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Question about config setting(defaultRowPrefetch, defaultBatchValue...) #112

Open ddaeyongee opened 2 years ago

ddaeyongee commented 2 years ago

@cer @dartartem @eventuateio

Hi. I'm taeyong In LG CNS Software Application Architect Unit. Spring has come. Please take care of your health in the changing season. I have one question about config.

I want to increase the performance of linked oracles in the process of mass publishing a specific topic. When I searched related oracle connection properties, these properties exist.

defaultRowPrefetch - the default number of rows to prefetch from the server (default value is "10") defaultBatchValue - the default batch value that triggers an execution request (default value is "10")

So, I applied it to application.properties,


eventuate.cdc.reader.reader.readersample.datasourceUrl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@ eventuate.cdc.reader.reader.readersample.datasourceUsername=test eventuate.cdc.reader.reader.readersample.datasourcePassword=test01 eventuate.cdc.reader.reader.readersample.datasourceDriverClassName=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver eventuate.cdc.reader.reader.readersample.leadershipLockPath=/eventuate/cdc-test/leader/sample eventuate.cdc.reader.reader.readersample.pollingIntervalInMilliseconds=1 eventuate.cdc.reader.reader.readersample.maxEventsPerPolling=1000 eventuate.cdc.reader.reader.readersample.maxAttemptsForPolling=100 eventuate.cdc.reader.reader.readersample.pollingRetryIntervalInMilliseconds=100

eventuate.cdc.pipeline.pipelinesample.type=eventuate-tram eventuate.cdc.pipeline.pipelinesample.eventuateDatabaseSchema=sample eventuate.cdc.pipeline.pipelinesample.sourceTableName=message eventuate.cdc.pipeline.pipelinesample.reader=readersample

eventuate.local.kafka.producer.perperties.buffer.memory=35544320 eventuate.local.kafka.producer.perperties.batch.size=1024000 ... spring.datasource.connection-properties: defaultRowPrefetch=10;defaultBatchValue=10;useFetchSizeWithLongColumn=true

At first, I thought the connectionProperties value was being set but as I fine-tuned the query in SQL Developer (cost went from 3670 to 285 and plan explain went from :10 to :03), the time in the application never fluctuated from the original 15 seconds. Removing the connectionProperties setting had no effect.

So, what I did was this:

DAO class

private List getAllActivitiesJustJDBC() { String query = "select * " + "from activity a, work_order w "

This time, the time it took to fetch 11,115 rows took on average 2 seconds. The key statement is the setFetchSize(1000).

do I need to close the connection or is Spring handling this for me? How can oracle connection-properties be involved in eventuate-cdc behavior? If you have any advice, please reply.

cer commented 2 years ago

I hope all is well with you.

This is how it currently works. A DataSource is created dynamically - not by Spring Boot - for each polling reader:

This is what needs to happen:

One solution would be to add a Map property to ConnectionPoolConfigurationProperties for these DataSourceProperties.

I noticed however that Hikari can read a configuration file. I wonder whether a workaround would be to specified these nested "dataSourceProperties" in the configuration file.