ever-co / ever-teams

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[Improvement] System should remember the type of the previous task that user created #2600

Open KostyaEver opened 3 weeks ago

KostyaEver commented 3 weeks ago

When the user is about to create a new issue the system should always remember the latest type of issue.

Example: When the user creates the very first issue in the system, must select a type of issue (Epic, Task, Story, Bug)

Note: when the previous is Epic type, it should ask again to select the type for the new issue

if the previous is a task, story, or bug, then the system should simply keep the type of the new task as the previous.

Note: user can easily change the type

Screenshot at Jun 12 15-42-10

Note: we should have also a setting about the "Default" issue TYPE in the Team level (optional)! If that default issue type is set, it should always create a default type issue, no matter what user created before!