ever-co / ever-gauzy

Ever® Gauzy™ - Open Business Management Platform (ERP/CRM/HRM/ATS/PM) - https://gauzy.co
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Question] failed to add the host (veth571e062) <=> sandbox (veth2fd4146) pair interfaces: cannot allocate memory #7891

Closed weir1 closed 1 week ago

weir1 commented 1 week ago

failed to create endpoint dejavu on network ever-gauzy_overlay: failed to add the host (veth571e062) <=> sandbox (veth2fd4146) pair interfaces: cannot allocate memor

I have pelnty of ram left root@docker2:/home/apps/ever/ever-gauzy# free -h total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 21Gi 2.8Gi 12Gi 70Mi 6.1Gi 18Gi Swap: 5.0Gi 0.0Ki 5.0Gi

evereq commented 1 week ago

@weir1 can you explain a bit more what you trying to do? I can't really understand it from error message... What app you try to run? How? etc.

weir1 commented 1 week ago

Hey its solved I created dedicated LXC for it