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[BUG] Pagination display on Notifications page not working #347

Closed Nutbolt52 closed 9 years ago

Nutbolt52 commented 9 years ago

When viewing all notifications at the bottom of the page the pagination doesn't display correctly.

1.) It doesn't calculate the total number of notifications (give us the option to delete a notification so this doesn't get silly?)

2.) When you change page it doesn't update the entries. See screenshot below


eve-seat commented 9 years ago

So the 1 to 50 of 50 entries is data tables telling you how many there are in the current view. Datatables has not idea of what is going on in the backend as this is purely client side.

Nutbolt52 commented 9 years ago

This is completely pointless having it as its just giving false information :)

FYI datatables does allow for server side shit. Which would give you accurate numbers etc... (but I wouldn't have a clue how to even start implementing it into SeAT).

eve-seat commented 9 years ago

Definitely not useless nor giving false information if you are filtering using the client side search on the top right.
