It seems that, if you have "inlineSourceMap": true in your tsconfig, this means that your source maps are embedded directly within the generated JavaScript files as a data URI rather than being written out as separate .map files. This can be helpful in some cases, but it might cause issues if you're also using external source maps (sourcemap: true in tsup), leading to confusion in your debugger.
Besides that, linked only index.ts to include in bundle only used files (so not e.g. benchmarks).
It seems that, if you have "inlineSourceMap": true in your tsconfig, this means that your source maps are embedded directly within the generated JavaScript files as a data URI rather than being written out as separate .map files. This can be helpful in some cases, but it might cause issues if you're also using external source maps (sourcemap: true in tsup), leading to confusion in your debugger.
Besides that, linked only index.ts to include in bundle only used files (so not e.g. benchmarks).