Closed sgodkin closed 8 years ago
Here's a query that uses our demo site to find events before August 4th 2016 @ 11 pm.[Datetime.DTT_EVT_start][]=<&where[Datetime.DTT_EVT_start][]=2016-08-04T23:00:00&include=Datetime
So you need to switch "Event.DTT_EVT_start" with "Datetime.DTT_EVT_start"; and I think switch ">" for "<" to get events BEFORE the specified date
Here is the full url I'm sending using chrome postman. This is a fresh install of wordpress and EE decaf, a sandbox install to play around with. I only have 2 events, one starts 2016-05-14T08:00:00 and the other 2016-06-15T19:00:00. I'm looking to see events starting on May 15th or later so it should return only 1 event but always returns 2. I've tried numerous syntaxes but none seem to do any filtering.
aha, you're using the EE4 REST API addon. Ya it didn't handle dates properly. Since we put the EE4 REST API in our main event espresso plugin, that addon has been deprecated.
So I'd suggest
if you're on WP 4.4 or higher, then you can immediately send queries to the EE4 REST API included in EE core. Then you can use the following query:[Datetime.DTT_EVT_start][]=>&where[Datetime.DTT_EVT_Start][]=2016-05-15T00:00:00&include=Datetime
Make sense?
Awesome, that was the issue.
I'm missing a fundamental piece of the puzzle around JSON querying. The JSON response returns the value "datetimes", but when I'm querying I can't use "datetimes" in the where condition but need to use "Datetime". The only reason I know to use Datetime is because I've seen examples online. Is there a document somewhere that explains this and any related info? Thanks for your help.
e.g. [ { ... "_calculated_fields": {}, "datetimes": [ <=================== { "DTT_ID": 1, "DTT_name": "", ...
yeah here's the documentation:
specifically is probably the most helpful. Basically, in the querystring always use capitalized the related model names; but in the url or response entities, use lowercase and pluralize when there could be more than one item in the collection
I'm trying to query events after a particular date. I'm using Chrome Postman for a proof of concept and can filter by other columns, but filtering by event start date seems to always return everything. As a side note, the documentation references a section that lists entities but I can't find it. My goal is to find all the events after a start date sorted in order of start date.
As suggested in an earlier email the url I'm calling is:
It's returning events that started prior to 2017. This is likely a syntax issue but I'm getting nowhere. Help!