eventespresso / ee4-events-calendar

Event Espresso Calendar addon (for EE4+)
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Status and future of this addon #1

Closed jonathan-dejong closed 6 years ago

jonathan-dejong commented 9 years ago


I've been talking with you guys on your supportforum about this addon and it's layout and functionality. In it's present state using it as a sidebar widget is pretty horrible. If you have a few events per week it quickly becomes insanely high compared to it's width and the hovering over and event is a bit buggy.

Do you have any plans to refactor how this addon looks, overall or just for the widget? I linked you to how Events calendar have done it (demo here: http://wpshindig.com/event-widgets/) which takes up much less space and looks good even on smaller screens.

I was given access to this repo since I considered doing this myself. But at the same time I'm not sure you'd be comfortable with me writing such a major refactoring.

tn3rb commented 9 years ago

Although there have been many discussions regarding the EE Calendar, ranging from minor updates to fully rewriting everything, there are currently no set plans in the works as we have other important addons such as Multi-Event Registration, Promotions, etc that have been occupying our time.

One of the big hurdles to doing anything with our calendar is it's reliance on the FullCalendar JS library, and the lack of anything better, short of writing our own.

As well, we have been slowly working on developing a third party marketplace for selling addons developed by others directly through Event Espresso. It isn't anywhere near completion, but we are always willing to promote other's addons on our site and through communications we send out to our customers. So that may be something you would be interested in if you do end up developing your own Calendar options.

jonathan-dejong commented 9 years ago

Hi Brent,

That's sad news for me while I fully understand your reasons. I've used FullCalendar myself to create custom interactive calendars and I agree that it's the best solution out there.

In my head I have this idea of creating a single minimalistic dummy-event in the calendar for a date where there are one or more events. And save the ID of each event on that date on the single dummy-event for use when clicking the event.

A marketplace for third party devs would probably be a good idea. With just one client I've created at least 3-4 plugins which with a little tinkering could be applied to any site using EE.

mnelson4 commented 9 years ago

Hey FYI Jonathan: we have a code snippet using full calendar with the EE4 REST API:http://developer.eventespresso.com/tutorial/ee4-json-rest-api-code-samples/ (the second code sample in that page). If you look at the code you'll see it's quite simple: the API handles fetching the data, and full calendar takes care of most of the js and HTML. If you have some coding time, I'd suggest having a dot for each date with an event, they when clicked brings up a popup that shows the events on that date. Or whatever you like.

jonathan-dejong commented 9 years ago

Hi Nelson,

Yepp that's almost the way I've imagined it too. A dot signalling the presence of one or more events on the single date and on click it would either bring up a modal/lightbox/popup or spit out a list below the calendar itself.

If you think it'd be easier for me to use the rest API for interaction with EE I will definitely take that to heart!

mnelson4 commented 9 years ago

The REST API is good to use when the code you're writing is executing on a separate server or in the javascript. You may decide to just do everything in server-side PHP in which case the API isn't necessary: just query the database directly. But ya, I think for a javascript calendar that will be getting populated as the user changes months, you may as well use the API instead of writing custom ajax responses (we probably would have done that with the calendar too, but it was written way before the EE4 API got finished). Let us know how it goes.

tn3rb commented 9 years ago


here's a link to the soon to be published third party addons page on the EE website: http://eventespresso.com/third-party-addons/ it won't work for you now, but check back every once and awhile.. I'll also try to remember to ping you when it's public so that you can submit your addons.