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Feature requests for Ever® Platforms
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Merchant and Admin: Allow 2nd level properties in products. #43

Open morggansoft opened 4 years ago

morggansoft commented 4 years ago

This feature is about the ability of the merchant/admin to create a basic product and within the product allow the creation of properties to it with configurable limitations to it. And also for the customer (Shop Mobile (Web) ) to allow to select the product and purchase selecting those properties.

An example of this would be to select pizza as the product and a 2nd menu opening enabling to select the taste, say pepperoni, Italian, 4 cheese, etc.

Another example to illustrate the need could be to select a "kebab" and within the product have... say 2 options that can be selected: (1) no onions, (2) no cheese, or maybe both.

Another example is if asked an ice cream as a dessert, selecting ice cream and then enabling to select 2 flavors at most within maybe 10 flavors.

2 hierarchy product creation can now be avoided by creating in the main menu all product combinations, which can be really a lot (between 40 and 100) in some cases so this possibility has reached a natural limitation.

I hope I have managed to illustrate the need without any screenshots.

morggansoft commented 4 years ago

An example of how this could be implemented is showing all products at the same time tabs are shown above to indicate the category the scrolling is navigating. It could be possible to show all categories in tabs, and upon selecting a tab scrolling automátically the to that section fo the product scrolling, and vice versa, when scrolling products the tabs move showing which category we are stepping in.

YavorGrancharov commented 4 years ago

From the above explanation I understood that those 2nd level products should appear somewhere here where we create new product right below Details input with new input collecting tags for taste or some other options connected with the product? InkedVcySOLMTFC_LI And then when we select from existing product to show those options from which the customer can choose from with functionality for the store to change their availability? InkedNp1uqpygv4_LI Any additional info will be really helpful!

morggansoft commented 4 years ago

In the add product it woud be better to select the 2nd order products below the category selection. That is because subproducts would be better if tied to the product category. Only subproducts belonging to that category should be shown and selected. Also take into account not all products will have subproducts, only some of them.

In the add product to store, it is ok to show it there, we wonder how would that be shown if a full list of the tree or so and if the product name will be repeated on every row or how.