evenstensberg / structe

Front End Architecture Tool
MIT License
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Feature: Hide configurations in root folder #1

Open evenstensberg opened 1 year ago

evenstensberg commented 1 year ago

It would be nice if configuration files, webpack, prettier, eslint, cspell, rollup etc could be hidden from the root path of a project. Either fixed by moving files to a configuration folder or by having these configurations hosted elsewhere and require them in memory.

CasperSocio commented 1 year ago

It's possible to put these configs in package.json

evenstensberg commented 1 year ago

Yes some configurations could be hosted in package.json, but having a configuration file is really handy. We just need to figure a way to keep configurations somewhere else than root folder (due that project root will be very full of configuration files). Maybe in a folder and spawning a process with cwd as exectuable path.