event-driven-robotics / event-driven-demos

A collection of demos show-casing event-driven cameras and technologies
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iCub MED-ical 10/3/2023 #8

Closed arrenglover closed 1 year ago

arrenglover commented 1 year ago

@LZC-68 , @stefanochi , @arrenglover, @lunagava, @ejanotte, @gaurvigoyal, @algarianna,




stefanochi commented 1 year ago

I had some issues updating the software on iCub-head. yarp seems to fail when running make in superbuild. I don't know what could be the cause of the problem. It is using the latest superbuild release: v2023.02.0 Weirdly, the build works when it from the laptop.

Screenshot from 2023-03-10 16-19-04