ever-co / ever-gauzy

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[Bug] Starting Timer Does Not work (Error invoking remote method) #7799

Open elo-marciello opened 1 month ago

elo-marciello commented 1 month ago

The start timer Button is a big hit or miss when it comes to working. Half of the time it works and the other times i get this popup which is cut off: Error invoking remote method 'START_TIMER' : Error: No handler registered for 'START_TIMER'

Here is a Picture of how it looks: Gauzy_Desktop_error

Neither Does the Settings icon at the bottom work. And the loading circle spins indefinitely until i restart the program (which not always helps in fixing the issue)

Machine info: Windows 11 Education 22H2 22621.3447 Gauzy Desktop Version: v0.475.9 (the latest one from github) Server Type: Integrated

evereq commented 1 month ago

@elo-marciello 1) did you run full Desktop App or only Desktop Timer App from https://github.com/ever-co/ever-gauzy-desktop-timer? 2) How much RAM your PC has? 3) To what server you connect, one you installed yourself somewhere or to our public API?

Why I ask 3, is that if your net connection is not stable or API server "overloaded" it might not work well yet...

elo-marciello commented 1 month ago
  1. I have the Full desktop App
  2. I have 64Gb of ram
  3. I'm not sure but I'm not that tech savvy and i didn't host anything if you mean doing something on my own. I followed the installation guide and that is it. So probably your public server/api. Also i have a pretty stable optic fiber connection with 100 up and down speeds.
evereq commented 1 month ago

OK, let me explain - if you run FULL desktop app, it can work in few modes - when you connect it to our public SaaS platform (https://app.gauzy.co) or when you run locally EVERYTHING, i.e. DB, API, etc. I don't know which mode you selected during installation of the app.... You can try to setup Desktop Timer App and login into it https://github.com/ever-co/ever-gauzy-desktop-timer (connecting to our live API) and see how it works for you. We have a lot of people using our desktop timer app and not having issues you describe (at least first time I see that message about "No handler registered"... Maybe there is some bug in our full desktop timer app in regards to time tracker, that's why I suggest to try special app (smaller) only for time tracking :)

elo-marciello commented 1 month ago

Okay so I checked, and i was running a integrated server so it was local, now I'll switch to the live option see if the issue is still there and will update you in couple of days.