eventespresso / grunt-wp-plugin-buildmachine

A grunt based library that provides a "build machine" for WordPress plugins.
MIT License
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Review and Verify Translations Build for PHP and JS Files #8

Open tn3rb opened 4 years ago

tn3rb commented 4 years ago

see: https://github.com/eventespresso/event-espresso-core/pull/2770

Previously for the EDTR, we were loading the babel-plugin-makepot as a dev dependency which would build translations for our JS files. That doesn't appear to be necessary anymore, and the functionality of that plugin has been moved into WP-CLI.

We need to confirm that the EE buildmachine correctly adds translated strings in JS files to the .pot files as well as the JSON files required for Gutenberg.

plz see: https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/developers/internationalization/