eventloop / platicas

Propón una plática para Eventloop
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“Haga en directo!” con ObservableHQ, una platforma gratis por el creador de D3.js #151

Closed pcarleton closed 4 years ago

pcarleton commented 4 years ago


ObservableHQ es un cuaderno de Javascript que es estupendo para entendiendo data, haciendo visualizaciónes, aprendiendo algoritmos, escribiendo ensayos interactivos y más. Esta platica va a cubrir los basicos de creyendo un cuaderno en la platforma, incluyendo ejercicios que los asistentes pueden seguir en vivo con tus telefonos o laptops.


  1. Por que ObservableHQ
  2. Ejemplos
    1. Sonidos
    2. Arte
    3. Astronomia
    4. Ciencia
  3. Tutorial
    1. “Cells”
    2. Deslizadores
    3. Las dependencias en otros cuadernos
    4. Visualizacion de data
name: Paul Carleton
url: https://twitter.com/paulcarletonjr
pic: https://pcarleton.com/content/images/2018/06/imageedit_1_6032283030.gif
bio: "Desarollador en Stripe, novato por vida"
jmz7v commented 4 years ago

Hi @pcarleton!

Really interesting talk, are you available for presenting next Wednesday?

Both Spanish/English works for us.

Hola Paul!

Una charla realmente interesante, estás disponible para presentarla con la comunidad en nuestro próximo evento? Sería el miércoles 4 de septiembre.

pcarleton commented 4 years ago


Next Wednesday works for me!

jmz7v commented 4 years ago


I'll add you to the line-up, we expect our talks to last around 20 minutes and at the end have a small Q&A section.

If you can send us your slides a day before the talk it can help us have a backup ready for your presentation in case anything fails.

For live coding we recommend setting a really big font size in your editor/examples and using dark text on top of a light or white background, this makes it really easy to see the code for the attendees even from a distance.

The meetup will take place at Platzi's office, at Av. Paseo de la Reforma 373, 20th floor. Doors open at 7:00 pm and we'll start the event at 7:30 pm.

If you have any other doubts or prefer to continue the conversation in private, you can reach me at jmz7v.com@gmail.com

See you there!

pcarleton commented 4 years ago

Hi @jmz7v !

Here are my slides: pcarleton.com/eventloop

I've attached a PDF version too just in case

Hazlo en vivo! con ObservableHQ Paul Carleton Observable.pdf

jmz7v commented 4 years ago

Awesome Paul!

Thank you so much, see you soon.

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 11:40 Paul Carleton notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi @jmz7v https://github.com/jmz7v !

Here are my slides: pcarleton.com/eventloop

I've attached a PDF version too just in case

Hazlo en vivo! con ObservableHQ Paul Carleton Observable.pdf https://github.com/eventloop/platicas/files/3575601/Hazlo.en.vivo.con.ObservableHQ._.Paul.Carleton._.Observable.pdf

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