Assault Frigate" (and so on) to the 'info matrix' on the right may will make it a bit messed up in my opinion and it is already on that skill page, perhaps it is better to put an link to the long list below the info matrix.

Regarding the flyable ships (ISIS for the Web), it would be great to have something like that on the roadmap, you even could extend it at some far point to get all possible pilots who could use a specific corp / alliance doctrine fit, but does this then still fit into the Skill tab ?

Nutbolt52 commented 9 years ago

Or another thought to address this concern is seperate the table into t1 and t2. But IMO it's not an issue about messiness because it's a useful thing. Let's be honest anyone using seat is likely going to be able to fly at least 1 t2 ship.

-------- Original message -------- From: LunarchildEU Date:08/13/2014 3:30 PM (GMT+00:00) To: eve-seat/seat Cc: Adam Jackson Subject: Re: [seat] T2 Ships in Character Skills Tab (#180)

Putting specialized Spaceship Skills like "Assault Frigate" (and so on) to the 'info matrix' on the right may will make it a bit messed up in my opinion and it is already on that skill page, perhaps it is better to put an link to the long list below the info matrix.

Regarding the flyable ships (ISIS for the Web), it would be great to have something like that on the roadmap, you even could extend it at some far point to get all possible pilots who could use a specific corp / alliance doctrine fit, but does this then still fit into the Skill tab ?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/eve-seat/seat/issues/180#issuecomment-52055978.

ghost commented 9 years ago

What about something like that..


Nutbolt52 commented 9 years ago

The first number, what is it? If its like frigate V, do you not need this for all t2 ships (the ship size skill) to V?

Overall I like it, but I feel there is perhaps a better way to display it than just adding 'T2:' but to be honest I can't think how.

Not sure what I prefer for the order. Should they be at the bottom of the list, or mixed in with the other ships, i.e. frigate, then t2 frigs, dessies, then t2 dessies.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Correct. first is intended to be the Racial Ship Skill and the other the Specialization, because this way one can see which is missing some skilling time.

That T2 prefixing can be removed,

Nutbolt52 commented 9 years ago

Ah ok that makes sense then and a nice idea having them on there :) I assume that was test data because how did you get assault ship 3 without the frig skill.

IMO they should have some designation they are T2, perhaps those rows have a faint grey background or something? Not sure what, but IMO something to make them stand out, T2 ships are cool!

eve-seat commented 9 years ago

Nice poc @LunarchildEU :) I am a little worried that the 2 numbers beside each other may be perceived as a little confusing? Would it seem strange to only have the specialization level there for the T2? I mean, as far as I have it, all T2 will need a L5 T1 skill anyways (I think blink *blink), so a 9 if they don't have it is still correct?

My 2c ;p

Nutbolt52 commented 9 years ago

Perhaps if the ordering was in ship sizes for t1 and t2. So t2 frigates were directly below t1 frigate skill. Then there's a more obvious correlation between the two skills and you can still easily see what level they have the racial skill to?

ghost commented 9 years ago

My first intention for this has the background that you can actually let a character train Assault Frigates to III without having trained the respective Frigate Skill to level V, which could lead into one may could assume he can fly an Assault Frigate.

The table showing the skills is using the DataTable extension for sorting. Problem here was that it raises an warning if it gets one cell spanning over four column (DataTable is not able to handle colspan attribute). Right now I came up with a few hidden cells carrying the same data to produce a working table structure for DataTable, so it suppresses the behaviour.

Right now it is ordering the T2 under the T1 and if one clicks on one of the races sorting is possible.

The current result is this: image

Or another thought, because it is race independent, it may can use the whole row to be displayed like this: image

eve-seat commented 9 years ago

I like the spanned display for all races :) But, how about tabbing it? We can have the Core stuff in one tab like we have now and a new Tech 2 tab for T2 stuff?

I derped and didn't realize you can inject Assault Frigates with only Spaceship Command III =/


Maybe we can say ok, Assault Frigates I is there, but do a lookup to find a matching racial L5 and warn accordingly? Sounds like lots of effort but thanks for this so far @LunarchildEU : D

ghost commented 9 years ago

Have done some basic tabbing stuff according this list:

I also added the Amarr Strategic Destroyer, so one having this skill trained should see the level, the remaining open point is the warning if one has not yet the other ship skill to 5.

eve-seat commented 9 years ago

Awesome! Are you just going to tease us now or will be get a screenshot? :D