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Settings | Team - Create Issue Statuses #930

Open KostyaEver opened 1 year ago

KostyaEver commented 1 year ago
  1. For each Task Status, we need to define how it "maps" to our "Standard Task Status Types". i.e. task status record should have "StandardTaskStatusType" field that can be one of the below values :

    • Backlog
    • TODO
    • In Progress
    • Ready for Review
    • In Review
    • Blocked
    • Done
    • Completed
    • Custom Each of those types above itself have associated 3 boolean fields (hardcoded!):
      • isTodo
      • isInProgress
      • isDone


    • Backlog (isTodo = true, isInProgress = false, isDone = false)
    • TODO (isTodo = true, isInProgress = false, isDone = false)
    • In Progress (isTodo = false, isInProgress = true, isDone = false)
    • Ready for Review (isTodo = false, isInProgress = true, isDone = false)
    • In Review (isTodo = false, isInProgress = true, isDone = false)
    • Blocked (isTodo = false, isInProgress = true, isDone = false)
    • Done (isTodo = false, isInProgress = false, isDone = true)
    • Completed (isTodo = false, isInProgress = false, isDone = true)
    • Custom (isTodo = false, isInProgress = false, isDone = false)
    1. Each Task Status itself also have those 3 fields (isTodo, isInProgress, isDone). For example, we can create Task Status called "Released to Production" which "map" to our Standard Status "Done" (when user create it!). In this case, when such status is created, the fields values for isTodo, isInProgress and isDone are copied from the StandardTaskStatusType record into Task Status record during creation of such status. However, if I create another task status say "Deployed to STAGE", and set Type as "Custom", I can define those 3 fields in the Status itself and that way "override" standard values.
    2. Above mean that essentially those "Standard Task Status Types" are more like "templates" that user can use and override those whatever way they want - give different status name, set different status fields values (isTodo, isInProgress, isDone) and so on
    3. Above also mean that we ALWAYS will store how any status is MAPPED to our "Standard" statuses that were created, however we actually will just use those values that defined on each Status itself without need to ever check how that was mapped to standard types!
    4. In our code, we ONLY should really use those 3 boolean fields to understand how to work with each status in any workflows, e.g. if we want to complete some task, we look for status with "isDone" = true and we know that this is final status in workflow!
    5. We also can use so called "order" of Status (another field) because all statuses will be ordered and we sometimes want to know what is NEXT status after previous status. For example, if first status is TODO, what is next status that is have isInProgress = true (can be MANY such in progress and we want to use first of those!)

Essentially to summarize:

evereq commented 3 months ago

@KostyaEver I think still "Initial" and "Final" are very useful, even with Attributes.

Also, think idea of those "Attributes" is good, but let's just call it "Standard Status". I.e. we will have a predefined list of Standard statuses and people can map custom statuses to our Standard statuses that are "hardcoded" to the list below (or whatever we already have in use in Gauzy, not sure):

So when new status is created, user should select "Standard Status" in dropdown and when we seed task statuses initially we map that so that when user create new team / org / tenant, it's already good to use.

Regarding "Restrict Status 'In Progress' per one task per one assignee (Assignee can not have more than one task with status 'In Progress' in the whole project)" - that is SETTING, it's NOT a requirement for any project / team! I see periodically you making this mistake as to write something like that, but not indicate that it's an optional setting! Please ALWAYS add information if some requirement is optional and can be set for Team / Project (or even for each Member) Settings etc.

Please adjust task description to what I described above, including picture to not confuse developers.

KostyaEver commented 3 months ago

@evereq here I just mentioned point two, we have a separate task that I created 1 year ago for it https://github.com/ever-co/ever-teams/issues/883 so user can select if want enforce or not.

KostyaEver commented 3 months ago

About 'Standart Status' - let's talk a bit.

Let's think that the selected team has task automation ON, and we need to distinguish Passive tasks unstarted (TODO), active that are in progress in (Development, Review, Blocked, Paused) and completed (Ready for Review, Done, Completed) whatever you call it.

so user create status 'Start' that is equivalent of (TODO, Planned etc) we ser 'Standart Status' then we create 'Developing' (like in progress and so on) and set 'Standart Status' then we create 'Delivered' (Done, Completed) and set 'Standart Status'

How engineer should make triggers for statuses? (they have different names, and have the same attribute 'Standart Status')

My point of attributes was that once we set it, the system knows exactly what to do without relying on provided status name @evereq

KostyaEver commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately, it was implemented with mistakes

When a user creates a new Status, should be able to see the Additional dropdown 'Select type' (TODO, In progress, Done) (The screen that was before in the description showed it clearly)

Screenshot at Aug 16 10-31-20

Now, looks like you use the same input for icons for this purpose which is totally wrong. You can see the example Only in EDIT mode.

I would reduce size of 'Name' input and added right after 'Type' dropdown then 'icon' and 'color' - simple

Also 'color' should have should NOT display that strange name, better to display word 'color' instead

Screenshot at Aug 16 10-36-19 Screenshot at Aug 16 10-36-38

Additional I think the button 'Sort' should be aligned in different way when user EDITs one of the Statuses

Screenshot at Aug 16 10-41-49


cc: @evereq

Cedric921 commented 1 month ago

This feature is implemented, but not available now in prod now We have on Task Statuses:

But, you are right, Sort Button should be aligned in different way

Uploading Screen Recording 2024-08-16 at 10.56.42.mov…

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@KostyaEver / @evereq / @GloireMutaliko21