eventhorizon5 / skyscraper

The Skyscraper Project (Skyscrapersim) - an open source building, city, and elevator simulator
GNU General Public License v2.0
28 stars 7 forks source link

Recent crashes #50

Closed eventhorizon5 closed 1 month ago

eventhorizon5 commented 1 month ago

I crash was reported recently, and when looking into it, another crash issue was found. The one I found is related to, when an elevator is deleted, the wall objects crash after purging polygons and doing a Prepare(). I've tried to fix this, but still need to go deeper into the code.

The reported one:

"Its on any building when I manually open the elevator doors, then press the elevator call button, and noclip into the elevator shaft. After the manual door open function completes, then it crashes."

*** Unhandled Exception
   ExpCode: 0xC0000005
   ExpFlags: 0
   ExpAddress: 0x57E466E6

SymInit: Symbol SearchPath: '.', symOptions: 530,

OS Version: 6.2.9200 ()

Loading symbols...

Call stack:
C:\skyscraper\src\sbs\elevator.cpp (3157): SBS::Elevator::IsIdle
C:\skyscraper\src\sbs\controller.cpp (415): SBS::DispatchController::ProcessRoutes
C:\skyscraper\src\sbs\controller.cpp (71): SBS::DispatchController::Loop
C:\skyscraper\src\sbs\object.cpp (585): SBS::Object::LoopChildren
C:\skyscraper\src\sbs\object.cpp (585): SBS::Object::LoopChildren
C:\skyscraper\src\sbs\sbs.cpp (586): SBS::SBS::Loop
C:\skyscraper\src\frontend\enginecontext.cpp (179): Skyscraper::EngineContext::Run
C:\skyscraper\src\frontend\skyscraper.cpp (2421): Skyscraper::Skyscraper::RunEngines
C:\skyscraper\src\frontend\skyscraper.cpp (1061): Skyscraper::Skyscraper::Loop
C:\skyscraper\src\frontend\mainscreen.cpp (181): Skyscraper::MainScreen::OnIdle
00007FFD48AD3884 (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxAppConsoleBase::CallEventHandler
00007FFD48BD71AF (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxEvtHandler::ProcessEventIfMatchesId
00007FFD48BD6D7C (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxEventHashTable::HandleEvent
00007FFD48BD804D (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxEvtHandler::TryHereOnly
00007FFD48BD7113 (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent
00007FFD48BD7C2A (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxEvtHandler::SafelyProcessEvent
00007FFD40DC0307 (wxmsw32u_core_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxWindowBase::SendIdleEvents
00007FFD40CCE06A (wxmsw32u_core_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxAppBase::ProcessIdle
00007FFD48B099C9 (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxEventLoopBase::ProcessIdle
00007FFD48B09795 (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxEventLoopManual::DoRun
00007FFD48B09A4A (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxEventLoopBase::Run
00007FFD48AD61B7 (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxAppConsoleBase::MainLoop
00007FFD48B59F1C (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxEntryReal
00007FFD48C36458 (wxbase32u_vc_custom): (filename not available): wxEntry
C:\skyscraper\src\frontend\skyscraper.cpp (182): main
D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (288): __scrt_common_main_seh
00007FFDA5AF7374 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFDA5D3CC91 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart

Simulator State Dump
Platform: Windows x86 64-bit
Renderer: OpenGL
Frontend version:
SBS version:
Instance number: 1
Building Name: One World Trade Center
Building Filename: 1WTC II Milestone 2.bld
Building Version: Milestone 2
InStairwell: false
InElevator: false
InShaft: true
CameraFloor: 41
ElevatorNumber: 1
CarNumber: 1
ElevatorSync: false
Running Time: 88.17
BuildingsEnabled: true
ExternalEnabled: true
LandscapeEnabled: true
SkyboxEnabled: true
Verbose: false
InterfloorOnTop: false
Object Count: 127049
Camera Floor: 41
Camera Position: -6.63, 568.50, -10.17
eventhorizon5 commented 1 month ago

The reported issue has been fixed.

eventhorizon5 commented 1 month ago

The original crash issue has been fixed.