evemondevteam / evemon

A lightweight, easy-to-use standalone Windows application designed to assist you in keeping track of your EVE Online character progression.
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After "Extracting" SkillPoints from a character, EVEMon keeps using the prior amount. #11

Open realdognose opened 8 years ago

realdognose commented 8 years ago

Just extracted 40 Million Skillpoints from a not used character. (down to 5.5 Mio now) - Evemon still displays 45.5 Mio SPs even after several days.

realdognose commented 8 years ago

Also the "Skill-Overview" keeps displaying "totaly drained Categories" with their Prior amount of "Millions of skillpoints". (And Levels)

realdognose commented 8 years ago

Version 3.0.2

olegstrutinskii commented 7 years ago

Have same issue with my toon.

I dont know from wich source EVEMon gets numbers for "Total SP" field, but seems https://api.eveonline.com/char/Skills.xml.aspx is fully screwed, this XML holds outdated skill list. URL: https://api.eveonline.com/char/CharacterSheet.xml.aspx - in same time has an outdated information on skills.

In total we have wrong information from EVE XML API, seems CCP did not want to change how XML API works, better use CREST API for getting "live" information on SP.

realdognose commented 7 years ago

After a pretty Long time the Skillpoints have updated. I extracted a few more SPs for testing purpose 3 days ago, which still isn't updated by now.

So, even if the API-Documentation says that the CacheTimer for those pages is 1 hour, it seems to be way longer, I cannot yet say how long exactly.

So Eve-Mon is picking up the changes correctly. Question would just be if the API has a Long Cache, or if EVEMon (internally) does not respect the Fetch-Times defined in the Options. (Set everything to 1 hour)

mindforger commented 7 years ago

so my char isn't updating at all, is there a way to dump my current API xml to check my API by hand?

FireCulex commented 7 years ago

This isn't an EVEMON problem as far as I can tell because other websites have the same issue. Every week something gets updated on the server side of things that correct this. I recently extracted skills and it took 3-4 days to show up in EVEMON.