I'm using this project to manipulate an avatar, but this full tracking function does not work well.
As far as I see your wiki and paper, Quick Unity VR component should automatically detects VIVE trackers and allocates suit object.
I've run "Tutorial 00 Hello World" with UNITY2021.3.2f1 and OpenXR.
What should I do anything else?l
Does it need OpenXR profiel for VIVE tracker? (I added below just in case)
Hi I'm using this project to manipulate an avatar, but this full tracking function does not work well. As far as I see your wiki and paper, Quick Unity VR component should automatically detects VIVE trackers and allocates suit object. I've run "Tutorial 00 Hello World" with UNITY2021.3.2f1 and OpenXR. What should I do anything else?l Does it need OpenXR profiel for VIVE tracker? (I added below just in case) https://forum.unity.com/threads/htc-vive-tracker-profile-not-available-as-interaction-profile.1264127/)