If you don't want to push changes right now, it tries to open a PR anyway:
➜ soa_proxy_service git:(master) invoke release
Invoke Release 4.4.3
Releasing Legacy SOA Transition Proxy Service...
Current version: 1.32.0
Would you like to enter changelog details for this release? (Y/n/exit):
Would you like to gather commit messages from recent commits and add them to the changelog? (Y/n/exit):
According to the changelog message the next version should be `1.32.1`. Do you want to proceed with the suggested version? (Y/n)
The release has not yet been committed. Are you ready to commit it? (Y/n):
Releasing Legacy SOA Transition Proxy Service version: 1.32.1
M soa_proxy_service/version.py
Switched to a new branch 'invoke-release-master-1.32.1'
[invoke-release-master-1.32.1 0229889] Released Legacy SOA Transition Proxy Service version 1.32.1
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Push release changes to remote origin (branch "invoke-release-master-1.32.1")? (y/N/rollback):
Not pushing changes to remote origin!
Make sure you remember to explicitly push invoke-release-master-1.32.1 (or revert your local changes if you are trying to cancel)! You can push with the following command:
git push origin invoke-release-master-1.32.1:invoke-release-master-1.32.1
ERROR: Could not open Github PR
You're almost done! The release process will be complete when you create a pull request and it is merged.
If you don't want to push changes right now, it tries to open a PR anyway:
That should not happen.