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Live Tracking #2

Open cnvo opened 5 years ago

cnvo commented 5 years ago

Description: Live tracking of Carrier when "Order Status" in "?"

During "Order Info" Fired after Carrier "En Route" ?


evereq commented 5 years ago

@cnvo FYI, we are starting on Carriers real-time Tracking feature, below is description from our internal tasks tracking tool (JIRA... sorry it's a bit mess because it's for internal usage.. still makes sense to share in my opinion). If you have some other ideas we will be glad to hear from you (maybe you saw how others implement that and like to share)!

OK, so we have pages in both Admin and Merchant apps which show a list of carriers.

What we want to add is the ability to see all carriers on the Map in "real-time" (i.e. if carrier location updates in DB, it shows Carrier in a new location).

For "Admin" app, I want to add button "Track" on the Carriers page (probably with some "map" icon near Track text, add a button to the right to "Delete" button and make it some other color):


For Admin, we will need to load ALL carriers who are working right now, but we also need to add a dropdown filter (with search) where the user can select "Merchant" for which we want to show carriers (e.g. I may want to track carriers for Pizza Hit store only). Same way, we need to have another dropdown to select "Carrier" from the list (with search by Carrier name). That is useful if you want to track a specific carrier. Note: changes in dropdown should change URL of the page too, so it's easy to copy / past URL or uses it as a link in other places.

We will also need to add icon "Track" in the Actions column of Carriers table (near info icon), so if the user clicks on it, we show POPUP (not the page!) with Map and the current location of the Carrier (plus customer / Warehouse location if carrier delivering package now). Note: it's not really work in this task because we already have such code and you only need to do popup which reuses that map which we show on Carrier page like this (i.e. no coding required, we already have all that and just want to use it in the popup):


Note: I added task above here because it's related to tracking of carriers and you can look at that code... However this Story other tasks are for tracking of MULTIPLE carriers in general in a single map!

For Merchant app, of course, we need to load ONLY carriers "assigned" to given Store (each "Warehouse" have a list of assigned carriers). In addition, some carriers might not be assigned, but still used for delivery ("shared" carriers) and we want to show such carriers too (probably with different icon color). I.e. you can check which carriers currently deliver orders for the given merchant and show them in addition to assigned carriers.

Note: only "Active" carriers should be shown on the Map, i.e. carriers who enabled and working now. If some carrier is working and in the delivery process, we need to show also his route and the start point (warehouse) and end point (customer), in addition to the current location. (I am not sure if Google maps support routes for multiple carriers, if not let me know and we will implement that route only for the case when single carrier displayed on the page).

Please add button one button "Track" near button "Add Carriers" on this page:


In addition, in the column "Actions" please add text "Track" for each carrier (with icon... add also icons near "Edit" and "Delete" actions please!). Click on such "Track" link should open Popup with the map, similar to how I describe it for Admin (I am not sure if we have this feature in Warehouse app or not... don't forget it's Tablet app, we generally want a different design for it!)

In the merchant app, we will need to have some dropdown where you can quickly search some Carrier by name.

In both apps, click on the carrier icon on Map should show some popup with Carrier Name, Carrier phone, photo and some other details we can display, for example, if carrier is in delivery, we can display from where to where he is going now (and even logo/address of Warehouse and photo/address of the customer and they phones, etc). I.e. such popup should contain ALL information to understand the current situation around given Carrier on the map.

The goal of this feature is to be able to see where currently carriers located and what they are doing (from where to where they going).

P.S. this is the first iteration for such Tracking feature. We most probably will get lots of things wrong, but it will be a good starting point for future improvements!